Great Song Pirate

Chapter 33 The Weird Pirate

Chapter 33 The Weird Pirate

Everything went very smoothly, everything went as smoothly as Xu Yi expected in advance, it only took half a stick of time from catching up with the boat to controlling everyone, without any muddling, and without hurting a life, Xu Yi The advantages of deploying personnel at the beginning were immediately apparent, and Shuimao and Wang Feng also sighed secretly. Although this was only the first time that their original two gangs worked together, they were able to reach such a level. It was really inseparable from Xu Yi's deployment. Open relationship.

After checking the cabin, the ship was hired by merchants who transported cloth and silk to Nanyang. The ship was loaded with cloth and satin, and some porcelain and tea were mixed with it. They were all special products of the Song Dynasty. They should be in short supply after arriving in Nanyang. The merchant on board the ship saw that his goods were gone, he was already crying, beating his chest and feet, and tearing up, while the boatmen and servants were all silent and squatting on the deck with their heads bowed, not daring to One out, for fear of accidentally offending the pirates and losing their lives.

Shuimao and Wang Feng roughly counted the goods. There was a large amount of goods on this big ship. Shuimao asked Xu Yi for instructions. Seeing the crying businessman beating his chest, Xu Yi couldn't help being moved, so he ordered Just take [-]% of the goods, let them transport the rest, and continue to traffic. So these porters got on the ship's plank and carried them in the past. Except for a few usable porcelains, the other goods were taken separately. Thirty percent of the money was transported back to the pirate ship. The water cat was experienced, and he collected some silver and copper coins from the cabin where the people lived, and jumped back to his own ship. The sailor hoisted the sail, and the pirate immediately left the ship's side.

The terrified boatmen and merchants on the big ship couldn't help but feel a little dazed when they saw the pirates retreating to their ships without emptying all the cargo. We brothers, our boss has a kind heart, don’t kill them immediately, and only take [-]% of your goods, and the rest you just take to continue your business, let’s go, man!” Then two pirate ships with skull flags flew away , headed for the distance.

The rest of the people on the big boat looked at each other in blank dismay, as if they were still in a dream. Strange things happen every year, this year alone!Pirates are not uncommon these days, but this is the first time I have seen such pirates. No matter if they don’t kill people, they even leave room for robbery. I have never heard of such kind-hearted pirates these days. The boatman started to tidy up the things on the boat, and the remaining businessman was still acting stupid, with snot and tears running down his face, and he didn’t realize it till now, until the boy under his hand reminded him, he thought of going into the cabin to check his goods He came out of the warehouse after a long time, knelt down on the board of the ship with a plop, and slammed his head three times in the direction the pirate ship was leaving, thanking the pirates for their kindness and not ruining him.

The boss of the boat looked at it and shook his head. Things are really strange these days. He even kowtowed to thank the other party when he was robbed. It’s not that I don’t understand.Afterwards, the businessman told him that although the pirates took away [-]% of the goods, he did not lose money this trip, but only made less money. After these goods arrived in the Nanyang area, their value would at least double, which was better than being robbed of them all. No wonder he is so grateful to those pirates. When a person falls into despair and suddenly finds that there is still a way out, this kind of feeling is beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.

After this smooth robbery operation, the confidence of the pirates on the whole ship suddenly doubled, and they were very excited. Although there were not as many things as before, when they left, they saw the gratitude of those who were robbed. I feel that my conscience is not as uneasy as before. This feeling is very good. It is an experience they have never had before. Anyway, come out once, at worst, come back again, and you can still return with a full reward. It is better than driving people to a dead end. few.

Xu Yi was also sitting on a recliner, drinking the new tea he had just snatched comfortably. He was still very satisfied with this operation, at least he didn't see the scene of blood splattering, this was a good start, at least he didn't Li Bo admired Xu Yi's arrangement even more. It seemed that Xu Yi was really not the kind of cruel and ruthless person.At least that's the case with Xu Junshi.

The boat sailed before dark, and found another large ship alone. The two pirate ships repeated their tricks, and soon got another ticket. This time the ship was mainly loaded with herbs, incense powder, bronze mirrors and other things, obviously It was more than two merchants who joined the boat to go out to sea for business. It seemed that it was a small business. The island lacked medical care and medicine, so it was a good harvest for them. They each take [-]%, some of the top-grade incense powder and the like are taken back and given to the women on the island for use, and the rest are still taken away by them. After the merchants on board thanked them a thousand times, they sailed away.

After working at sea for several days in a row, their boat gradually began to fill up with goods, and the speed of the boat gradually slowed down. Shuimao reckoned that with another round of work, their boat would be full, and everyone Then we can set off to go back to the island. Xu Yi fished leisurely by the boat with a fishing rod. There was no sign of robbery. It was as easy as sailing on a boat. The military division is different from us rough people. He can be so leisurely when he comes out to rob. He really has the demeanor of a general!Xu Yi didn't know what they were thinking. If he knew, he would probably be sweating profusely. It's just that he hasn't fished for a long time. He is the most idle on the boat. , Blind worship kills people!It is estimated that those modern so-called celebrities fart, and those die-hard fans can insist that their farts are delicious, ha ha!
After another day of cruising at sea, all they encountered were some fleets. To be on the safe side, they did not attack brazenly. After all, most fleets sailed with escorts on board. Once they were besieged, they would inevitably suffer losses. Anyway, they were not in a hurry to wait for the rice to cook, just let them go. Shuimao and Wang Feng agreed with Xu Yi's opinion, thinking that Xu Yi attached great importance to the lives of his brothers.

They have already gone far away from Dulong Island, and the water cat reminded Xu Yi: "Military teacher! If we go further, we may enter the territory of Boss Park. Do you think we should continue to move forward?"

(End of this chapter)

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