Chapter 149
Under the gentle spring breeze, Xu Yi can't help but feel relaxed and happy while browsing the spring scenery on the roadside. This kind of spring breeze mixed with the fragrance of various flowers cannot be enjoyed on Dulong Island. The environment is beautiful, but the winds of the four seasons are always mixed with some fishy smells from the sea, and you can’t see the scenery on land. Perhaps it is a common problem of Chinese people. Xu Yi, who has lived at sea for a long time, still Unstoppable nostalgia for the land under his feet, only standing here can he feel like he has found his roots.

The lack of horses in the Song Dynasty has long existed. Most of the places that produce horses are in the hands of foreigners, and there are very few places that can produce a large number of horses. Every year, they have to spend a lot of money from Liao, Xixia and even Dali. Purchasing war horses, so the horses that can be used since the Song Dynasty have basically been requisitioned by the army and firmly controlled by the government. There are really not many people who own horses among the people, so most of them are used to pull carts on weekdays. Some mules or donkeys , they rarely use horses, but for the wealthy Li family, getting a few horses does not seem to be a big problem. This time when they came out of Hangzhou, Li Mutian, Xu Yi and his party prepared a cart, and at the same time, they also prepared a few pretty good horses. horse.

Because when Xu Yi was born, wanting to ride a horse was a very luxurious thing. Not to mention good horse racing, don’t even think about playing it if you don’t have thousands of dollars. At most, you can go to the park or some playgrounds to see some different A big horse costs at least a few tens of dollars to ride around casually, which is considered a luxury entertainment for ordinary citizens. Xu Yi's family background was not very good since he was a child, so he has only seen horses, but he has never seen horses. I have never ridden a horse before, but after leaving Hangzhou, I saw Li Bo's majestic appearance on a horse, so I immediately felt itchy. In this era, if I don't take the opportunity to pass Yin who rides a horse, I am really sorry for his pig feet. trip.

As a result, amidst Xu Yi's strange screams and the exclamation of Li Mutian, Li Bo and others, Xu Yi straddled a horse and galloped out, so that Li Bo had to urge the horse to chase after him. After running for a few miles, Xu Yicai, with the help of Li Bo, pulled back the horse under his crotch, but looking at his face, he had already turned pale from fright. It turns out that riding a horse really requires skill ah!Xu Yi's performance completely exposed the fact that he had never ridden a horse before, which made him feel ashamed. Fortunately, after coming here, he has practiced martial arts diligently, his legs, feet, waist and body are strong enough, and his balance has improved a lot , otherwise, he was probably thrown half to death by this horse just now.

"Has the master never ridden a horse before?" Li Bo asked Xu Yi's rein while still in shock.

"Well! This... I didn't produce horses there when I was in Austria, so I didn't ride a horse! Hehe! This horse riding is really exciting! Hehe!" Xu Yi laughed as embarrassingly as embarrassing .

"No horses? Then you Austrian people also use donkeys to pull your carts? At least you can ride donkeys!" Li Bo held the reins for Xu Yi, let the horses walk forward, and also let Xu Yi get used to riding horses a feeling of.

"Well... no, who still uses that thing! We all ride cars, and I usually ride a bicycle! Oh! Don't talk about this, I was really scared just now, you have to teach me I'm the one who rides horses! Hehe!" Xu Yi was in shock and almost sold out Lao Di, but when he realized the problem, he immediately changed his words and brought the topic back.

"Car? Bicycle? What is that?" Li Bo was confused by Xu Yi's words.

"Don't talk about this! Hurry up and teach me how to ride a horse! Hurry up! Hurry up!" Xu Yi held on tightly to the rein of the horse, not daring to let go.

Under Li Bo's teaching, Xu Yi finally knew the basics of horse control, and began to move forward slowly under Li Bo's protection. At this time, Li Mutian and the others also rushed over from behind, and hurriedly asked Xu Yi about his problems. It made Xu Yi very embarrassed.

Xu Yi's performance just now really worried Yiqing and Cuiyu a lot. Seeing that he was unscathed now, they finally felt at ease. Knowing Xu Yi until now, I have never seen Xu Yi panic like this!It turns out that there are really things in this world that he doesn't know!

Although there was no danger and Xu Yi was not injured just now, it still scared him a lot. He wanted to get off the horse and ride in a carriage, but he suddenly thought that since he was on land, it was not as good as when he was on the island. Very basic skills. If something really happens, there is probably no means of transportation faster than horses in the world at present, so I have to endure the fear and start practicing horse riding carefully. Fortunately, these horses of the Li family have passed by. Specially trained, his temperament is not violent, and he is easy to control, so after a while, Xu Yi can control the horse by himself, and go on the road with Li Mutian and others. can learn.

Because Xu Yi was not in a hurry to go back to Dulong Island, so they were not in a hurry to hurry. They walked and watched the scenery along the way. The rice fields on both sides of the road were full of vitality. The island also has a lot of vacant land now, and once Wang Feng and the others control a large area of ​​Liuqiu (Taiwan) Island, they can reclaim a large area of ​​land, at least they don’t need to spend money on land purchases in the future. After the chaos in the north, the price of food will skyrocket a lot, it seems that we have to start planning for a rainy day!

"Mutian, I would like to ask if your Li family is also in the food business?" Xu Yi asked Li Mutian beside him, the two of them could call each other by their first names now, and there was no need to say polite words.

"Our Li family usually does some trafficking business. We also have access to food, but that's not the point. We mainly do business in porcelain, tea, spices, and jewelry! I don't know why Brother Xu suddenly asked about this?" Li Mutian replied.

"A year ago, I heard you said that the imperial court was about to send troops to conquer the Liao Kingdom. I don't know if there is any progress in this matter?" Xu Yi didn't answer him directly, but asked about this matter.

"I've also inquired about this. The imperial court seems to have settled on this matter, and reached a covenant with Jin Guo to destroy Liao together, and is mobilizing grain and fodder to send to the north, and it is said that the Northern Expedition to Liao Kingdom is the current court's leader. Taishi Tong has mobilized 20 elite troops to go to the Northern Expedition, with the strength of our Great Song Dynasty, I think it should not be a problem to deal with a precarious Liao Kingdom!" Li Mutian said.

After Xu Yi heard this, he smiled wryly. He knew better than anyone what Tong Guan was. If Cai Jing was the leader of Huizong's six thieves, Tong Guan should be ranked second. However, he was an official to the Taishi to lead the Privy Council. His two Northern Expeditions to the Liao Kingdom are famous in history. If it weren’t for the Jin Kingdom, I’m afraid the Northern Song Dynasty would not be able to take back Yanyun and other places. If so, I'm afraid it won't attract the Jin Kingdom's covetousness to the Northern Song Dynasty so quickly, so that the Northern Song Dynasty will destroy the country so soon. Thinking of this, he shook his head to Li Mutian: "I'm afraid things will not be as simple as you think. I bet that Tong Guan will be defeated this time when he launches an army to the north, I think you should plan ahead for your business in the north!"

Li Mutian was very disapproving, so he opened his mouth to refute: "I don't think Brother Xu knows more about this matter than I do! Although the reputation of Tong Taishi is not very good, he still has a way of leading troops. Thinking about it, he used to He led troops west to attack Xia State, took back two states for our Song Dynasty, and later put down the Fangla rebellion and beheaded 20 people. If he didn't have any skills, I don't think he would be able to become a grand master. The second Northern Expedition led another [-] elite soldiers to conquer the Liao Kingdom, which had already been beaten into a panic by the Jin Kingdom. Their Liao Kingdom is no longer the Liao Kingdom it used to be. Brother Xu must be losing to me! Hehe!"

This time even Li Bo didn't seem to agree with Xu Yi's point of view, so he nodded and said, "I think what Mr. Li said makes sense. Although our soldiers and horses in the Song Dynasty are not good at fighting, after all, the number of soldiers and horses on our side is smaller than that of Xu Yi." The Liao Kingdom has a lot more, so it should be able to win Yanyun and other places!"

Xu Yi didn't argue with them, nodded and said: "It's not unreasonable what you said, just think that we have made a small bet this time, if Tong Guan sends troops to take down Yanyun and other places this time, I will Xu is willing to pay you the Li family ten thousand taels of silver, if Tong Guan is defeated this time, then I don’t know what you are willing to pay me in Mutian?"

Li Mutian hesitated when he heard Xu Yi speak so full of words. He didn't know why Xu Yi was so sure that Tong Guan's Northern Expedition would definitely be defeated. Li Mingshan, his father is in charge of the Li family, if he bet tens of thousands of taels of silver, if Tong Guan is defeated this time, his father would dare to break his leg!So he laughed and said, "I don't dare to make a bet with Brother Xu with ten thousand taels of silver. If I lose, I'm afraid my father will drive me out of the house! Hehe! How about this, if Brother Xu wins, I I can promise Brother Xu a condition. In the future, as long as Brother Xu needs money, I will definitely lobby my father to help. I can’t say whether to give it or borrow it. But as long as our Li family can do it, we will definitely do our best to help Xu As for the ten thousand taels of silver set by Brother Xu, even if I win, I dare not accept it! How about this, once Grand Master Tong takes down Yanyun and other places this time, your Dulong Island All the soap will be taken care of by our Li family, so what if we can’t sell it to others in the future?” This soap is very profitable, and even though their Li family and Dulong Island are very close now, he is still worried that one day Xu Yi will hand over the soap business to others I want to take care of it, so I want to take this opportunity to make this agreement, and circle Xu Yi before we talk.

Xu Yi laughed loudly: "Haha! After all, Mutian came from a business background. This bet is really a good deal! But let me say it first, what we agreed on is only this Tongguan Northern Expedition, and it doesn't involve the future." If I win, you can remember that the Li family owes me a favor. If I lose, I, Xu Yi, will swear that all the soap produced on Dulong Island will be returned to me. The Li family will take care of it exclusively, so let's make an agreement! Hehe!"


At least four chapters today.There were nine reminder tickets yesterday.Pimple will do what he promises.If there is a reminder ticket, it will be added.Pass on Chapter 1 first for everyone to have fun.If the monthly ticket breaks [-] today, today will be a five-chapter explosion! ! !Bros.Top it up.

(End of this chapter)

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