Great Song Pirate

Chapter 143 Lucky

Chapter 143 Lucky

Since the imperial navy began to block the sea, the thieves on Dulong Island did not dare to be careless in the past few days. Only those fishing boats went in and out of Dulong Island, passing some news back and forth. Xu Yi and Xue Tu who was far away in Hangzhou even flew The pigeons kept passing letters, conveying all kinds of news that Xue Tu and the Li family had discovered on land, as well as some instructions from Xu Yi.

Now everything is clear, it really was because of Yiqing's incident that triggered this incident. After Du Feng's little pirates attacked Yiqing's passenger boat that day, they did not know who they robbed. Afterwards, they escaped the passenger boat with a few women they had snatched, and returned to Shengsi, where they were caught by Wang Feng. However, after Yiqing escaped from the palace, Zhao Ji, who was enraged by the chaos in Bianliang, committed a crime A lot of things were related to people, and they sent people to look for Yiqing everywhere. They almost turned Bianjing upside down and found nothing. Then they realized that Yiqing might have left Beijing, so they sent people out of Beijing to look for it. The officials who investigated the matter They even followed the clues left by Yiqing all the way, until they found out that Yiqing might have boarded a passenger boat on the Huaihe River, and then changed to a passenger boat going south after arriving in Yangzhou. On the passenger boat, I found out later that Yiqing had been plundered by pirates. The court was furious and ordered Dasuo to try to find Yiqing. The news was earlier, and Wang Feng and others fled after hearing the news without suffering too much loss. However, the small group of pirates who looted along the Liangzhe Road along the coast were completely wiped out, and they were wiped out by the navy within half a month. Quite a few escaped, and those who escaped either went north or went south. For a while, the coastal areas of Liangzhe Road became more peaceful.

Although the imperial court has exerted such great efforts, Dulong Island and the others are far away from the coastal area. In addition, they are not too ostentatious at ordinary times, so they have not been noticed by the government. In addition, after Xu Yi heard the news, he immediately shrank all the personnel and ships back to the island, so they were not caught by the government. The sailors who went out to sea to suppress the bandits found traces and traced them to Dulong Island. They did not become victims of this incident, but temporarily lost their strongholds and waters around the Shengsi Islands. The loss can be said to be minimal.

Moreover, this incident happened in the sea area around Shengsi, and some people in the government knew that this area was occupied by pirates like Zhao Tieshan, so most of them focused their attention on Zhao Tieshan, who was destroyed by Dulong Island not long ago, and Zhao Tieshan was destroyed again. It just happened not long ago, and few outsiders know about it, so it was simply attributed to the dead ghost Zhao Tieshan. In addition, when Wang Feng and the others evacuated Shengsi, they were discovered by the navy and fled all the way south, leading away Therefore, after searching the entire Shengsi Islands, the imperial court gradually began to move south to investigate. Therefore, it did not send a large number of sea ships to search the waters where Dulong Island is located, allowing Dulong Island to escape the siege by chance.

The officials in charge of this matter searched all the pirates along the coast, but they couldn't find Yiqing in the end. They couldn't help but feel a little discouraged. After all, once a flowery princess falls into the hands of pirates, what will happen to them? The officials can guess with their buttocks. If Yiqing's identity is not revealed, then she will definitely be raped by the pirates. She destroys the corpse without leaving any traces, so as not to cause catastrophe, so they and the emperor Zhao Ji also understand that it is futile to search for it. After all, it is not a glorious thing for a princess to fall into the hands of pirates, so the court and the government also It is inconvenient to make a big publicity, but only announced that the banditry along the Liangzhe Road was rampant, so the navy was dispatched to carry out the encirclement and suppression. Only a small number of people accompanied the navy warships to investigate the matter secretly. These things were learned by the Li family through the investigation of the government. , and soon learned from Xue Tu to Xu Yi, but no matter how smart they were, they never thought that Princess Yiqing, whom the court was looking for now, was actually on Dulong Island.

But soon Xu Yi discovered a new trouble, that is, the imperial court's aggressive pursuit of pirates at sea has also hit Jiang Desheng. Jiang Desheng obviously has an eyeliner in the government. He immediately withdrew his power at sea, stopped his robbery activities at sea, and transformed himself into a great ship merchant. The operating base did not suffer much loss, but his cessation of flags and drums immediately made the boats in the outer sea of ​​Taizhou much safer, and the Weihai bodyguard agency opened by Xu Yi and the Li family was originally based on the robbery of Jiang Desheng and his gang. Jiang Desheng died down, and the Weihai Escort Bureau, which was about to open soon, immediately lost its original business and became a decoration. Since those businessmen no longer need to worry about Jiang Desheng's threat, why did they hire Escort ship personnel to escort them?Unless they have money and nowhere to spend it.

Neither Xu Yi nor the Li family expected this kind of situation. The Weihai Escort Agency, which is about to open, has become an embarrassment. The momentum supported hundreds of people but had nothing to do. Xue Tu sent a letter asking Xu Yi what to do. Now even Xu Yi had no idea, so he had to ask Xue Tu to appease his subordinates for the time being.

With the continuous reply of various information, Xu Yi's heart that had been hanging high gradually fell down. After nearly a month of pursuit, the government did not even find out any news about Princess Yiqing, so it gradually cooled down. , although the naval warships along the coast are still patrolling, they no longer have the aggressive feeling at the beginning. They began to focus on checking the passing merchant ships and passenger boats, and the main fleet also gathered and returned to the water village. Time sails on the sea, and the officers and soldiers can't bear it.

Feeling relieved, Xu Yi also relieved the tense preparations on the island, allowing the pirates who had been nervous for many days to take turns to rest, but they still did not relax about the fishing boats released outside, and still kept them on guard for going out, for fear that things would happen again Variety.

Since the incident, Yiqing saw that Xu Yi and the rest of the island were tense, and felt very uneasy. Although he didn't mention Xu Yi's sending her back to the land, he became depressed and just bowed his head every day. Carefully looking after the pigeons, she never saw her smiling face again. Yingchun tried to comfort her a lot in private, but it didn't have any effect. Yuehong and Cuiyu didn't know about it, and thought Yiqing was afraid, so He also tried to comfort her, but Yiqing said no, but it didn't relieve her feeling of guilt at all. Seeing Yiqing gradually lose weight, Yingchun was secretly worried about her, and only hoped that she could adjust herself.

A month later, Xu Yi was completely relieved. Judging from the news collected by the fishing boats sent out, the government has basically given up hope of continuing to search for Princess Yiqing along the coast of Zhejiang and Zhejiang. Most of the naval warships have returned to Hong Kong. The area has basically returned to calm.

Although the danger has been lifted, a new problem has arisen in this way. The government has controlled many important islands in the sea through this incident. It has become impossible for Dulong Island to return to Shengsi, which has been occupied by the navy. , set up a water fortress, and sent troops to garrison it. Xu Yi was not arrogant enough to compete with them for territory, and the naval warships had obviously strengthened their control over the coastal waterways. The risk of robbery increased a lot if they continued to go there. To resume their previous activities, at least they will have to wait for a long time. After the limelight passes, they can return to the sea to continue their business. It is not an option for so many people on the island to be idle, Xu Yi has to Start thinking about your next move.

Xu Yi called several important people on the island to discuss the matter, and wanted to hear their thoughts. Apart from Xue Tu and Lin Xiong who were still in Hangzhou, Qian Laoben, Wang Feng, Kong Qingxi, Liu Laoliu and a group of newly promoted leaders had all arrived for the discussion In the hall, Dulong Island hadn't been so lively for a while, everyone was talking about the current affairs, until Xu Yi raised his hand, everyone immediately shut up and looked at Xu Yi, looking at everyone respectfully When looking at himself, Xu Yi couldn't help feeling a little bit of being able, and also understood why many people are so keen on power, because this feeling of being looked up to by others is very wonderful, but Xu Yi immediately put himself away from it. This kind of fluttering is pulled out, rights and responsibilities have always been equal, only those corrupt officials who only want to enjoy rights and ignore responsibilities, he Xu Yi does not want to be that kind of thing.

"Presumably everyone knows that the official government's encirclement and suppression of us pirates has basically settled down. Fortunately, Dulong Island did not become a victim of this incident. It can be regarded as the spirit of Master Jin who is in the sky to take care of our brothers and keep us in such a situation. It is a great blessing for our brothers to be preserved during the sweeping campaign!" Xu Yi said, and mentioned Jin Huhu.

In the hall, except for Kong Qingxi and a leader who was promoted from Zhao Tieshan's old department, everyone else had a long-term friendship with Jin Huhu. When Xu Yi mentioned Jin Huhu, their expressions dimmed, but I still admire Xu Yi in my heart. Although Xu Yi is now the head of Dulong Island, he still hasn't forgotten Jin Huo back then. For the sake of people doing this, it shows that Xu Yi is not the kind of ungrateful person. Follow Xu Yi and nod.

"This time, the government suddenly went to the sea. Someone must have violated the interests of the imperial court. Otherwise, they would not have used such a large amount of manpower and material resources to wipe out us people. I think everyone understands what I have been saying before. It’s because of our low-key behavior. After all, no matter how much our power develops, we are nothing compared to the imperial court! I’m afraid Brother Wang Feng will be deeply touched by this matter!” Xu Yi took this opportunity and decided to give these people a second chance. Get a vaccination to prevent them from getting carried away in the future and attacking the official ship without authorization, causing disaster to Dulong Island.


Got food poisoning today.I vomited in the morning, slept all day, and still feel dizzy.Haha, fortunately I didn't oversleep.The update came quickly.There will be Chapter 4 around [-]pm.Brothers, let's hit the monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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