Chapter 129
Regarding Xu Yi's replacement of Jin Huhu, there is no different opinion on the island, at least among the upper-level people. They all know what Xu Yi has in their hearts. Even Qian Laoben and Xue Tu can't compare with it, and Xu Yi is even more so among younger people, such as Shuimao, Li Bo, Wang Feng, Lin Xiong, Liu Laoliu... It was because of their admiration, so after the death of Tiger Jin, Dulong Island did not have any quarrels or intrigues like other forces because of subordinates vying for the position of boss. This is the most gratifying thing for Xu Yi.

In fact, Xu Yi himself doesn't value the position of the head of the family very much, but thinking that if this position is handed over to other people, new mistakes will inevitably occur, and it is also for the sake of the thousands of people on the island. He accepted this position without hesitation, but felt that the burden on his shoulders was heavier.

After Zhao Tieshan’s old troops invested in Kong Qingxi, they also invested in Dulong Island together, which made Dulong Island more powerful and controlled a much larger sea area, and Zhao Tieshan’s former lair was in the Shengsi Islands. It is not as big as Huangyu Island, but its geographical location is more important than Huangyu Island. After careful consideration, Xu Yi discussed with Qian Laoben, Xue Tu and others, and finally decided to use this place as a base for Dulong Island. Abandoning Huangyu Island, Huangyu Island only left about a hundred people to garrison. As a transit base, Wang Feng led people to garrison. After Wang Feng suffered a big loss, he was very grateful for Xu Yi's trust this time, and vowed that he would never do it again. To live up to Xu Yi's and the others' expectations, we must manage the place well.

After Xu Yi thought about it, he decided to send Kong Qingxi to Wang Feng as Wang Feng's deputy, because Kong Qingxi was straightforward and loyal, and he was most familiar with the situation in that area. With him, he could make up for some of Wang Feng's shortcomings. After staying in Dulong Island for a period of time, I also understood Xu Yi's personality clearly. He no longer has the heart of betrayal, and he is determined to do things for Dulong Island. Besides, his mother is also in Dulong Island. , that's why Xu Yi released him with peace of mind, and followed Wang Feng to garrison the Shengsi waters.

After Kong Qingxi heard about it, he was also very grateful for Xu Yi's trust, and vowed to repay Xu Yi's kindness. He followed Wang Feng and brought hundreds of brothers and seven or eight boats to set off on the same day to rebuild the base of Shengsi. Before leaving Xu Yi confessed to the two of them that Shengsi was relatively close to Hangzhou Bay, so they should be more careful not to be too blatant and attract the encirclement and suppression by the government. The tribe left Dulong Island and sailed away.

After finishing these things, it was already the first month of the lunar year. Xu Yi received the pigeons flying back from Hangzhou a few days earlier. The note he brought back said that the Li family in Hangzhou was very anxious, waiting for Xu Yi and the others to arrive in Hangzhou as soon as possible. Xu Yi has been anxious about this matter for a long time, but such a big event happened on the island, he couldn't leave even if he wanted to. Now that the situation on Dulong Island has finally stabilized, everything is back on track. It seems that It's time to go to Hangzhou to settle the affairs of the Escort Bureau!Now that Tiger Jin is gone, there is no resistance at all. Together with Xue Tu, Xu Yi personally selected more than 100 experts with strict speech and high loyalty from the left-behind personnel on the island. Xiong concentrated on practicing and explained to them what he was about to do, which made these people very excited for a while.

After telling Qian Laoben to guard the house, Xu Yi bid farewell to Yingchun, and set foot on the journey to Hangzhou with Xue Tu and Li Bo again. Before leaving, Yingchun specially asked him to bring back the two girls from Hangzhou when he came back this time. Xu Yi was so moved.

The ship was full of all kinds of goods, and soap was their main product this time. It is estimated that after a trial period during the Spring Festival, the Li family and their business sensitivities should have already realized the huge benefits that this soap can bring them. Yes, it is estimated that they have already used the samples given to them to lay the groundwork in advance. After Xu Yi went to discuss the price, the supply will let the Li family go public. If they can't even do this, then Xu Yi It's time for Yi to reconsider the cooperation with their Li family.

Except for these soaps, the others are obtained from looting by Qian Laoben and others near Huangyu Island some years ago. Most of them are considered to be in short supply on the land market. I took some of the valuables stolen from Zhao Tieshan with me, and planned to cash them in Hangzhou. After all, the Escort needed a lot of silver in the early stage. If I want to make money, I can't do it without a little money, or they will go back to specialize in it. Forget about the business of pirates, as long as you have a ship.

After sailing for two days, the ship entered the increasingly busy waterway, and saw the official ships and civilian ships in a hurry. It can be seen that the development of shipping in the Song Dynasty caused this situation not only because of the economic development of the Song Dynasty, but also because of the There is also a need for cost. Land transportation is huge for the cost of cargo exchange. Compared with land transportation, the load of ships is much greater than that of land transportation. Moreover, the shipbuilding industry in the Tang and Song Dynasties was developed. The load capacity and safety of the ship have been greatly improved, and profit-seeking merchants immediately saw the benefits of sea transport for profits, so they chose more water transport to reduce the cost of goods and obtain greater profits. The sea transportation has developed a lot. Xu Yi watched the scenery while chatting with Xue Tu and Li Bo about the reasons for the development of the Song Dynasty. Xue Tu and Li Bo couldn't help nodding their opinions.

"Big Master, Master Xue, look, the momentum seems a bit wrong!" A sailor standing on a high place suddenly shouted to Xu Yi and the others who were chatting.

Xu Yi, Xue Tu and the others got up and came to the bow of the boat, and saw two fast boats sailing towards them at a high speed. With their knowledge, they could tell that the visitors were definitely not kind, but they were their fellow travelers. It's a ghost today, and their pirate's cargo ship actually ran into a pirate!

Xu Yi and Xue Tu felt a little ridiculous, this thing is really new, usually they go out to snatch other people's boats, but today they meet someone else to snatch their boats, without Xu Yi's order, Xue Tu immediately gave the order To: "Brothers copying guys, we have met our colleagues!"

The brothers on the ship smiled wryly, and each quickly took out their swords, guns, bows and arrows from the cabin, and made preparations for the battle.

The two fast boats quickly approached their cargo ship. A group of pirates in various costumes waved blades and spears and shouted loudly to let them lower the sails and stop the ship. He looked at the pirates and asked, "Whose brothers are you? Do you know who we are?"

Someone among the pirates on the opposite side immediately responded: "Who the hell do you care about us? Stop the boat quickly, or wait for the old men to pass, and carefully chop you up and feed them to the fish! Who are you? Could it be the officers and soldiers? Don’t scare me here, stop the boat quickly, or we will go there by ourselves!”

Xue Tu looked at Xu Yi, dare to say that these people are still newbies, probably because they haven't been in the sea for a long time, and they actually came here to rob passing ships. It should be said that they are in the sphere of influence of Dulong Island, and they have obviously been scooped up by them. The pirates had already crossed the border, so they shouted to the pirates: "Do you know whose territory this is, actually fishing for food here? To tell you the truth, I am a ship from Dulong Island, and I am going to Hangzhou for business. Don't think we are fat sheep, just be sensible." If you want to get out of this water, get out of this water, or if I run into you again, I will peel your skin, why don't you get out?" Xue Tu is an old pirate after all, and he is very rude to these rookies .

The pirates on the opposite boat looked at each other, not sure if what Xue Tu said was true or not. Dulong Island and the others who did pirates had heard of it, and recently heard that Dulong Island was in full swing, occupying Huangyu Island, and took over Zhao Tieshan during the Chinese New Year. , They are also new to the sea not long ago, without a decent place to stay, wandering around all day, so they ran here to make a ticket, intending to grab a hand and leave, but they didn't expect to intercept Dulong Island. Cargo ship, they stared and pondered for a long time, seeing Xue Tu dressed as a merchant, some couldn't believe Xue Tu's words, thinking that Xue Tu was fooling them, so one of them plucked up his courage and shouted: "Stop here If you are fooling us here, the uncle does not believe that you are a ship from Dulong Island. If you say that you are from Dulong Island, then I will say that we are from Jiang Batian! If everyone is playing under the banner of Dulong Island , then should we still do business? Stop talking nonsense, stop the boat quickly and let me pass, otherwise don’t blame me for being rude, if we don’t stop the boat, we will shoot arrows!”

Xue Tu almost turned his nose in anger. These blind bastards still didn't believe their identities. If you don’t show off your strength, you don’t know how many eyes Lord Ma has. Shoot arrows, right? Brothers, show them our guys and see who is the best!”

The sailors on the boat were also good players, and they even put a lot of bows and arrows on the boat. Hearing Xue Tu's shout, they all stood on the side of the boat with their bows in their hands, and at the same time pulled the bowstring in their hands, making a gesture of shooting arrows at any time. posture.

Now those stupid thieves were completely dumbfounded. They didn't believe that the other party was from Dulong Island, but now they saw that the other party roared, and immediately stood up dozens of archers, which were actually more than the bows and arrows on their boat. Some of the opponents were holding machine crossbows, which is not comparable to bumpkin pirates like them. Bowbows are a luxury item, and the price is really high. They poor thieves can't get so many bows and arrows. It seems that today they still have What a mistake, the other party probably was really a ship from Dulong Island, so these people secretly rejoiced in their hearts. Fortunately, they encountered a cargo ship from Dulong Island. I will tell you my life. These pirates are most jealous of others fishing over the water. Now that they know that they have fished on the water of Dulong Island, their attitude immediately softened. You guys don’t know that you guys are really brothers from Dulong Island, how many offenses you have, how many offenses you have, let’s go now, let’s go now, I hope you guys don’t care about it, hehe!”

Xue Tu scolded them: "I have something to do today, so I will let you go. If I encounter you fishing for food on the water in the future, I will cut off your heads and stuff them in your crotch. Go inside, if you don't want me to get out, get out as far as I can, get out!"

Those country bumpkin pirates lost their prestige now, and hurriedly said: "Get out, let's get out of here! Don't be angry with this old man!" Then they turned the rudder and sailed away into the distance. Never dare to commit crimes in this area of ​​the sea again.

Xu Yi laughed loudly: "Brother Xue, we hunt geese every day, but today we were almost pecked by geese. It seems that if we open an escort agency, we won't have to worry about no business!"

Xue Tu also laughed: "These bastards actually grabbed our heads, and they don't even look at what we are doing. Now I am more confident in opening an escort agency! Ha ha!"

(End of this chapter)

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