Great Song Pirate

Chapter 147 Live for another 8 years

Chapter 147 Live for another 80 years

"Will I die?" When Yiqing was conscious again, she opened her eyes and saw Xu Yi sitting by the bed, and asked the question she had been wanting to ask for a few days.

Xu Yi looked at her and shook his head with a smile, "Why would you think of asking this question? With me here, you will definitely not die! Don't worry, we have already arrived in Hangzhou, and I have also found a famous doctor. You will get better soon! "

Yiqing suddenly shed a line of tears, reached out and grabbed Xu Yi's hand, and then said with some horror: "I'm so scared! I had so many nightmares, dreaming that you killed my father, and then I also pushed off the cliff, and I dreamed that you killed my family one by one, would you do that?"

Xu Yi held Yiqing's hand tightly, and gently wiped the fine sweat from her forehead with the other hand, and comforted her in a warm voice: "Silly girl, you must be thinking wildly again, your father and I are thinking about it again." There is no deep hatred, why should you kill him? Although he is not a good emperor, I will not help him at all, and I will not kill him at all. As for you, it is too late for me to feel sorry for you. How could I push you? What about going down the cliff? Don't think about it, take a good rest, recover quickly, and go back to our Dulong Island, I still have a lot of things that I haven't shown you!"

Hearing Xu Yi's comfort, Yiqing was slightly relieved, but soon said: "Am I really not going to die? I'm still afraid. I've been afraid these days. Ever since I grew up , I seldom been happy. I just felt that I had grasped a little happiness, but then I fell ill. I am afraid that everything will go away from me. I don’t want to die. Really, I don’t want to die. Even if I live another year or so For a few months, let me enjoy this feeling, and then I will have no regrets if I die again! Don't lie to me!" As he said, he held Xu Yi's hand tightly, and tears flowed down again.

Looking at her thinner pretty face, Xu Yi felt distressed in his heart, leaned over, kissed the teardrops from the corners of her eyes lightly, and then nodded very solemnly: "I'm sorry, I still lied to you, you will indeed die, but But it’s not what’s happening now. I’ve asked a miracle doctor, and he said that you are a hard-working girl. When I die of old age, you will die of old age too. However, an eminent monk also told me that I should live to be at least a hundred years old. Well, let me do the math, you only have 80 years to live, you should cherish these 80 years! Time is like passing by, 80 years go by like a snap of your fingers, you have to hurry up and return what you want to do. Do what you didn’t do quickly, otherwise it will be too late for you to regret it when the time comes!”

When Yiqing just heard him say the first few sentences, his expression immediately dimmed, but when he listened to the back, he immediately realized that Xu Yi was joking with her. She is 17 years old this year and has 80 years to live, isn't it? Are you going to live to be 97?This guy is still scaring her seriously, it is really hateful, so he rolled his pretty eyes and gave him a look, but his mood immediately relaxed, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and said: "You guy is still cheating at this time." Me, be careful I ignore you, I suddenly feel a little hungry right now, if you are so angry with me again, I'm afraid I'm really going to starve to death!"

Xu Yi was overjoyed to hear that Yiqing seldom ate since she fell ill, and Cuiyu could only feed her some rice porridge every day. Now that she knew she was hungry, it must be that her illness had begun to get worse, so she turned her head and shouted to the outside Said: "Come here! Hurry up and get some light food for Miss Xiao, she already knows she is hungry! Haha!"

The girl outside rushed to the kitchen to arrange food for Yiqing. Xu Yi lowered his head and smiled at Yiqing: "I didn't lie to you! Since you took the medicine, you started to want to eat right away. With such a good appetite, I’m afraid it’s hard for you to die! You have to pay attention, don’t lie down like this all the time, otherwise you will eat and sleep like this every day, and if you eat and sleep, you will soon become a little fat pig. Hurry up When you recover from your illness, go to morning exercises with me in the morning, otherwise, see if I don't put little mice in your bed, haha!"

Yiqing also felt that her condition seemed to be recovering, and hearing what he said was interesting, so her mood improved, and she blamed him: "Okay! How dare you say that this princess will become a piggy, and dare to threaten the court?" I'll put little mice in the bed, and see if I don't let someone drag you to the board!"

Xu Yi stared: "Nonsense! I don't have any princess here. You are just a lady in distress. You were rescued by me. How dare you pretend to be a princess? I only know a girl named Qian'er, and I don't know any princess. ! If you can't forget the identity of this princess, then I will immediately send you to the government to exchange for a bounty!"

"Hmph! I'm just kidding you. She's so powerful. I don't care about the status of this princess! If you don't do it, don't do it. I'll just call me Qian'er in the future! Cheapskate!" Yi reprimanded him for a while, pouted his mouth and muttered.

After watching Yiqing eat and fall asleep again, Xu Yi let out a long sigh of relief, walked out of Yiqing's room, and came to Xue Tu who had been waiting in the back hall.

Xue Tu, Lin Xiong, shopkeeper Li, and Li Mingshan were all waiting for Xu Yi. After seeing him come out, they all asked, "Is Miss Xiao's condition stable now?"

Xu Yi smiled and nodded: "It's much better, much better, thank you everyone! Thank you all!"

Xue Tu waved his hand and said, "Don't be polite to me, but I also want to congratulate you, young master, you have added beauty! I admire, admire!"

Li Mutian said with a smile: "Of course, with Brother Xu's talent, it's not a problem to win a heart! Hehe!"

Xu Yi blushed, and said with embarrassment: "Don't talk about this, don't talk about this! It should be said that Yingchun is generous! Hehe! Let's talk about things at these times!"

After greeting Li Mingshan and others, everyone sat down and talked about what happened in Hangzhou recently.

"After I came this time, I found out that Liangzhe Road had suddenly issued an order to seal the sea. What's going on?" Xu Yi's first concern was this.

Li Mingshan sighed slightly: "Mr. Xu may not know about it outside. This time, the government has searched for Princess Yiqing. Many officials in the two Zhejiang provinces have been reprimanded by the current emperor, saying that they are not good at monitoring. This led to rampant banditry at sea. After these officials were reviled, they just took advantage of this opportunity to rectify the coastal areas, and took the opportunity to attack the private maritime trade. The young master also knows that there has always been a theory of government-run and private-owned sea merchants, and the government-run business is due to the cost. It is higher than the private sector, so it has been squeezed by the private sector for a long time. Some people in the government have already discussed the cancellation of private sea trade. The sky is turned upside down, we private businessmen have been negotiating with the government all the time, but the government has been very tough this time and refused to agree, now our ships are all parked at the pier and cannot go to sea, almost half of the business has stopped now!"

Xu Yi has heard about the maritime trade disputes between government officials and private merchants since the Song Dynasty before in history books, but he has never heard of the imperial court ordering the closure of the sea, and he doesn't know what to do in the current situation. , but after thinking about it carefully, he comforted Li Mingshan and said: "This incident is beyond our expectations, but I don't think it will continue forever. After all, this time it is only a local rule issued by Liangzhe Road. It's not an order issued by the entire Song Dynasty, and this matter is a bad thing for other people, but it is not necessarily a bad thing for us!"

"Oh? How do you say that, my lord?" Li Mingshan asked immediately after hearing this.

Xu Yi smiled and said, "Did Shopkeeper Li forget what we do? Although it is true that the government has closed the sea, after all, they can only guard a few important ports and wharves. I also don't believe that the government can take care of all the places along the coast where ships can be parked, as long as there are places where ships can be parked, isn't it still free for us to come and go at sea?"

Li Mingshan was overjoyed. When he got to know this Dulong Island group, he just valued buying their stolen goods at a low price and wanted to make some small profits. But now, it seems that he made such a wise decision at the beginning!Although the two Zhejiang governments do not allow private individuals to go to sea, with the help of these pirates who come and go freely at sea, the government can only control others, so how can they completely control his Li family?As long as you find an unobtrusive bay, Xu Yi's pirate ship will be responsible for transporting the goods. As long as the goods are transported to Fujian Road, his ship can take over and continue to do his business. His Li family's business has little impact, and he can even help his Li family take advantage of the opportunity to grow bigger. As for those who do not have this way, they can only stare blankly. Li Mingshan quickly got up and saluted Xu Yi: "Then Li is here Here, I would like to thank you, Mr. Xu, for your great kindness to our Li family! In the future, as long as you, Mr. Xu, have something to do, I, Mr. Li, will definitely do my best to help! Thank you very much!"

Xu Yi smiled and asked him to sit down quickly, and then said: "Actually, shopkeeper Li doesn't need to thank me. After all, our two families are still tied together. If you are beneficial, it is also beneficial to us, right? And this matter I think the profit is really not small. Now that the government prohibits private going to sea, the result will definitely affect the squeeze of goods in many private factories. This will definitely lower the price, and I can see that the sea business will definitely be more profitable. Some, but it’s just that we took some risks, but it’s nothing, as long as we are careful, the problem probably won’t be too big!”

(End of this chapter)

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