Great Song Pirate

Chapter 218 Severe Punishment of Piracy 1 (The 490th monthly ticket plus more)

Chapter 218 Severe Punishment of Piracy 1 (The 490th monthly ticket plus more)
After arranging these things, Xu Yi rushed to Hangzhou non-stop. There are still many things he needs to take care of there. He has already made up his mind. This time he will go to the north with Li Mutian to see where The great rivers and mountains.

Although now he has become a small overlord dominating the sea, his power has expanded to the entire Liangzhe sea, and he has firmly established a foothold on the side of Fujian Road, but there are very few people on land who know these things, so he is not worried. Some people would make trouble for him, so he only brought Li Bo and a dozen or so of his subordinates with him.

After several times of escorting the fleet, there is no need to worry about the function of the Escort. It has repelled the pirates’ harassment many times at sea, and even killed a large number of pirates. Now the business of the Escort is very good. For the sake of hiring, even many ship merchants from Mingzhou (Ningbo) came here to hire Escort ships to escort them. The original five ships were no longer enough, so Xu Yi cleaned up the ships on Dulong Island and left them behind. After disembarking those big ships, all seven fast boats were assigned to the Escort. After these ships were sent to Hangzhou Shipyard for overhaul and reinforcement, they could be used immediately, and Xu Yi also sent 200 more people to the Escort. All were recruited by Xue Tu on land.

The local government saw that the Escorts could indeed relieve them of their troubles, so they basically ignored their recruitment and let them work freely. The wages paid by the Escorts were very high, which was higher than that of ordinary boatmen. It was several times more than that, so many boatmen who were daring and good at kung fu simply flocked to the Escort Bureau to apply for it. There must be no problem in increasing the manpower.

As for what kind of manpower to recruit, Xue Tu and Xu Yi both had a common idea, requiring that the manpower to be recruited must be young and strong, hard-working and willing to work, and it is best to be a bachelor. In the future, they will be absorbed into the forces of Dulong Island. With this consensus, Shuisheng will be responsible for the selection of personnel. Those who are selected are elated, while those who are not selected are downcast. Unique face.

And because the business is so good, Xue Tu simply set up another branch office in Mingzhou and Haining. Hangzhou is only responsible for receiving orders and arranging ships to join the fleet in Mingzhou and Haining. The business is doing well. It's not too much for the Escort to make money every day. I'm afraid Jiang Desheng will be pissed off again if he is alive.

People are profit-seeking animals. Once they see a business that makes money, they will immediately follow up. Xu Yi just arrived in Hangzhou, and before discussing with Li Mutian about when to go north, he suddenly heard that there was also a business in Mingzhou. At the same time, there were two escort agencies. It seemed that one was called the Invincible Escort Agency, and the other simply named the Weihai Escort Agency. It was only one word different from the Weihai Escort Agency. The day they played the signboard, the Li family got it. After hearing the news, Li Mutian hurried to the bodyguard bureau, told Xu Yi and others about the matter, and made Xue Tu and the others so angry that one Buddha ascended to heaven and two Buddhas came out of their body, pirated, absolutely pirated!It is simply blatant piracy, worse than pirated booksellers, comparable to later generations of pirated websites, shameless!It's so exasperating!

Xu Yi reassured them. There is really nothing to be angry about this kind of thing. He has long been used to it from later generations, and now there is no patent protection. Even if there is, it can't stop these shameless people from imitating. Among other things, we Chinese really have this talent, so we laughed and said: "Everyone, don't be angry, what is there to be angry about this kind of thing? Since it is a business, we are not afraid of competition from others, let them make trouble. , we have a guarantee of credibility, some celebrities say it is good, and the eyes of the masses are discerning!"

"This is really irritating. We have been working hard for almost a year, and we just got the money back, and these bastards rushed to them. Does this still let us do business?" Xue Tu snorted angrily. He hummed, while several other people were still wondering who this celebrity who said that the eyes of the masses are sharp!hehe.

"Hehe, Brother Xue, don't be angry. The fakes can't be true, and the real ones can't be faked. Let them go about their business. This business is not afraid of competition. The more competition there is, the more it can promote the development of the industry! Invincible? Show off? I think it's called Forget about impotence! Hehe" he picked up the tea bowl and drank tea leisurely.

"But if they continue to make trouble like this, it will inevitably divide us a lot of business. In this way, we will earn a lot less money!" Although Li Mutian is not a member of the Escort, but at least the Escort also has shares in the Li family, that is There must be dividends!Seeing that Xu Yi was not in a hurry, he became anxious first.

"Then Mutian, let's talk about the background of these two families first, let me think about whether there is any way!" Xu Yi still looked like an old god.

"The shopkeeper of the Invincible Escort Bureau used to be a boat runner. His surname is Chu, and his name is Chu Fantian. He is a celebrity in Mingzhou. He has a very bad reputation in the business. He likes to speculate and do business , and enlisted a group of thugs, businessmen in the open, bullying the market behind their backs, doing a lot of bad things! And the impotence bodyguard bureau is another ship dealer, whose owner is Chen Minghua. I heard that this person is a gang of water pirates from Taihu Lake. The first time I guess it was because I saw that the business in this bodyguard agency was doing well, so I found his accomplices, and a businessman colluded with them, and I also wanted to get a share of this business!" Li Mutian snorted.

"Pfft...!" Xu Yi choked on the sip of water that was in his mouth, and the faces of Xue Tu and the others next to him were as weird as they could be, and they all stared at Li Mutian.

Li Mutian still didn't understand the smell for a while, thinking that there was something like ash stuck on his face, so he wiped it with his hands, with a puzzled expression on his face.

"You Li Mutian! You're just pointing at the monk and scolding the bald man! Haha! You... how can I say hello? Haha!" Xu Yi pointed at Li Mutian and scolded with a smile.

"Uh? Oh! Oh!... I forgot for a while, hehe, I was only angry, and I forgot about this, you... my family...hehe...hahahaha!" Li Mutian finally understood the taste, just now he was only angry, When talking about Chen Minghua, he actually forgot Xu Yi and his identities, and also forgot that his family was considered to be the same as the Chen family, also colluded with merchants and bandits. After realizing it now, it was both funny and embarrassing. Did you scold me too?
Several people in the room burst into laughter, not to mention, not only Li Mutian, but now even Xue Tu, after arriving on land, is gradually forgetting what he really does, and feels dazed from time to time. Now you are a legal businessman!
"Okay, stop laughing, let's talk about it!" Xu Yi said, holding back a smile.

"Okay! Let's talk about business, let's talk about business. I think this time the two of them will open at the same time. They will have to compete with us in the price of escort, and they will charge a lower price, so as to grab some business from us. The other one The way is to use force, both of them have some influence, maybe they will force some small ship merchants to ask them to escort them, other than that, I can’t think of any way they will use to steal our business!” Li Mutian hurriedly followed in embarrassment Off topic.

"If they lower the price, we've been doing it for a long time, so we might as well lower the price to see if they can compete with us, I don't believe it! Hmph!" Xue Tu continued.

Xu Yi smiled and shook his head: "No, no, no! We can't lower the price at all. Not only will we not lower the price, but we will raise the price a little bit, so that they can see how our business is done. Lowering the price is the lowest level of competition. Strategy, the cheap ones are those ship dealers, we can’t do such a stupid thing! Hehe!”

"If we don't lower the price, won't our future business be taken away by them?" Li Bo asked.

"Let them snatch it away. As long as their appetite is good enough, then let them go and let them go. Sooner or later, those ship dealers will find it back. At that time, the price of our escort will not be the current price. Humph!" At this time, Xu Yi's usual smile appeared on the corner of his mouth again, looking somewhat sinister.

Seeing that the people present seemed to still want to talk, Xu Yi blinked at them a few times, holding a tea bowl and said, "Is it up to them to decide whether the sea is going to pass or not? Hehe!"

Now those people understood what he meant, and laughed sinisterly along with them.

The two Escorts in Mingzhou had a lot of trouble, and then the fleet escorted by the Weihai Escort was harassed by pirates several times when passing through the waters near Yushan Island, but under the heroic escort of the Escort’s ships, Those pirates were beaten to the ground, and retreated obediently, which made Weihai Bodyguard Bureau's reputation even better.

The two bodyguard bureaus really adopted the measure of reducing the price. Weihai bodyguard bureau now escorts ships, and when they go to Fujian, they only need to charge about 100 taels of silver for ordinary ships, and extra money for large ships, so the two of them launched escorting a ship at the same time. The price of 60 taels, and the same price for large and small ships, really attracted them to many ship dealers. After some solicitation, the first business of the two of them finally took place.

The two escort agencies each collected [-] or [-] cargo ships, and then lit firecrackers from Mingzhou Wharf one after another, beat gongs and drums to the sea, raised their sails, and sailed towards the sea.

It can be said that the two bodyguard bureaus have put in a lot of effort. Each bodyguard bureau has recruited hundreds of people and equipped them with several newly built fast boats. Leading the way forward, escorted by boats on both sides, and one or two boats behind the rear, even the bodyguards on their boats were all uniformed, dressed in soap-colored strong clothes, and looked fiercely. They looked really majestic and majestic. These people were equipped with bows, arrows, knives and guns, and they were held by those bodyguards, standing on the side of the ship with their chests and stomachs folded. No matter how you look at it, it seems a bit interesting.

(The name given to these chapters by Pida is nothing more than to make fun of those unscrupulous pirated websites. They are all sucking the author's blood for a living. If you don't write a book, you don't know the hard work of writing a book. Anyway, Pida writes very well. Hard work, I have to stay up until the early morning every night, and I have to sit in front of the computer for more than ten hours a day, in order to earn more money for my son’s milk powder, tuition fees, and money for medical treatment for the elderly, but pirated websites don’t care about these, It is polite to say that they suck blood, they are simply seeking money and killing their lives! If it weren’t for them, Geda could also get a little more subscription fee, so that the old man’s treatment expenses will be a little more, and the son’s life will be better. Here Pida thank you friends who have subscribed to the original version. It is you who have made Pida see hope again and propped up the sky of home again. You can be described as benefactors to Pida. Thank you! The book is interesting, so please continue to support Pidao and read on! This is the greatest support for Pidao!)


Seeing the support of the brothers, Pida burst into tears!I'm moved... let's not talk nonsense, let's continue to code!
(End of this chapter)

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