Great Song Pirate

Chapter 176 Taking advantage of the fire

Chapter 176 Taking advantage of the fire

Now that Yang Hong was willing to invest in their Dulong Island, Xu Yi immediately arranged for people to send Yang Hong's family out of Hangzhou, or detour to Yangzhou, where he boarded a boat and went to sea, and asked him to purchase more medicinal materials in Yangzhou and bring them to the island with the boat. In order not to go to the island even if there is no medicine available for medical treatment, Yang Hong agreed to come down, thanked Xu Yi, and left Hangzhou with the escort.

As for Jiang Desheng, Shuisheng has been staring at this kid all the time. Since the government banned private boats from going out to sea, this guy has quieted down and acted like a good citizen. However, Shui Sheng found out that this guy's subordinates had already secretly brought a large number of ships and men to the south of the coast of Huguang to continue his business without capital, and the remaining cargo ships and men were naturally not idle, but I heard that they all secretly went to Quanzhou along the coast of Fujian Road, and they didn't delay this guy's fortune at all.

Xu Yi couldn't help being a little stunned, this Jiang Desheng is really powerful, he actually went with them to Dulong Island, but what he did was even better, he actually moved all the forces to the south, without delaying anything, but he The Escort that had been prepared to deal with him arrived in Hangzhou, and they didn't delay anything, but I was so foolish as to think that he died because of this incident!
It seems that this guy's brains are really enough. If he wants to deal with this guy, he has to wait a little longer. After listening to Shui Sheng's report, Xu Yi smiled wryly and shook his head. After discussing with Xue Tu, he decided to talk about the shipyard first. Things got better.

After letting go of Yang Hong's matter, Xu Yi got busy again. There are several shipyards here in Hangzhou. Except for the government-run shipyards that have work to do, those private shipyards are now deserted and deserted, with no business at all. , Even the ships that were started before are now moldy in the dock. The situation here is much more serious than in Yangzhou, because there is nothing to do in the shipyard. , Many of them went to find other things to do, and they couldn't rely on the shopkeepers of their shipyards to support them. The merchants of these shipyards were not philanthropists, so they would not support these craftsmen for nothing!

After looking at several shipyards in a row, Xu Yi and Xue Tu finally fell in love with the shipyard where Fan Sheng was located on the island. The shopkeeper Fu who owed him half a year's wages.

This shipyard is far away from the city of Hangzhou, and is built along the river in the east of Hangzhou. It is several times larger than the Jiangbei Shipyard in Yangzhou. It can be regarded as one of the largest shipyards in Hangzhou, but it is smaller than the government-run shipyard. That’s all, and the dock here is much larger than the Jiangbei Shipyard in Yangzhou. Even without expansion, it can produce quite a few small ships. Although it is far away from Hangzhou City, the traffic between the shipyards is also relatively small. It is convenient, and it is quieter. There is a village nearby. Many craftsmen from the shipyard live in the village, and some craftsmen live in the shipyard.

This shopkeeper of Fu is also considered unlucky, his ancestors left him a lot of property, and this Fu Ji Shipyard was also an estate left to him by his father, but when his father passed away a few years ago, several brothers divided the property , and this Fuji shipyard was allotted to the shopkeeper of Fu. I thought it was a relatively cheap thing, but the year before last, when Fang La raised troops to besiege Hangzhou City, he took a fancy to his shipyard and ransacked his place. A lot of things They were all taken away, and they used it as a place to make siege equipment. Later, after Fang La was defeated, the government said that he was a gangster and wanted to find out his shipyard, so he ran back to Hangzhou and spent a fortune. Yin Zi settled this matter and gave everything he had to restore the shipyard. Unfortunately, he has not yet made any money, and Liangzhe Road has banned private boats from going out to sea. His shipyard has just resumed business , then stopped again, and the ship that was almost built could not be delivered, which immediately put him in a desperate situation. The craftsmen urged for their wages every day, and the debtors came to his house every day to make troubles. There is nothing to do in the shipyard, and this shopkeeper Fu is in a state of distress. In desperation, he hangs up the transfer sign and wants to sell the shipyard. But in this situation, who will pick up his remote ship? field?This shopkeeper Fu has the heart to hang himself.

Now the situation has finally turned around again, someone finally came to his door to buy his shipyard, and the shopkeeper was so happy that he almost couldn't bear his breath, so he hurriedly entertained the two door-to-door buyers with tea and water. Home, thinking to himself, no matter what, he must sell this shipyard to these two this time, otherwise he really won't be able to open the pot.

This time when I went to Shopkeeper Fu’s house, it was Xue Tu who came forward to discuss the business of his shipyard. After all, he had spent some time here, and he was familiar with the people in Hangzhou, and he had the identity of the shopkeeper of the Weihai Escort Bureau. It is much more convenient to cover up than Xu Yi's actions, so this time Xu Yi pretended to be his subordinate, and pretended to accompany him to find the shopkeeper Fu to discuss the acquisition of the shipyard.

Xue Tu came straight to the point and proposed his idea of ​​buying Fuji Shipyard. This matter is exactly what the shopkeeper Fu wished for right now. Of course, he fully agreed, and there was no obstacle in the negotiation, so it didn't take too much time to basically finalize it. After discussing this matter, in the end, the two sides just came to a stalemate on the price.

"Master Fu's asking price of 7000 taels of silver at this shipyard is obviously too much. In my opinion, your shipyard is worth 7000 taels of silver at most, which is a big mark. I can only pay [-] taels now." If there is too much silver, I won’t pay it!” Xue Tu shook his head and refused to agree to Shopkeeper Fu’s asking price.

Shopkeeper Fu became a little impatient when he heard this. In the past, this shipyard would have been worth at least 2 taels of silver, not to mention there are so many facilities, sheds, and houses in it. The reason why he wanted 1 taels of silver was because now Because Liangzhe Road prohibits private boats from going out to sea, the shipyard has no business to do, and he asked for 2 taels of silver, but no one responded to him. I paid 7000 taels of silver, which is basically the same as the price of buying land alone, so I insisted: "The treasurer Xue is also a sensible person. My shipyard covers an area of ​​more than 200 mu. Not to mention the land price, I still have so many You only paid 7000 taels of silver for things like facilities and housing, but I lost too much! No, no, this is absolutely not possible!" His head shook like a rattle.

Xu Yi interrupted at this time to catch his words and said: "Actually, shopkeeper Xue paid 7000 taels of silver, which is already considered high. Presumably shopkeeper Fu also knows that now Zhejiang and Zhejiang prohibit private boats from going out to sea for business. It is impossible to continue to do the shipbuilding business, and your place is remote, and the land price is of course not high. The reason why we want to sell your shipyard is that it is cleaner here and we want to build a manor. You The things inside are of no use if we want them, and we have to hire someone to dismantle them, so the loss outweighs the gain. We, shopkeeper Xue, are kind-hearted. Seeing that you are also in trouble, that's why we are willing to pay so much money. Come to buy, since shopkeeper Fu is still too few, then I think we should go to other places to have a look! Do you think so, shopkeeper Xue?" Xu Yi began to play his hard-to-get tricks again. Before he came, he and Xue Tu had already After inquiring clearly about the current situation of the treasurer Fu, he set the price for the shipyard, otherwise he would not be so confident.

"That's right! That's right, shopkeeper Fu. Actually, I won't hide it from you. I came to Hangzhou to do some business because my ancestors left me some property. But it's not a good time. I just set up a sea escort agency. Before opening, I encountered such incidents on Liangzhe Road, which caused me to lose a lot of money. Now I am a little bit cold, and I plan to buy a piece of land, build a Zhuangzi, and make some money safely. Forget about the small business, I just like the terrain here, if you are not satisfied with my bid, then I have no choice but to look for other places, anyway, the current land price along the river is not too high, anyway You shouldn't spend such a high price!" Xue Tu immediately nodded to cooperate with Xu Yi's performance.

The shopkeeper Fu was about to cry, he almost wanted to chop people up now, chop those damned officials into minced meat, if it wasn't for them, how could he have gotten to this point?Be careful not to sell it!But now he is really waiting for the money to use it, and he feels that it is too much of a loss to sell it, so he sits there in a dilemma.

Xu Yi winked at Xue Tu, and the two of them got up, Xue Tu said: "It seems that the shopkeeper Fu still doesn't want to sell your shipyard like this! Since this is the case, today is too much trouble, so let's say goodbye! "

Shopkeeper Fu finally became anxious, gritted his teeth, got up and stopped Xue Tu and the others, and said with a bitter face: "Seven thousand is enough! I sold the shipyard to you, but now I In a hurry to use the money, I don’t know if shopkeeper Xue can pay me in cash, and I will transfer the shipyard to your name immediately!”

"Excellent! If that's the case, then we're done. I'll go back and prepare the silver. As soon as the silver is ready, I'll notify Shopkeeper Fu as soon as possible! We've decided on today's matter, farewell, farewell!" Xue Tu He and Xu Yi secretly rejoiced, turned and left the shopkeeper Fu's house, and turned back to the city of Hangzhou.

"Does it sound like we're taking advantage of the fire by doing this?" Xue Tulu and Xu Yi who were riding together laughed.

"How can you say that? We are saving lives! He wants to sell and we want to buy. A consensual transaction is certainly not a robbery! Hehe!" Xu Yi said seriously.

"To be honest, I really don't understand you. Sometimes you seem to be kind-hearted, but you are extremely treacherous when you start a business, haha!" Xue Tu shook his head and said.

"When I do things, I divide people. For the poor, I try to be as generous as possible. For us, a little money may save them from the fire and water. But for the rich, of course I don't need to pity them. Who let them Most of the money comes too easily? Even if this lucky palm sells the boat yard, he is still a rich man. As long as he is diligent and thrifty, he can still live a prosperous life. Why should I pity them? With some money, maybe we can do many things!" Xu Yi laughed again.

(End of this chapter)

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