Great Song Pirate

Chapter 28 Xu Yi is Getting Married

Chapter 28 Xu Yi is Getting Married
The party can be said to completely let go of everyone's scruples and restraints. Everyone continued to make trouble until late at night without any fatigue. What happened made them unable to sleep in panic. It is estimated that these animals will definitely not be able to work hard tomorrow. It is inevitable that some animals will starve all day because of lack of sleep and lack of energy.

When everyone's performances were over and the atmosphere of the party had reached its climax, the red-faced Jin Huo, who was drinking, stood up and saw the boss on the island standing up, as if he wanted to speak. Stopped the noise, pulled those people around who didn't notice, and they all quieted down, everyone gradually focused their attention on Jin Hu, the venue gradually became quiet, only a few people who were already drunk People were talking nonsense or snoring loudly, and everyone else fell silent.

Holding the bowl of wine, Jin Huo said with a smile on his face, "Today! It can be said that this is the happiest day in my life, Jin Huo! Everyone, hold up the wine and make a toast for us to truly become a family!" As he spoke, he raised his neck and drank the wine in the wine bowl in one gulp, and the people below responded loudly and drank all the wine on their hands. They felt so happy!

Someone served Jin Huhu full of wine again, and Jin Huhu said again: "Since everyone is happy today, I also take the opportunity to announce something, that is, I want to announce today that I will marry Jin Yingchun, my daughter of Jin Huhu, to our Junshi Xu." , since we are very happy, let's have a double happiness. I have shown the almanac. Five days later will be a good day. After five days, let's have fun here and get married for the two of them! If everyone Jin Jin for me If the tiger is happy, then drink this bowl with me!" He drank the wine in the wine bowl with a gulp, thinking, I'll act first, and give this son-in-law the title first Besides, to save nights and dreams, even if someone else falls in love with this boy Xu, he can only be a concubine to my son-in-law at most.Talent is rare, and a good son-in-law is even harder to find!What's more, what about such a good son-in-law?
Xu Yi and Yingchun were also waiting for Jin Huo's next words with wine glasses, but Jin Huo unexpectedly announced this matter in front of so many people. The two people who were completely unprepared suddenly became the focus of everyone's attention. The following These people were also unprepared, and they all froze for a moment, and then there was a burst of cheers. Since ancient times, beauties match heroes, and their eldest lady is matched with Master Xu, which is an absolute perfect match. Congratulations to Xu Yi and Yingchun.

Because it happened so suddenly, both Xu Yi and Yingchun were a little dumbfounded. Xu Yi was still thinking about finding someone to propose marriage to Jin Huo, but he didn't expect that Jin Huo would do it first. It seems that he The son-in-law saves trouble, not to mention the work of proposing marriage, and even the dowry gift!So I quickly thanked those who came up to congratulate me, and said in my mouth: "Happy and happy, thank you!"

But Yingchun is still a girl after all, no matter how generous she is, she can't stand this!When he understood it, his face flushed with embarrassment, he stretched out his hand and pinched the old man forcefully, shook his arm and stomped his feet, and said, "Dad! You must have drunk too much! Why...why are you drinking in front of so many people?" Say this in front of me! I... I don’t agree with you! How can you let my daughter see people!"

Tiger Jin is so happy!Deliberately frowned and said: "Oh? Dare I misread it before? It turns out that my daughter didn't like this boy Xu! Then this is bad, then I will immediately announce the cancellation of this marriage!" Jin Huo actually opened the Spring Festival joke.

Yingchun was being ashamed of Liushen Wuzhu at this meeting, her IQ was basically zero, she never thought that her father was deliberately joking, but when she heard that her father said that she wanted to cancel the wedding, she became anxious and said quickly: "No! How can I not?" Willing? I...! Oops! Daddy, you’re dead! You’re not coming!" Yingchun realized that she had been tricked by her daddy in the middle of her speech, and expressed her feelings in front of so many people. So I couldn't stay any longer, turned around like a flying swallow, lifted her skirt, and fled towards the house like a flying swallow. Yingchun is a person with kung fu, and in the midst of embarrassment, there is no need to cover up this. Yingchun floated out like a piece of yellow cloud, even the people here who boasted that they were good at kung fu felt ashamed, how dare they, this young lady, is actually a master!Immediately there was a roar of applause again, Yingchun thought that everyone was making a fuss, she panicked, her foot almost fell into the air, it showed how flustered she was!
Everyone stepped forward to toast Xu Yi one after another, but Xu Yi couldn't refuse, so he had to drink several bowls in a row. Although he can drink quite well, he can't stand such indiscriminate bombardment. The party is not over yet, and he, the host, gets down When I was carried up the mountain to rest, I muttered loudly from the inside: "Happy!...I'm really happy! Our buddies are finally getting married!...We have a wife!..." Jin Huo came from behind roared: "You bastards, sincerely look at my son-in-law's joke, if he drinks something wrong, see if I don't throw you into the sea to feed the fish!" The party finally came to an end under Jin Huo's roar, Dongfang It has begun to gradually turn pale.

In fact, sometimes people want to relax, especially when they are happy. In the past few months here, Xu Yi finally relaxed completely for the first time. In his dream, he returned to his childhood. On the bed, he wiped his face carefully, Xu Yi wept, and whispered to his mother: "Mom! Your son is getting married!..." In his sleep, tears flowed from the corners of Xu Yi's eyes.

A slender figure was sitting beside Xu Yi's bed, gently wiping Xu Yi's face with a wet towel. When she saw the crystal tears flowing from the corner of Xu Yi's eyes, Yingchun couldn't help but be a little crazy.

Since the head of the family wants to marry a daughter, and he is marrying the most witty young talent on the island, Master Xu, naturally it becomes the most important event on the island. He led the establishment of the wedding preparation committee on the island and started busy work. There is no problem with the trumpeters. Someone has already demonstrated their talents in this area the night before. There are no sedan chairs. It doesn’t matter. No, it doesn't matter, the big girls and the little daughter-in-laws on the island work overtime to make it work, the phoenix crown is not a problem, there are several ready-made ones in the cave left by Li Tong.

Ever since Jin Huhu announced her marriage to Xu Yi that night, Yingchun never stepped out of the room. He went to help a woman, but he became an idler because he was going to get married. Several leaders on the island agreed that it would not be easy to go out to rob these few days. My buddies go everywhere to drink, gamble, and make out. I'm afraid there is only one person on this island who is not happy about this. After being exposed to the sun for three days, this kid peeled off a layer of skin. This time he still has the prestige of the past. Except for a few nostalgic brothers who brought him meals and medicines on time every day, he could only lie on his stomach dryly. He had no part to participate in the training, and no one wanted him to participate. He became a redundant person on this island. Later, after hearing about Xu Yi and Yingchun's marriage, this guy never spoke again, but Da Ya had already Two of them were bitten off. As for what he was thinking, no one knew, and no one was interested in knowing.


It's starting to explode.These days, at least three times a day!Brothers, try hard to vote!
(End of this chapter)

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