Great Song Pirate

Chapter 182 Ji Wang Zhao Xu (The 270th monthly ticket plus update)

Chapter 182 Ji Wang Zhao Xu (The 270th monthly ticket plus update)
Looking at the sign in his hand, Xu Yi thought of some historical events, and suddenly thought that since the sign in front of him was given to him by Yiqing's brother, what kind of person is her brother?It seems that he doesn't want the Zhao father and son to be as miserable as he imagined!Xu Yi held the sign full of doubts and asked Yiqing: "You said that this sign is a token of your seventh brother, so can you tell me how many brothers you have? And tell me about you It's about Brother Seven!"

Yiqing heard him ask about these things, so she leaned into his arms again and began to tell him: "If you want to ask me how many brothers I have, it's really hard to calculate, but as far as I know, My father has a total of 31 sons and 34 daughters, we are a big family! Do I have many brothers and sisters?"

Xu Yi was a little dumbfounded, this old Zhao Ji is really capable!They actually gave birth to so many sons and daughters, but thinking about it again, didn’t every emperor in Chinese history have Sangong and Six Courtyards, and those who had so many wives didn’t even know how many they had, as long as they weren’t emperors If there is a problem, it is really not difficult to have dozens of children, so I was relieved a lot, and said with a smile: "Not too many, I know that there are emperors in our Chinese history who can do more than your father! Hehe !"

Yiqing heard that he called his emperor's father so unbearably, what kind of father is simply contemptuous of the emperor, so he gave him a blank look, and Xu Yi realized that now he is also the son-in-law of Zhao Ji's old man. Yiqing really couldn't accept him, so he smiled awkwardly: "Sao Rui, Sao Rui! Hehe! It should be called father-in-law, father-in-law, haha! But my father-in-law doesn't necessarily recognize me as a son-in-law! Hehe!"

"Sao Rui? What does Sao Rui mean?" Yiqing heard that he said a new term, and what he said was true, so she didn't bother with him, so she asked him.

"Oh! It just means I'm sorry, keep talking! Keep talking! I'm still waiting to hear you tell me about your brothers!" Xu Yi urged casually.

Yiqing nodded and continued: "I have a lot of older brothers, let me just mention a few important ones! The eldest brother is Zhao Heng, who is the current crown prince, the third brother is Zhao Kai, who was named the King of Yun, and there are many others. Brother, I won’t say much, the seventh brother is called Zhao Xu, he was named King Ji, the word Ji on the sign in your hand is his title, that’s why I recognized it as my seventh brother’s token at a glance, Only the princes of our royal family will have this kind of imperial waist card after they become kings, others can't have this kind of thing!"

Only then did Xu Yi know the origin of this waist card. It was funny to say that he didn't know how precious it was while holding this waist card. During the period, he almost lost it. If he had a sense of beauty, he probably didn't know where he had thrown him for a long time. As for the third brother Zhao Kai mentioned by Yiqing just now, he seemed to have a little impression after searching through his memories. There are only a handful of princes who participated in the scientific examination. The most famous ones are probably this Zhao Kai and the later Kangxi. But Kangxi only got No.3 in the scientific examination that time, but this Zhao Kai It's really amazing, to be able to win the first prize all the way, this is a unique thing, it's impossible not to be famous!Later generations still have records about this Zhao Kai, but for the Seventh Prince Ji Wang Zhao Xu, he really can't recall what he did, and he probably does nothing, the world is too lazy to leave him such a fortune!Holding the sign, Xu Yi smiled and said: "It seems that I am really ignorant! I was holding a treasure but didn't know it was a treasure. I almost threw it back. I will put this thing away in the future, maybe When will it really be useful! Hehe!"

Yiqing gave him a coquettish look, patted his hand on her chest, and said: "Oh! Don't make trouble, listen to me, I haven't mentioned my family for a long time ah!"

Xu Yi smiled and said: "Okay! Then just say it, I'll listen. This doesn't hinder you from talking, does it?" But his hands were still on Yiqing's bulging chest and gently kneaded .

Yiqing had no choice but to let him be frivolous, and then said: "If you say that my brothers are all talented because of the influence of my father, most of them are proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry, and poetry. Especially the third brother Zhao Kai is the most outstanding, deeply loved by the emperor. When it comes to my third brother, there is an allusion that outsiders rarely know! Fei Fan, passed all the way, went all the way to the palace examination, and even won the first prize in high school. Later, after saying it, the father was afraid that the world would say that he was unfair, so he promoted the second place Wang Ang as the number one scholar. Although the father was removed from the third brother. , but it also made him love my third brother even more. If the eldest brother was not there, I am afraid that this prince would have been the third brother long ago. Brother, you can be regarded as an outlier among these brothers! Other emperor brothers like to learn some piano, chess, calligraphy and painting to please my father, only my seventh brother didn't like these things when he was young, but likes to dance with guns and sticks On weekdays, he likes to make friends with some warriors and talk about the current situation. He can't understand his father's appointment of Cai Jing, Cai You, and Tong Guan. As an important minister of the humerus, not only did he not overthrow these people, but because of this, he was very unloved by his father and alienated him, but he still went his own way, seeing that his father did not listen to his advice, and he was not able to reuse him, he became depressed , often going out of Beijing to wander around in order to avoid my father, but he has always been very kind to me, and often collects many interesting things for me to give to me. Among these brothers and sisters, it is him and me. The relationship is the best!" After saying this, Yiqing showed a hint of attachment on her face, it seems that she and the brother and sister of the Seventh Prince Zhao Xu really have a good relationship.

Xu Yi didn't bother to care about Zhao Kai and Zhao Heng's secret rivalry for the heir apparent. He also seemed to have a little impression of this matter. Yiqing's words also confirmed the things he recalled about Zhao Kai. It seems that the rumors of later generations are really true. In such a situation, as for the result of their seizure of the throne, he already knew it. Later, it was Zhao Heng who didn't know whether it was a good fate or a bad fate. After the Kingdom of Jin invaded the south, their father passed the throne to Zhao Heng in a panic. Heng, let him succeed to the throne as the last emperor of the Northern Song Dynasty. After being the aggrieved emperor for a year, he was taken as a hostage by the Jin people and taken captive to the north with his father and almost all the royal relatives. Kai was taken captive by the Jin people to the north along with the Jingkang crisis, and he didn't even know how he died. Thinking about it, he, a Han, felt uncomfortable!

But he still had a strong interest in the Ji Wang Zhao Xu that Yiqing mentioned. If you say that this Zhao Xu is really an outlier, he doesn't play piano, chess, calligraphy and painting like his father, but likes to play. Danced with swords and guns, and went to hangzhou to play in micro-services, casually chatting with people about the current situation, no matter how you say it, you can be regarded as an unusual character from the Zhao family, but unfortunately this Zhao Xu in history did not seem to escape Jingkang's troubles However, he was taken captive by the Jin people to the north. From his brief contact with this Zhao Xu, he still felt that this Zhao Xu had some great ambitions. At least he knew how to worry about state affairs, and he could clearly see who would be the Great Song Dynasty in today's world. It is even more difficult to go to the old man Zhao Gou to impeach his treacherous minister known as the Six Thieves, but with the current situation of the faint king Zhao Ji, he is so different, he will definitely not let him His father likes him, but it is cheaper than that opportunistic Zhao Gou, who escaped the clutches of the golden man alone, and picked up a bargain. It seems that sometimes the fate is really unpredictable!

"Then according to you, you, the seventh brother, are really different! It's a pity that he was born at the wrong time and caught up with your father... Oh no! Hehe, it should be me, my father-in-law, really his. The fate is not good, so he will definitely not be reused. In fact, when I met him last time in Hangzhou, I was discussing the current situation with my friends. He happened to overhear him, and he actually pushed the door open. Please come and chat with us. His personality is very rough. I never imagined that he is actually a prince. I thought he was the son of a rich family! I never thought that I would have the opportunity to sit and drink with a prince in this life. It's an honor to chat! I still have a pretty good impression of you as the seventh brother! You're so different, so different! Haha!" Xu Yi smiled with his arms around Yiqing.

Yiqing also laughed along with him: "My seventh brother is such a person. He has a somewhat bohemian personality. He likes to travel around the mountains and rivers to make friends. He has always disliked the behavior of Cai Jing's treacherous officials, but he didn't like them. A little way, that's why he created his character. In fact, he is still very capable. None of my other imperial brothers have such a thorough understanding of these people, nor does he have the courage to speak out. What I admire most is this seventh brother Oh! Also, can't you respect my father a little bit? After all, he is now the current emperor and my father, so don't speak so harshly, okay?" There was another trace of sorrow.

"Oh! I forgot again, but these things he did are really... don't talk about it, don't talk about it, I just pay attention! Today is our bridal chamber wedding night, don't let this topic dampen our interest, we It's better to rest quickly! You see I'm injured here again, you should give me a diagnosis and treatment quickly! Hehe!" Xu Yi fell on the bed with Yiqing in his arms, and leaned over her...

Yiqing's soft voice came from inside the fallen tent: "You villain, you used this method to deceive people at the beginning, and now you mention this, and people ignore you! Oh! My husband, please be merciful to Qian'er, don't hold back We have lost our baby, and I want to ask you one thing, if Xianggong really has the opportunity to go to Kyoto, can you go and see my seventh brother? I miss him a little!"

"Uh...! Let's talk! If there is a chance, I can just meet him. His people are still very good to my taste!" Xu Yi replied, the red curtain shook slightly, and there was a message from inside. There came out Yiqing's soft and comfortable moans...


Brothers, today is another four chapters.What about the monthly pass?It's still early, if it's later, the monthly ticket will increase quickly, I'll see the situation and try my best to explode!What are you waiting for?Let's smash the monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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