Great Song Pirate

Chapter 152 Shipyard (ask for a monthly pass)

Chapter 152 Shipyard (ask for a monthly pass)
After listening to Xiao Er's words, Xu Yi showed his signature smile again, Li Bo turned his head to look at Xu Yi and knew that he had another idea.

"Xiao Er, how much money does shopkeeper Wu owe you for the drinks?" Xu Yi asked.

"Returning to your son, this shopkeeper Wu has eaten seven meals with us for nothing, and he has been drunk every time, and has already owed nearly five taels of silver for meals. Otherwise, we wouldn't press him to pay back the debt like this. The young one won’t be able to earn a tael of silver in a month, and the shopkeeper said that if he is allowed to leave this time, I won’t be able to receive this month’s wages! It’s not easy for the young one!” the second boy replied with a sad face. road.

Xu Yi asked for five taels of silver from Li Bo and handed it over to the little second hand, saying: "Here is five taels of silver, you can put away the rest, let this shopkeeper Wu go today!"

Xiao Er saw that Xu Yi was so generous. In fact, the shopkeeper Wu owed less than four taels of silver for wine. He inadvertently said a little more, and Xu Yi handed over five taels of silver. He was overjoyed and reached out to take it. , while still being polite: "Thank you, my lord, for helping this shopkeeper Wu, how can I have the nerve to take your money? Hehe! You are such a good person, I thank you for this shopkeeper Wu!"

The shopkeeper Wu also came to understand a little bit now. He staggered and tried to stand still, with one hand still dangling and breathing alcohol, and said: "I, Wu Quanshui, thank you for this young master. Wu will definitely be rewarded, thank you very much!"

After he finished speaking, he stumbled and wanted to leave the restaurant without even asking Xu Yi's name, but he drank too much, and when he hung his foot on the threshold, he fell out, jitter Ligulong rolled to the bottom of the steps, fell to the ground and bled, and struggled to climb but couldn't get up again.

At this time Li Mutian also came out of the restaurant, looked at the shopkeeper Wu with disgust and said to Xu Yi: "I didn't expect Brother Xu to be a kind person, and he would help this kind of thing. I know that this guy is a famous prodigal son in Yangzhou. He gambles all day long, and when his father was around, he still restrained himself, but not long after his father died, he gambled away all the family property, what kind of things do this kind of thing help him, let's go!"

Listening to Li Mutian's words, Xu Yi always felt a little ironic. He was a pirate, but he called him a good man. Isn't that the same as cursing?So he smiled wryly and said: "If I'm considered a kind person, basically all the people in the world are kind people. People like him are the least worthy of sympathy. I should have a purpose!"

The two said that they walked down the steps, Xu Yi ordered several of his subordinates to help shopkeeper Wu up, got him into a car, and ordered people to take him back to his home, and then returned to the inn with Li Mutian and others.

Originally, both Yiqing and Cuiyu had dinner, but seeing Xu Yi brought them back so many delicious food, they couldn't help but be amused again, and Quan Dang ate supper again, praising the steamed stuffed buns in this restaurant Delicious, Xu Yi chatted and laughed with them for a while, told them a story about Liang Zhu, moved the two girls so much, got up and went back to the room to rest, of course Cuiyu was going to serve the bed, and only Yiqing got off alone.

Yiqing hugged her pillow and couldn't fall asleep. She used to be a princess, but now she fell in love with a pirate leader. Although Xu Yi had made love to her, he hadn't married her yet, and her status was quite different. Embarrassing, because Xu Yi takes Yingchun first, even if she marries Xu Yi, she can only live in a concubine's room. If people know that Princess Da Song is actually a concubine for others, and she is also a pirate leader, people in the world will probably be shocked. Da Ya was about to be laughed out loud. Although Yiqing had already planned to give up her status as a princess, she still had a bit of a grudge about being Xu Yi's concubine, but she also knew that she wanted to be Xu Yi's regular wife. That's absolutely impossible. After understanding this period of time, this Xu Yi didn't pay attention to the royal family at all, and there was no trace of respect for the royal family in his words. Dad, he has no hope for Da Song's future, not to mention Xu Yi's feelings for Yingchun, she is definitely not a substitute. Her status as a princess may be valued by others on land, but in Dulong On the island, those pirates would not take her seriously at all. Thinking of this, she felt a little blocked, but she had nothing to do.

The backyard of the inn was very quiet after nightfall, only the barking of dogs could be heard in the distance. Yiqing tossed and turned and still couldn't fall asleep. He knew it was Cuiyu's voice as soon as he heard it, and he knew what was going on next door without thinking about it, so his face suddenly became hot again. After the intimate contact with Xu Yi that day, Yiqing had already regarded himself as Xu Yi. Yi's woman is limited to this, and the two of them have no deeper contact, but Yiqing also believes that Xu Yi likes her. During the period of her illness, the worry on Xu Yi's face made her feel uncomfortable. They all saw that in order to save her, Xu Yi spared no effort to leave Dulong Island affairs behind and sent her to Hangzhou for medical treatment. Yiqing was also deeply moved by this kind of friendship. She is enough, why bother to pursue any identity?Watching Cuiyu go to bed every day these days, I always feel sour in my heart, but Xu Yi has always been very polite to her these days, and has never gotten close to her. You can't propose to go to bed by yourself!She still had this bit of self-esteem, after thinking about it, she didn't know when the voice of Cuiyu next door stopped, and Yiqing gradually fell asleep amidst the complicated emotions.

When Yiqing woke up in the morning, she met Cuiyu, only to realize that Xu Yi had gone out early, and felt a little disappointed. Looking at Cuiyu's happy and satisfied expression, she felt a little jealous.

Xu Yi, Li Bo and the others stood in front of a boatyard by the river outside Yangzhou City, looking around at the boatyard. It covers an area of ​​about tens of mu of land, and the scale is not small. I didn't see a single person, but there were a few wild dogs wandering around in the yard, and there were still a few semi-finished ships parked on the slipways, which were almost submerged in the weeds, and there were some work sheds in the shipyard. There are scattered pieces of wood, ropes and other things piled up everywhere in the open space. It is estimated that no one wants them, so they are thrown here, and there is a dilapidated scene everywhere.

Xu Yi wandered around the shipyard with Li Bo and others, looking around for the situation here. This is the most easterly place in Yangzhou, far less lively than Yangzhou, probably because the shipyard closed for a long time, and the craftsmen are all busy. He has already left to find another way to make a living, which is why it is so quiet here. Xu Yi patted the unfinished hull on the berth, and saw that the wood on it had been soaked by the rain and moldy. If it was left like this for a while, I am afraid This unfinished ship is about to be scrapped. Xu Yi is very surprised that there is no one in such a large shipyard. Even if it closes down, there must always be a janitor!
Although the terrain here is a little bit off, it is not too bad. At least there is a special waterway leading to the shipyard. The ships built can be easily launched into the wide river, and the sheds here are well-equipped and reasonable. It is convenient for the processing of materials for various ships. If it is not dilapidated now, you can still think of the scene when it was prosperous at the beginning, but now it seems that such a good place has been tossed by the surname Wu to make it look like this. If If his father knew something underground, he didn't know what he would think, would he climb out of the grave angrily, and slap his unworthy son a few big mouths.

When they turned to the river, they finally saw a thin middle-aged man in rough clothes and barefoot, carrying two fish cages and returning from the river. When he saw them, he was taken aback and looked them up and down. , did not speak, and planned to pass them by, Xu Yi hurriedly stopped him.

"My dear friend, please stop. I want to ask, are you from this shipyard?"

The thin middle-aged man stopped when he heard the sound, and when he saw Xu Yi and the others dressed well, he didn't dare to hesitate to answer: "I dare not, I am the people from this shipyard, I don't know what you are doing here? "

Xu Yi then said: "Oh! I was originally a businessman from Hangzhou. I passed by here and saw that the shipyard was abandoned here. I felt it was a pity. So I came in to have a look and wanted to know the situation. Could you give us a brief introduction? Woolen cloth?"

After hearing his words, the man looked a little sad, and said: "There is nothing to say, this shipyard is the property of the shopkeeper Wu's family, I am just a shipbuilder, I have nothing to do here, it is almost abandoned It's been half a year, what a pity!"

"But such a good shipyard, why is it abandoned here?" Xu Yi continued to ask.

A look of anger suddenly appeared on this man's face, and he said angrily: "Why are you abandoning the wasteland? It's not because the boss didn't live up to expectations, and lost a good family business to him. If our old boss was here, how could we let such a good man go? What about a ship yard that is abandoned here?"

Xu Yi said with a smile on his face: "Brother, why not tell me well, I am still very interested in this shipyard. If possible, I would like to buy this shipyard, but I don't know if this shopkeeper Wu is willing or not." Woolen cloth?"

After hearing this, the man's face immediately showed joy, but then he sighed again: "To be honest, our owner has wanted to sell this shipyard for a long time, but the business of the shipyard is not good now, so we have been unable to sell it. I don’t know what this young master wants to do in the shipyard?”

"Of course it's shipbuilding. What else can this place do besides shipbuilding?" Xu Yi said immediately.

Hearing that Xu Yi wanted the shipyard to resume shipbuilding, the man's eyes obviously lit up, and he hurriedly let them move forward: "It's not convenient to talk here, you guys should sit down with me and talk about it! "

When they came to the open space of the shipyard, the man pulled out a few wooden blocks and used them as benches. He asked Xu Yi and the others to sit down, and then said: "Young master, don't think our shipyard is now dilapidated. In fact, we were quite good in the past. When the old owner was here, our boats sold very well, because the craftsmen here are quite skilled, and our owner never cut corners in shipbuilding. The boats we built are famous for our acquaintance Yes, people who have used our boats, as long as they buy another boat, will definitely come to us to buy it. The business could not be done before, but our current owner is really disappointing. When the old owner was here, he He's relatively restrained, but when our old club left last year, he immediately squatted in the casino all day and refused to come out. Within a month, he lost all his money and owed a whole lot of debts, even the shipyard to buy timber. The money is gone, how do you think this shipyard will continue to operate! As for the wages of us craftsmen, let’s not mention it. We used to get wages every six months, but at the end of the year, we didn’t even have a big man. Didn’t get it out yet, how do you tell us how to live this day? This owner still doesn’t repent, in order to make money, he actually pawned the real estate, and continued to gamble, not to mention making money, even lost his house. , our wages are even more hopeless. The owner has no choice but to sell this shipyard. At first, there were people who wanted to sell this shipyard, but there is a sea on the other side, and the shipyard here is also gone There is a lot of business, so this matter has been dragged down, even if the price is low, no one cares about it. We people have no wages, and we have nothing to do, so we have to leave to find a way out, but most of the shipyard business is not good now. We can only squat on the pier and do some odd jobs, there is really no way to live this life!"

After hearing this, Xu Yi really confirmed what the waiter in the restaurant said yesterday, so he asked, "Since everyone is gone, why are you still here?"

The man smiled wryly and said: "It's not that I don't want to leave, but that I have lived with my old club in this shipyard since I was a child, and I have already developed feelings for this place, so I am a little reluctant to leave! Besides, I am alone now and have no place to go." But go, come back today when you have nothing to do, and go to the river to fish two fish for a tooth sacrifice, so as to save a meal, and I happened to meet you, and I made the young master laugh!"

"Yes! After living in one place for a long time, people will have feelings. What's your surname, old man?"

"Dare not, the villain's surname is Gong, the palace's Gong, the full name is Gong Zhen!" The man quickly replied.

"Actually, what I am concerned about is not the problem of this shipyard. I am thinking that if I take down this shipyard, I will come here as a foreigner. Without craftsmen, everything is still useless. If you want to build a ship, you must have talents. Okay!" Xu Yi said.

This Gong Zhen hurriedly said: "This is actually not a problem. In fact, the craftsmen here are not all gone. Most of them have gone out to do odd jobs, and they all come back to live at night. Otherwise There is no place to go. Although I am not very old, I am considered an old man here. As long as the young master wants to buy this shipyard, the craftsmen are not a problem. I just need to tell them, and most of them will still know how to do it. I came back with me, and the business of other shipyards is not good now, and many craftsmen are idle, as long as there are people in need, I will go and greet them, and I can still invite many good people!" Shipyard is very enthusiastic, it seems that he really has deep feelings for this.

After chatting with this Gong Zhen for a while, Xu Yi also inquired about the various situations here, so he got up and said goodbye: "In that case, then I will go to the shopkeeper Wu to see if I can sell this shipyard. , but I'm afraid I won't be able to find Master Gong when I come back, look..."

Gong Zhen hurriedly patted his chest and promised: "Young master, don't worry, I, Gong Zhen, will stay here and wait for your news. As long as you buy this shipyard, you can come here to find me at any time. Just don't leave here!"

With this guarantee from Gong Zhen, Xu Yi took Li Bo and others straight to the shopkeeper Wu's house.


08:30 One more chapter.If the number of monthly tickets can reach [-] before twelve o'clock, Pida promises to add another chapter.In other words, if it reaches one hundred, six chapters will explode today.

(End of this chapter)

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