Great Song Pirate

Chapter 208 Forming an Alliance and Breaking the Mulberry

Chapter 208 Allied and broken mulberry
Xu Yi chatted with this chai until late at night, brought him delicious food, let this guy let go and chewed, and then placed him in a room to rest, and sent a few people to guard him , this guy is a treasure now, don't sneak out in the middle of the night, it may be difficult to find such a good translator.

Uneasy, Xu Yi thought about it and finally decided to meet the tribe leader in person. Early the next morning, Xu Yi took Li Bo and others with him and headed towards their tribe under the leadership of Chai.Originally, he only wanted to take Li Bo and a few cronies with him, but Kong Qingxi and the others resolutely refused to agree. In the end, he had no choice but to take Kong Qingxi with him. A total of 100 people were ordered to drive into the jungle.

Seeing that Xu Yi brought so many people, Chai was a little uneasy, so Xu Yi comforted him: "Don't worry, we are not going to attack your tribe, but we want to meet the leader of your tribe and hope to make him a friend. You Look, I also brought a lot of gifts to your people, don't worry!"

Looking at the things those people were carrying on their backs, Chai finally felt relieved, and smiled innocently, revealing a mouthful of snow-white teeth, which made Xu Yi a little frightened. These guys usually don't know how to eat people!
Not to mention, Chai's answer after asking the question really made Xu Yi and the others sweat profusely. These indigenous people really have the habit of cannibalism, but they usually only eat people in two situations, one is when they conflict with other tribes In other cases, when there is an extreme shortage of food, they eat captured slaves or old people in the clan.

Chai's answer made Xu Yi and the others feel chills coming from the back of their necks. It's true that these natives are not ordinary barbarians, but they really dare to eat people!When I look at this firewood again, my eyes are a little different, but thinking about it, it is impossible to reach a very civilized level in such a barren place. In the future generations after the year before last, there are still some corners of the world. Cannibalism?As long as we can talk about achievements, having a group of natives as friends is far better than having a group of enemies here. These things can be changed slowly in the future!
The journey of more than ten miles in the jungle is no worse than the outside, and it is very difficult to walk. There are dense vines everywhere, and some snakes and insects appear from time to time, which makes people a little hard to guard against. Fortunately, they have sharp steel knives, and they finally cut down. Open a passable road, otherwise I really don't know how long it will take to go for these ten miles. It is estimated that more than half of the people will turn and get lost in this jungle. Looking unaffected, Xu Yi became more determined to reconcile with these natives, otherwise he would offend such a group of jungle warfare masters, and he would never be able to hang out on Liuqiu Island in the future.

Even with the guidance of Chai, they still walked in the forest for a long time before finally reaching Chai's tribe. Before they stepped into the tribe, they heard a sharp whistle, and then flew out of the forest. He shot a bamboo arrow straight at Xu Yi who was walking beside Chai, startling the people in the team. Fortunately, Li Bo was beside Xu Yi. Yi drew out his knife and knocked at the bamboo arrow, and then grabbed the bamboo arrow in his hand, so that the bamboo arrow did not hurt Xu Yi.

Everyone in the team pulled out their waist knives one after another, and someone took out a bow and crossbow to make a fighting posture. At this time, Chai, who was walking beside Xu Yi, hurriedly yelled into the surrounding forest, and he couldn't understand it. He shouted something, but after he yelled, no more bamboo arrows shot out of the forest.

At this time, some natives in the jungle were also yelling at Chai, and Chai was also talking, no need to ask, Chai must be communicating with his tribe, so Xu Yi also raised his hand to gather the people on his side together , put away the guy temporarily, but everyone still looked around vigilantly, making a posture ready to fight back at any time.

Chai Chi chatted with the clansmen in the forest for a long time, and finally a group of natives came out of the forest, all of them looked vigilant, holding bamboo spears, bamboo bows and other weapons in their hands, and some people held a Slender bamboo tube, I don't know what it is used for.

Chai was somewhat nervous, and said something to the thin black man among the natives, and pointed to Xu Yi behind him. Xu Yi knew that he was introducing himself to his leader, so he said something to the thin black man. The headman clasped his fists in salute.

When he clasped his fists, the natives were startled, and they quickly lifted up the things in their hands, putting on a state of alert, but seeing that Xu Yi did not threaten them after clasping his fists, he relaxed again.

"Chai, please say hello to your leader for me, and tell him that we have no malicious intentions here, but just want to make friends with you!" Xu Yi said to Chai.

Chai quickly translated it for him. The headman looked up and down at Xu Yi with a gloomy face, and it took him a long time to say something. Chai quickly translated it and told Xu Yi. The headman asked who they were and why they came here. He also looked at the felling of trees, which disturbed the purity of the mountain god.

Xu Yi smiled and said, "We are people from Central Earth who came from afar. We came here to settle down. We have no ill intentions towards you. As for cutting down trees, we are just to build houses to live in!"

After Chai translated, the headman looked better, but he still yelled something at Xu Yi. After Chai translated, it turned out that the headman said that the Chinese people were barbaric. Many of their clansmen were lost, and many of their clansmen were captured.

Xu Yi didn't seem to remember these things very much after thinking about it. He only remembered that at the earliest time, it seemed that Sun Quan of the Eastern Wu had sent troops here. As for whether he killed the natives, it is not clear. No one has ever been to Taiwan, so I don't know very well. I guess this native said this because he heard something handed down from his ancestors, so he said: "That was a long time ago, we don't know, but this When we came here this time, we really didn’t intend to violate your peace, we just hoped to make friends with you, and brought you many gifts, I hope you like it.”

After listening to Chai's translation, the headman finally showed a smile on his face, and said a few words in a babble, and the tribesmen put down their weapons one after another, and walked towards the tribe. Chai said with a simple and honest smile. To: "Our leader said that as long as you don't come to invade us, we won't regard you as an enemy. Our Posang tribe also likes to make friends. He invited you to visit our tribe!"

After hearing Chai's words, Xu Yi and the others finally breathed a sigh of relief, so they followed the natives into their tribe.

This Posang tribe is not big, so it should be regarded as a village more appropriately. It was built on the open space next to the stream in the forest, surrounded by thatched huts made of wood and thatch. Some indigenous children ran around in the village. Outsiders like Xu Yi and the others hid one after another, but they still kept looking at them with their small heads out, with a curious look on their faces, the Posang head led Xu Yi and the others to an open space in the middle of the village. After arriving here, Xu Yi and the others were startled. There was a tall log with many heads hanging on it. Some heads had rotted away and only skeletons were left, while some heads were clearly chopped off. It was not long, and the heads of the people they killed a few days ago were also hanging on it, which made Diao Bin so angry that he was about to turn his face, but Xu Yi quickly pressed it down and ordered him to go on in a low voice, no matter what. There was a conflict with the natives, and then these people under him were held down.

Because Xu Yi and the others were too many to sit in the hut, the headman simply invited them to an open space, and Xu Yi asked his subordinates to hand over the gifts they brought with them to the headman. Seeing these gifts, I immediately laughed. This time Xu Yi brought them some cotton cloth, some bacon, tea, and some water and wine. It seemed that they were not very valuable. It is nothing, but it is an extremely precious thing to these natives. The headman nodded to Xu Yi with a smile on his face, and his attitude was much more kind.

Under the greeting of this headman, soon some indigenous women in the tribe brought the fruits they picked, and someone brought a wild boar that had just been hunted, and set it up on the open space to light a fire and grill it. It seemed that they wanted to entertain Xu. Yi and the others, these indigenous women were also very curious after seeing these outsiders, and looked at Xu Yi and them from time to time. Some women even grinned, which shocked Xu Yi and the others, because most of these women were missing A front tooth, how ugly it looks, and all of them are dark and thin, and the clothes on their bodies are made of unknown materials. Wearing a necklace made of shells, in short, from their aesthetic point of view, it can only be described as weird and ugly.

"Hey! This woman is really ugly. It's over. I will definitely not be able to sleep tonight!" Diao Bin underestimated in a low voice behind Xu Yi.

Xu Yi was afraid that he would offend the natives, so he squinted his eyes and reprimanded in a low voice: "Shut your mouth, or I'll leave you as a poor son-in-law!"

When Diao Bin heard this, he immediately put his neck down, and whispered in a gesture of surrender: "Okay! I won't say anything! Let me stay, it's better to let them eat me! Hehe!"

After knocking on the door with gifts, many things became easier. These natives were also very enthusiastic about the outsiders who gave them gifts, and they all had smiles on their faces. They brought them fruits one after another for them to taste. They had never seen most of the fruits in the forest, and they were too scared to taste them, God knows if they would have diarrhea after eating them.

Under Chai's translation, Xu Yi chatted with the headman, and soon became acquainted with the headman named Sangbu. The headman looked envious when he saw that Xu Yi and the others were equipped with swords. , Xu Yi immediately saw what he was thinking, the precious sword in his waist was reluctant to give to this native leader, so he asked for a dagger from Dulong Island from a subordinate next to him and handed it over. It's just an ordinary dagger, but it's already quite precious to this native leader. After all, they haven't entered the Iron Age, or even the Bronze Age. What they hold are some stones or A weapon made of bamboo, having this dagger is enough for him to be happy for a while. After the headman took the dagger, tried the blade, and immediately smiled, beckoning them to eat, very enthusiastic .

Soon the roasted wild boar gave off a strong meaty aroma, and the people who had been walking for a long time felt hungry, and began to salivate involuntarily. Xu Yi opened a jar of water and wine and asked Chai to take it He picked up a few bamboo cups, poured out some and handed it to the headman of the Sangbu. The Sangbu tasted it with his head down. He frowned at first, and then seemed to taste something, so he said with a smile. After something happened, Chai translated and told Xu Yi that the headman of Sangbu said the wine was very good, but not as good as their own brewed wine. Then Sangbu sent a lot of water wine brewed by themselves. When they tasted it, it was really good. This wine was obviously brewed from fruit. Apart from being slightly sour, it also had the sweetness of a kind of fruit wine, and it tasted good.

As long as men have wine, it will be much easier to communicate, so these natives and people from Xu Yi's side all took wine bowls made of coconut shells and drank it. The hostility was diluted by the wine, and it was quickly thrown out of the sky. At this time, the wild boar roasted on the fire pond was already cooked. After being torn apart by the natives, it was passed on to everyone on Xu Yi's side, and sent to them. If you add salt, roasted wild boar dipped in salt also tastes special. Some natives were happy, so they patted their tambourines, and some natives danced with hands and feet. Their dance was very extensive, which made people The people looked a little excited, so even Xu Yi's people followed their example and joined in and jumped up together. The Posang tribe immediately became lively, and the children also ran out one after another, making people feel excited. The atmosphere here is much higher.

Unknowingly, Xu Yi and the headman of Sangbu sat together, and the two of them exchanged glasses of wine while Chai sat on the side and kept translating for them. Gradually, Sangbu drank a little too much. , bragging about how powerful their warriors are, Diao Bin and Li Bo, who were listening, pouted with disdain on their faces.

After their expressions fell into Sangbu's eyes, he became a little unhappy, and asked Xu Yi if he didn't believe what he said. Xu Yi thought about it at this time, he might as well frighten some of these natives, so as not to be underestimated by them For people like myself, this will prevent them from repeating themselves in the future, so he said with a smile: "It's not that I don't believe the words of the leader, but our warriors here are also very powerful. They will definitely not be convinced after hearing your praise of your warriors!"

After Chai translated, Posang was very upset, so he said with a sullen face: "We are all sons of mountain gods, born warriors, I don't believe your warriors will be stronger than ours, or let your Let's compare the warriors with our warriors! Let's see who is stronger?"

After listening to Chai's translation, Xu Yi laughed. On the way here, Chai told him that the natives here value force the most, and they will admire whoever has the most skills. This Sangbu is really cute, so easy to be fooled , since he proposed it on his own initiative, let them see how good his side is. For this kind of fight, let alone let Li Bo play, even if Xu Yi goes up by himself, there should be no problem, so he nodded He said with a smile: "Xu also has this intention, so let's compete!"

Sangbu slapped his hands to make those dancing people stop, and then he yelled, and the natives followed suit, all looking eager to try, this Sangbu was very satisfied. He nodded, and then asked Xu Yi: "How do you want to compete?".

Xu Yi thought for a while, and then said: "If you use weapons, it is easy to hurt people. Why don't you let us try it with bare hands. In addition, I think most of your tribe can use bows and arrows. Why don't you try bows and arrows again!"

After listening to Chai's translation, Sangbu immediately clapped his hands and agreed, and called a man from his tribe. This man was not tall, and he looked like a native, but his muscles were very familiar. He is very strong, and he still has a strong smell on his body. He should be a warrior who has been fighting for a long time in his clan. Sangbu ordered, and the warrior nodded immediately, walked to the open space and took a stance, staring at him. Xu Yi, wait for him to send someone to compete with him.

Xu Yi nodded slightly to Li Bo beside him, and whispered: "Winning should be pretty, just don't hurt their people!"

Li Bo nodded slightly to express his understanding. He took a long stride and came to the arena. He didn't make any preparations when he met the broken mulberry warrior. , with a casual look on his face, as if he didn't take him seriously at all.

Li Bo's attitude obviously angered the native, so he rushed towards Li Bo with a yelp, and punched Li Bo's face. With a light hook under his feet, the native immediately staggered and fell to the ground, almost breaking his nose. The onlookers next to him immediately uttered different voices. The people on Xu Yi's side booed, while the natives There are exclamations on the side.

The native was very unconvinced, got up and yelled, and Sangbu also yelled at Xu Yi, and Chai hurriedly said to Xu Yi: "Our warriors are not convinced, saying that you are cheating, this time it is not counted, it is He fell himself!"

Xu Yi made a gesture of invitation: "Then continue typing!"

So the native screamed again and rushed towards Li Bo, but in the end he didn't even touch Li Bo's side. Li Bo grabbed his wrist lightly, and then flew out again. This time the fall was even worse. Heavy, he smashed his nose in one blow, and the nosebleeds ran all over his face, so the natives next to him exclaimed again. Shouting something, he turned around and rushed towards Li Bo again, punching and punching, the movements were quite swift, it seemed that he was pissed off.

Li Bo didn't take him seriously at all. He stretched out his hand and brushed away his punch, and then slapped him on the neck like lightning. After turning around a few times, he grabbed the ground again. It was a bit difficult to climb again. After struggling for a long time, he finally got up. He turned his head to look for Li Bo in a daze. After seeing Li Bo, he rushed towards Li Bo again. Li Bo was so angry and funny, he pulled him again, lifted his foot, and hooked his ankle. As soon as he exerted force, the native did a somersault, fell heavily to the ground, and couldn't get up again. up.

Now those natives shut their mouths, and even the Sangbu headman stopped yelling. Li Bolu's tricks stunned them all. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I couldn't believe their warriors. He couldn't even touch Li Bo's body, and he didn't even move when he stood there, so his own warrior fell to the ground and couldn't get up. Sangbu opened his mouth a few times, and said something unwillingly What.

Chai translated and said that the Sangbu headman was still not convinced, Xu Yi smiled and said: "Then let the headman send five warriors out this time, as long as we defeat our warriors, you can be considered a winner!"

The Sangbu headman seemed to lose face, but he didn't give up. In the end, he greeted Li Bo with an old face. Five people met Li Bo, and the five rushed towards Li Bo, screaming at the same time. This time, Li Bo finally moved. , I saw that he shot like lightning, that is, within two breaths, the five native warriors were thrown to the ground together, their heads were ashamed, and they got up one after another and retreated to the side. They, otherwise, I am afraid that these natives will apply to join the Disabled Persons' Federation for the rest of their lives.

This time, the sangbu headman's jaw fell to the ground completely, and he had nothing to say. He honestly admitted that Xu Yi's warriors were more powerful, and they were no match for the Posang warriors, but he still thought that archery would definitely not lose. For Xu Yi's warriors.

As for archery, Xu Yi is not worried at all. Li Bo's archery is already outstanding, and that Diao Bin is a well-known sharpshooter on Dulong Island, and he is good at shooting two arrows with one hand. There were not many people who surpassed him. This time he nodded to Diao Bin. Diao Bin had been eager to try for a long time. Seeing Xu Yi nod to him, he grabbed the horn bow beside him and jumped out immediately.

In this competition, Sangbu, the mulberry head, sent out one of his best archers. These natives live in the mountains and forests all the year round, and make a living by hunting. Almost everyone is good at archery, so for this time Full of confidence in the competition, the clansman he sent was also the one with the best arrow skills in the clan.

Someone set up a wooden stake in the distance, on which a dot was drawn with charcoal, and acted as a bullseye. This time, the native archer shot first. I saw him pick up his crude earthen bow, put on a bamboo arrow and shoot three times in a row. The arrows and arrows all hit the bullseye, so I looked at Diao Bin who was about to shoot the arrow triumphantly, meaning to see how you shoot, I have three arrows stuck in the bullseye, and I am afraid it will not be easy for you to shoot. Diao Bin ignored him. He set up the arrow and took aim slightly, then let go of the string and shot. His eagle-feathered arrow flew out in response to the sound, hit the bull's-eye with a beep, and knocked out the three bamboo arrows shot by the native. Two of them were knocked down, and the remaining one was also tilted to the side. This arrow had already surpassed the native, which made the native's complexion tense, and the brothers under Xu Yi immediately cheered loudly.

Diao Bin sneered slightly, and at the same time drew two arrows out of his quiver, raised his hand to catch one, and the other shot continuously, the two arrows were fired one after another with almost no pause, and then looked at the archery target. Diao Bin's face changed, because Diao Bin's second arrow actually split the first arrow from the tail, split the first arrow into two pieces, and the arrow hit the bull's-eye. Before everyone applauded, the third arrow shot It’s time again, and the second arrow was split, and it was firmly nailed to the bull’s-eye. Such shooting skills made the locals dumbfounded immediately, because if the second arrow splits the first arrow, it’s luck If the third arrow splits the second arrow, it cannot be said to be luck. How can there be such good luck in the world?Needless to say, this archery competition was won by Xu Yi again.

After losing two games in a row, the Sangbutou man was completely speechless. He thought that these outsiders must not be as powerful as his clansmen, but he didn't expect such experts to exist among them. Fortunately, he didn't bring his clansmen to continue attacking them. Otherwise, I'm afraid these people alone will be able to wipe out his ethnic group. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sweat a little. After sitting for a while, he came to Xu Yi with a bowl of fruit wine, and respectfully brought it to Xu Yi. Xu Yi said something Xu Yi didn't understand, and then lowered his head.

Xu Yi was a little puzzled, so he looked at Chai, who quickly translated: "Our leader said that you are all warriors, and he is willing to submit to you on behalf of all clansmen and never betray you. For those who attacked you last time, He apologized, please accept his apology and drink this bowl of wine!"

Xu Yi was overjoyed in his heart, he didn't expect to solve this problem so easily, so he quickly reached out and took the fruit wine respected by Sangbu, and then drank it down, stretched out his hand to hold Sangbu's arm, sat together, and said : "We have a good saying in the Central Plains. If you don't fight, you don't know each other. We can be regarded as friends who have made friends. We will settle down here in the future. I hope the head of Sangbu can help us a lot!"

After listening to Chai's translation, this Sangbu nodded excitedly, greeted his clansmen, and toasted the warriors on Xu Yi's side. For a while, the Posang tribe became lively again.

Although these natives are rough, they are very bold. If you lose, you lose. The guy who was thrown by Li Bo just now, who was dizzy, also brought a bowl of coconut shell wine to Li Bo, and said that he wanted to have a good drink with Li Bo In the last scene, Li Bo asked Li Bo what method he used to knock him down, and whether he was possessed by a mountain god to make him so powerful. Under Chai's translation, everyone burst into laughter.

These people drank until midnight, and almost drank all the fruit wine in the Posang tribe. Sangbu and Xu Yi agreed that in the future, the two parties will form an alliance. , Xu Yi was completely relieved, and told Sangbu that as long as the Posang tribe was in trouble, they could go to the village for help, and they would try their best to help, making Sangbu happy from ear to ear.

After dawn the next day, Xu Yi led the team to leave the Posang tribe. By the way, he took Chai out of the jungle and lived in their village. He acted as the liaison between the two sides. This completely solved the problem and got a group of people for nothing. Local guides, this business can be regarded as a big profit.

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(End of this chapter)

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