Great Song Pirate

Chapter 190 Face and Heart Discord (Chapter 360 Monthly Ticket Plus Update)

Chapter 190 Face and Heart Discord (Chapter 360 Monthly Ticket Plus Update)
Li Bo immediately turned around and went out, took some samples of soap that he brought with him, and handed them over to Shopkeeper Li and the others. The two of them were overjoyed when they saw it. Both father and son are good at business. The thing knew its value, and after thanking Xu Yi, he told Xu Yi that Jiang Desheng had made another harsh word, saying that the sea merchants in Hangzhou should pay the road money immediately, otherwise they would be fined The ship is not polite, Xu Yi was secretly happy when he heard that Jiang Desheng was really arrogant, and he was so eager to start his no-cost business so quickly!

After Xu Yi thanked the Li family father and son, the two of them left and Xu Yi got up to send them away.

"Big master! I can't even think of dissatisfied with you now. No wonder many brothers on the island call you a half-immortal in private. It seems that you really have the ability to predict! In fact, when you bet with Li Mutian this time, how many of us In private, I feel that you look down on us Song people too much. This time Tong Guan led the army to attack the Liao Dynasty. It may not fail, but now it seems that everything has been predicted by you. I, Li Bo, have nothing to say , I'm just wondering, I'm with you every day, how could you guess that Tong Guan will be defeated?" Li Bo said to Xu Yi after watching the Li family father and son leave.

Seeing Li Bo's question, Xu Yi smiled and said, "Although you are with me every day, there are times when you're not around! Hehe! In fact, this matter is simple. There has been no war between Song and Liao for more than 100 years. The general has not trained for a long time, and with the military system of the Song court and the appointment of officials, how can an army that has not experienced war for a long time be an opponent of an army that fights every day? Don't think that the Liao people are not the opponents of the Jin people, but for Song people are not easy to provoke. For example, the Jin people are now the most barbaric people. Barefoot people are not afraid of wearing shoes. They have no worries about fighting the Liao people, and the Liao people have no Jin people. Barbarism has long been a civilized nation, so it is only natural that civilized people cannot beat barbarians, but they are considered barbarians compared to us Song people. We Song people are far more civilized than them, so Song people cannot beat Liao people. People are also reasonable. In this era, barbarians are always much more powerful than civilized people. It doesn’t mean that whoever has more will take advantage, ha ha! Also, this time the imperial court launched an attack on Liao. Tore up the original covenant of mutual non-aggression between the two countries. In fact, it was just to see the Liao people suffer from the Jin people. They wanted to pick peaches and soft persimmons, but they did not expect that the Han people in Yanyun and other places had already regarded themselves as Liao people. Therefore, although the imperial court took advantage of the time by sending troops, it did not take advantage of the favorable location and the harmony of the people. Before the war started, it was ordered not to commit suicide or injure a soldier of the opponent without authorization. Although subjugating soldiers is indeed the best strategy of Sun Tzu's art of war, the premise is that you must be much better than others. I am a soft persimmon, and I want to scare others into surrendering. It is simply wishful thinking. If you can win this battle , I'm really a little strange! Well, let's not talk about this, please come over with Brother Xue and Lin Xiong, let's discuss our matters, I'm afraid the days of peace in the world will not be too long! After we have settled Jiang Desheng , should have been prepared earlier, it is estimated that the rice should be harvested!"

After Li Bo listened to Xu Yi's analysis, he thought about it, and it really was the reason. No wonder he was able to become such a master. His experience was that he couldn't compare with them, so he couldn't accept it!

Xue Tu and Lin Xiong soon arrived and entered Xu Yi's room. After sitting down, Xu Yi asked them about the situation in Hangzhou.

"We follow your instructions. The charity hall is very restrained, and few people care about these unattended children. Who will take care of the life and death of a bunch of poor children? The government is also happy to see the street. The number of small beggars on the Internet has decreased, and no one has ever asked about this matter. We arranged for people to take in these children in a low-key manner in nearby counties, and then gathered them up and transported them back to the island. Nothing went wrong. Now two to three thousand children have been taken in. The number is still increasing, just do it slowly. As for the shipyard, the craftsmen have resumed work, so what should they do? It's just that the shopkeeper Fu felt that the business was too bad this time and wanted to turn over the old account He asked us to ask for more money, claiming to sue us for blackmailing him, and then he was beaten up by some unknown people, so he became honest, and now he has sold his real estate in Hangzhou, and we escorted him Moved to another place! Hehe!" Xue Tu briefly talked about the things here, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

When Xu Yi heard him talk about shopkeeper Fu, he also laughed. He didn't need to ask to know who would beat up shopkeeper Fu. This matter must have been done by him, Xue Tu and Lin Xiong. They must have sent someone Threatening the treasurer of Fu well and scaring him half to death, otherwise he would not give up his real estate in Hangzhou and go to other places to make a living, he must have been forced to That's why he acted like this, what escorted him away, shit!They must have threatened him and forced him out of Hangzhou!It seems that sometimes big fists are an easy way to solve problems. It is okay for them to bully others, but it is absolutely impossible to be bullied!Xu Yi also laughed along with him, he was still good friends whether he saw it through or not, and let Xue Tu and the others do some things, so he didn't have to ask about everything.

"Well! It's best for him to move away, so as not to cause trouble for us, this time I'll bring Lao Fan here, and let Lao Fan take care of the affairs of the shipyard. He is most familiar with the things here. The situation is better than those of us laymen. Let’s keep busy with our affairs. The Charity Hall will continue as usual. We are not afraid that there will be too many children to take in, but we will not be able to use them in the future. The more the better, let’s talk about the affairs of the Escort Bureau. Go!" Xu Yi smiled and nodded.

This time it was Lin Xiong who took over the topic and replied: "The brothers on the Escort have never stopped, and those who should practice continue to practice, and after the sea ban was lifted, I took the brothers out to sail the boat and went outside for a few more rounds. Don't worry about this matter, the newly recruited people have food and drink, and they haven't dispersed. I put them on the boat, and now our bodyguard agency except the three boats that came from the island at the beginning , and took over two fast boats from my own shipyard, and there are already five boats with more than 300 people, even if they encounter a few boats from Jiang Desheng, they may not be afraid of them!"

"That's good! I've been thinking about one thing for the past two days. How can I disintegrate Jiang Desheng's power as quickly as possible. Has Shuisheng come over? I want to hear the news about Jiang Desheng he collected!" Xu Yi asked aquatic.

"Now, after Shuisheng heard that you were coming, he stayed here and waited for you. I'll let him come here!" Xue Tu nodded, beckoning the brothers outside to find Shuisheng.

"Shuisheng has met the master!" Shuisheng immediately saluted Xu Yi after he came over.

"You're welcome, you are the most familiar with Jiang Desheng now, I want to hear the specific situation you know about him, the more detailed the better!" Xu Yi asked Shuisheng to sit down and talk.

"Thank you Master! During this period of time, the people I sent to Taizhou have never let go of the surveillance of Jiang. As soon as this Jiang Desheng heard that the two Zhejiang provinces had let the private boats go to sea, he immediately sent him from Fujian. The third younger brother Lu Tiesuo and the fourth brother Cao Yong recruited back, saying that they want to make the ship merchants here in Hangzhou look good. Jiang Desheng is really arrogant. He now has three brothers who are in charge, the third is Lu Tiesuo and the fourth is Cao Yong. In charge of pirates at sea, the second brother, Kang Bao, takes care of his shipping business, and he is mainly responsible for handling stolen goods. Speaking of them, the brothers have a clear division of labor, but I also heard that these people have always been at odds, and Jiang Desheng is afraid that he will be in charge alone. So many pirate brothers, when they had a disagreement, let the third and fourth take care of it together, but the third and fourth had always been at odds, and no one was convinced by the other. From time to time, the roles of the two of them are switched, and their fleet is constantly changing. Today the third child is in charge, and the fourth child may be in charge tomorrow. The matter of the pirates is actually secretly supporting his own strength. His fleet is said to be engaged in trafficking business, but in fact it is also stealthily robbing behind the scenes. He swallowed these properties for himself, and he has no relationship with Jiang Desheng. Where is it so easy, he also woos the third and fourth in private, to please both sides, Jiang Desheng is not at ease with him, the two people are at odds with each other, and the third and fourth may not just treat the second Convinced, where is our Dulong Island where we are united as one, but now that Jiang Desheng is here, they are still maintaining a superficial harmony. If Jiang Desheng did not suppress them, I am afraid that the three brothers would start their own actions! I think they are It seems that there are many people, but in fact they are all mobs!" After Shui Sheng sat down, he told Xu Yi the news about Jiang Desheng collected during this period.

Xu Yi was relieved when he heard it. This Jiang Desheng didn't seem to be a particularly powerful character. Why couldn't he even arrange for his brothers?What this guy is playing now is a way of balance, so he can be considered a smart person!However, what Shui Sheng said inadvertently reminded Xu Yi, and made his mind start to come alive again.

"What does this Jiang Desheng usually do, and where does he like to hang out?" Xu Yi asked.

"Well! Let me think about it! This guy named Jiang is not a good bird. He always looks dignified on weekdays. Mingli is a wealthy businessman in Taizhou. He has done a lot of things to bully the market behind his back, and he is willing to spend money to manage it. He is an official in the government, so most people dare not mess with him. He also opened a few kilns, recruited many beautiful kiln sisters, and two gambling stalls. On weekdays, he likes to stay in his own kilns with nothing to do. , Occasionally go to the gambling stall!" Shui Sheng replied.


The four chapters broke out, and the promised things were completed.A new chapter is added every 390 monthly tickets. Look at it, it seems that there are no chapters left. If there are any, it is the two days since my grandfather passed away. But, I checked, it is not too few.Um.How about this, if the number of monthly tickets can reach 20 by twelve o'clock in the evening, or if there are [-] reminder tickets, I will explode another five chapters tomorrow, hehe.Brothers, how is it, interesting enough!Shout again: I want a monthly pass! !
(End of this chapter)

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