Great Song Pirate

Chapter 192 Inaugural Address (To)

Chapter 192 Inaugural Address (To)

As soon as he heard that he was going to the shipyard, this old Fan immediately became energetic, and hurriedly asked Xu Yi to arrange for someone to move the boat sample and all his belongings to the car. He planned to live in the shipyard in the future. Fan's excited appearance made Xu Yi and the others laugh for a while.

"I didn't expect it! I still have a chance to return to Fuji Shipyard in my life, and being able to manage so many people makes me addicted to being a shopkeeper. I think about it. Since the shopkeepers think highly of me, Fan Sheng , my bones are considered to be handed over to you. If I don’t make the shipyard look good, my old Fan will live in vain. If I can’t build the best boat for us, I will do it myself. Find a crooked neck tree and hang yourself!" Fan Sheng said with a straight face.

"Okay! We're just waiting to get on the good boat that your old Fan built for us! From now on, you old Fan won't call you Fan Sheng, but change your name to Fan Chuanchi! Haha!" Xu Yi and the others laughed loudly after hearing this. up.

Xue Tu originally planned to take Fan Sheng to the shipyard, but a subordinate came running outside the door and said: "Master Xu, Master Xue, a few Hangzhou ship merchants came outside the door and said they have something to see, and they are waiting outside now! "

Xu Yi, Xue Tu and the others looked at each other, and couldn't help but smile: "It seems that our business is coming! Hehe! I don't care about this matter. Brother Xue, please go see them. I'll take Lao Fan to the shipyard Look, from now on, the shipyard will be handed over to Lao Fan, and you can just take care of the Escort for the time being!"

Xue Tu also said with a smile: "Jiang Desheng is forcing people to give us money, and we have to accept it! This is the best, and I am worried that I will be too busy in the future. Let Qian Gui take you to the shipyard. I'm going to meet them now, and Lin Xiong will follow me!"

"Your subordinates obey!" Lin Xiong saluted Xu Yi and followed Xue Tu to the front yard.

Qian Gui is the son of Qian Laoben. He is just 17 years old now, and he followed Xue Tu to Hangzhou to practice. This young man is not like his father's personality. Qian Laoben is not courageous. Gui is bold and cautious, and likes to practice martial arts. He has considerable strength at a young age, and he has practiced good kung fu. Although he is still far inferior to adults like Li Bo and Lin Xiong, but in time, he will have some masters to give pointers. If he does, he can still become big, so Xue Tu brought him to Hangzhou after he made a fuss this time, and now he is a small boss, in charge of a group of subordinates who are older than him, and trains these people. The obedient posts are highly valued by Xue Tu. After Xu Yi came this time, he pestered Li Bo to teach him some kung fu, and followed Xu Yi back and forth. To pass on some advanced kung fu to him, Li Bo also agreed.

Qian Gui took Xu Yi and the others with great vigor, and took the car outside, Yue Hong also followed, going to the shipyard in Hangzhou, and the group of them went out of the city towards the shipyard under the guidance of Qian Gui , along the way, Xu Yi was paying attention to both sides of the road. Now it is true that there are basically no beggars in Hangzhou, but there are still many old and weak beggars on the roadside, but Xu Yi can only help. He is not a philanthropist after all. Well, there are many suffering people in this world, and his strength is absolutely unable to rescue him.

On the way, Fan Sheng was sitting in the car, looking at all the familiar things in front of him, feeling extremely excited. Xu Yi understood his feelings very well, and reached out to pat his arm. I feel a little nostalgic, I thought I would never come back in this life, but I didn’t expect to come back to this place today, what a mood!..." He smiled and shook his head.

Entering the shipyard, you can feel the lively atmosphere here. There are more craftsmen here than in Yangzhou, and the shipyard is also busy. Xu Yi's arrival did not attract too many people's attention. The craftsmen He is also not very familiar with Xu Yi. After all, when he took over the shipyard, he only appeared as Xue Tu's staff. It is reasonable for everyone not to remember him. After exchanging pleasantries, he stretched out his hand to help Yue Hong out of the car, and then walked inside with Fan Sheng and others.

"This...isn't this...isn't it Brother Fan?" Just after entering the material yard for a while, when Xu Yi was still pointing out the uses of various places here to Yue Hong, a craftsman suddenly recognized Fan Sheng, feeling a little uncomfortable asked incredulously.

"Of course it's me. Old Su, why are you still so underdeveloped! Look at the work you have done! Such a good wood is half useless in your hands. Do you think we should do it for the former surnamed Fu?" Do you want to work? Save it! Hehe!" Fan Sheng knew the craftsman and scolded with a smile.

"You old Fan, you just talk wickedly, and you hurt me when you meet. Of course I know who I am working for now. Now I save a lot more than before. I said why did you come back? Where did you go some time ago? Did you make us think that you were kidnapped and thrown into the river to feed the fish? I went to see my sister-in-law often, but when I went again, even my sister-in-law and the others moved away, thinking you were dead! We will be sad for a long time!" The craftsman dropped his work and laughed and cursed.

It really made them guess that when Fan Sheng went to Dulong Island, he was really kidnapped by people sent by Xue Tu, but he would not tell these people about this. To: "You bastard's mouth hurts so much, you expect me to die, don't you? Let me tell you, I can't understand that guy named Fu, and I had another fight with my wife, so I went to Yangzhou to find a boat yard. I went to work, and then my anger dissipated, so I took your sister-in-law and the others over. This time, I met our young shopkeeper who was working in Yangzhou. I heard that this place has changed hands, and the young shopkeeper is quite good, so I went to the shop again. Come back, you kid, be more honest in the future, don't let me catch you throwing wood again, or I will break your claws!"

The craftsman surnamed Su smiled and said: "It's good to be back, it's good to be back! I said you plan to return to your old job when you come back? Are you in charge of my affairs? Don't say I didn't throw things away, It’s me who threw me away, what can you do to me? Hehe!”

"Of course he can manage it. Let me tell you, when Uncle Fan arrives at our shipyard, Uncle Fan will be in charge of this place. Let alone you, even I will obey Uncle Fan's orders!" Hearing what they said, Qian Gui jumped over and said to these craftsmen.

"Ah?... I said, little brother Qian, is what you said true?" The Su man couldn't believe his ears. They knew Qian Gui, and they followed shopkeeper Xue to the shipyard every day. Everyone knew He is shopkeeper Xue's nephew, so he hurriedly asked.

"Of course it is true! Let me introduce you to the second shopkeeper of our shipyard. From now on, you can call him shopkeeper Xu. Uncle Fan is brought back by shopkeeper Xu, and he is specially calling for shopkeeper Xue and shopkeeper Xu. As for handling the affairs of the shipyard, you all just follow Uncle Fan’s orders from now on, as long as you work with peace of mind, and you know Uncle Fan, he will definitely not treat you badly!” Qian Gui surrounded them very seriously. The artisans said.

"Shopkeeper Xu? Oh! You are the shopkeeper Xu! You have found the right person, Lao Fan is our number one expert here! It will be great if he comes back! Oops! You are a little rude, shopkeeper Xu. Blame it! I was only happy when I saw Lao Fan, but I didn’t know that you were also the shopkeeper, how neglectful you are! Forgive me, forgive me!” The craftsman surnamed Su hurriedly saluted Xu Yi.

"You're welcome. I've only been here once. It's normal not to know me. Those who don't know are not guilty! What Qian Gui said just now is right. I invited Master Fan back from Yangzhou. He is the most familiar with this place. You are also welcome. You all know each other, and doing things with him will never make you suffer!" Xu Yi comforted him with a smile.

The news of Fan Sheng's return to the shipyard seemed to have grown wings, and soon spread throughout the entire shipyard. Those craftsmen who had friendship with Fan Sheng left their work and flocked to the stockyard all the way after seeing Fan Sheng. , then yelled, the shipyard was so lively for a while!Those who didn't know thought that the artisans were making trouble here!
Seeing the happy faces of these craftsmen, Xu Yi knew that this old Fan Guo really had a lot of prestige in the shipyard before, otherwise he would not have been so popular. He was pleased with his decision. This time, Fan Sheng Bringing back the right person is the right choice. The workers are like this. As long as they work with the bad tempered person, they can be motivated. As long as they are good to them, they have nine points of strength and will never use eight points. Instead, I will use a lot of strength to work for you. If it is not the right way, then I am sorry. If you can use [-]% of your strength, you will be worthy of you if you use [-]% of your strength!
These craftsmen surrounded Fan Sheng and greeted him in a hurry. After Fan Sheng saw these old guys, he was also very excited. He didn't know who to greet him for a while. After learning that Fan Sheng was coming back this time to be the head of the shipyard, there was a lot of applause and joy on his face. With such a commotion, it seems that the shipyard will not be able to start work today. Well, everyone poured out, and there came an automatic strike.

After finally waiting for these people to be quieter, Xu Yi whispered to Fan Sheng: "You just came back today, you might as well say a few words to everyone, give them reassurance, and your affairs can be arranged in the future!"

Fan Sheng nodded, thinking that he should say something, so he turned around and climbed up to a high place, and shouted to the people below: "I said guys, please be quiet, I, Fan Sheng, have something to say to everyone! Today I went back to our place again, I didn't even think about it, it's all thanks to our shopkeeper, let me come back to take care of this shipyard, I have never dreamed of this thing before, I am also nostalgic, everyone Most of them know me and know who I am. If nothing else, just say that our shopkeeper trusts me and takes care of everyone. My old life is willing to be put on our shipyard. Having said that, as long as we build the boat well, we will never lose everyone. I am the first to believe this. As long as everyone works hard, I will dare to make everyone celebrate the New Year every day, eat well, drink well, but Since I'm in charge of our shipyard, I'll be one-hearted with the shopkeeper, and I'll say the ugly things. If anyone is lazy, slippery, and throws things away, I'm not an amateur, and you can't fool me, so I won't agree! I don't want lazy people! Do you understand?"

The craftsmen below immediately cheered, Xu Yi stood behind and laughed secretly, this Fan Sheng is still very good at talking!Nice inaugural speech!


What about the monthly pass? ?Brothers, follow closely! !

(End of this chapter)

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