Great Song Pirate

Chapter 112 The Half Immortal

Chapter 112 The Half Immortal
Xu Yi's injury was very minor, except for a not-so-deep wound on his left thigh, which basically didn't affect anything after being bandaged with medicine, which reassured everyone on the island.

Except for the few who were killed by Yingchun and Li Bo on the spot, none of the traitors on Judao escaped. They were all tied up tightly and tied to the high platform in front of the pier.

Among them, the leader who was kicked unconscious by Xu Yi was an old department of Dulong Island brought out by Jin Huo this time. Seeing that Jin Huo went to sea this time and robbed the official fleet, he got a lot of money, so Then he was moved, and he entangled a dozen of his men, including the old Dulong Island and the old Huangyu Island. Taking advantage of Jin Huo just returning to the island, when the people on the island were celebrating and the defense was most lax, he stole a batch of yellow and white things. They planned to escape from Dulong Island and go back to the land. With these yellow and white things, they bought some fields and went back to be their land rich. However, they met Xu Yi who was depressed and went to the beach to relax, and their luggage was broken. , and finally ended up being caught.

Xu Yi wondered why it was Yingchun who came to save him first, not anyone else, so he dragged Yingchun to inquire and found out that when Yingchun saw Jin Huhu come back, everyone hosted a banquet to celebrate him, knowing that Xu Yi disagreed with Jin Huhu He robbed the official ship, afraid that Xu Yi would have a verbal conflict with Jin Huhu at the wine table, so when the banquet was halfway through, he went to inquire, and found that Xu Yi had already left. After thinking about something, I liked to take a walk on the beach, so I searched all the way down, just happened to meet Xu Yi who was fighting with these people, so I was the first to arrive and rescued Xu Yi, Xu Yi was very grateful to Yingchun, After saying thank you, Yingchun gave her a blank look and laughed.

Xu Yi was injured and crashed into an incident on the island, which made Jin Huhu, who was in a good mood just because he robbed a large number of official ships, suddenly became as disgusted as eating a fly. Everyone on the island gathered in front of the pier on the island, announcing the crimes of these people in public. When they came out as pirates, they talked about loyalty and righteousness, and the most taboo thing was betrayal. At first, Jiao Meng and Regarding the matter of the white mouse, there was a car in front and a track in the back. These people were immediately smeared with wax and lit up sky lanterns collectively. Although Xu Yi felt that such torture was too cruel, but because of the rules of the island, there are still It was a big taboo on the island, so I didn't do anything to stop it. Instead, I didn't go to the pier to watch the execution. I just heard from Li Bo afterwards that these people died in terrible conditions. They were burned alive for an hour. A person can be regarded as completely dead, Xu Yi shook his head and did not speak.

However, this matter was also publicized by Xue Tu and others, taking advantage of the admiration of Xu Yi from the people on the island, and through the mouths of some cronies, they described Xu Yi as a demigod, able to pinch and count, It has long been expected that these traitors intend to betray the island, so they waited at the pier early, and finally captured these traitors. This move has two benefits. One is to push Xu Yi's reputation on the island again. It reached a high point, and the other one was that it greatly frightened some pirates who had different intentions, and made them put away their thoughts of secretly rebelling against Dulong Island, for fear that Xu Yi would figure out their thoughts. Not only respect, but also a little more awe.

Xu Yi didn't know about this at first, but after hearing Li Bo tell him about it, he couldn't laugh or cry. The lie that Xue Tu and the others fabricated was just for those ignorant and uneducated little pirates who couldn't stand a little scrutiny. If he, Xu Yi, could figure it out, if he had been lying in ambush on the pier early and waiting to catch the traitors, how could he run to catch these traitors alone?What's more, with bare hands and two boots as hidden weapons, how about dealing with a dozen desperadoes?In the end, he almost ended up being taken hostage by these traitors, and was even stabbed in the thigh. If he could pinch and count, he might have already led a group of experts to wait here at the pier. It's not so embarrassing.But since Xue Tu and the others had already said that, Xu Yi wouldn't foolishly jump out to clarify it by himself. Anyway, doing so would only benefit the island and not cause any harm. In an age when science was underdeveloped, superstition was an effective way to control people's hearts. !Let them say whatever they want, anyway, Xu Yi is the one who gets the cheapest.

After this incident, Tiger Jin immediately lost interest in going out to sea again. Seeing that the New Year's Eve was not far away, he left the affairs of the island to Xu Yi again, and went to be his hands-off shopkeeper.

It took Xu Yi two days to make a clear inventory of Jin Huo Hu's income from going out to sea this time, and then classified them into the warehouse. This time, Jin Huo Hu and his party got a lot of money from going out. The silver alone was as much as ten thousand taels, and the gold was a thousand taels. There are a lot of jewelry and jade articles, even dozens of ivory pieces, and there are several ivory handicrafts, seven high-grade corals, more than a dozen medium-grade corals, and countless other local products such as tea and porcelain. No one on the island cared about the strange stones and flowers on the boat, so Xu Yi simply handed them over to Yingchun to call people to move them to his backyard and settle them down, so as to enjoy a little bit of the landlord's addiction.

After tidying up these things, Xu Yi was dazzled by the dazzling array of jade, coral, porcelain and so on. No wonder Jin Huo would take the idea of ​​the official ship. It seems that there are indeed good things on the official ship, and even he is a little jealous , but when he calmed down, Xu Yi secretly worried. Although these things are good things, except for those gold and silver that can be used as money, most of these things can only be placed here as decorations, not because of these things. The things are worthless. The problem is that these things are just too valuable, and they are all official things. Once they are brought to the land and shown in the market, they will be discovered by the government immediately. At that time, they will definitely be traced to the Li family in Hangzhou. Once the Li family in Hangzhou is tracked down, it will be not far from Dulong Island's bad luck, so although it seems that the harvest is not small, in fact it is the silver and gold that can be used, and these things can only be temporarily stored in the vault of Dulong Island , Never dare to cash it out from the Li family!Even these yellow and white objects cannot be taken out and used without authorization, because these silver ingots and gold ingots are all cast by the government, with the government's logo on them, and they must be re-melted before being cast into new silver ingots and gold ingots. Take it out and use it.

Having treasures but not being able to turn them into money made Xu Yi depressed. After he walked out of the secret room shaking his head, he closed the stone door and walked out of Jin Huhu's compound. Just put it aside for now, he still has to think about other things on the island.

The occurrence of this defection not only sounded the alarm bell for Jin Huo, but also for Xu Yi. There are more and more people on the island, and people are separated from each other. It is impossible to guarantee the absolute loyalty of every pirate. If it is not If he happened to bump into these traitors this time, maybe these guys had already wrapped up the stolen things and ran to the land to enjoy themselves alone, but the things in their hands must be cashed out, and it is very likely that the secrets of Dulong Island This leaked out, and Xu Yi began to think about how to solve this problem.

Most of the pirates on the island were forced to escape because of their livelihood, and some were wanted by the government for committing crimes and escaped into the sea as pirates. Worried about being wanted by the government, but this does not mean that they are not in danger from now on. On the contrary, they are always facing various threats. When sailing at sea, they have to worry about storms, when they go out to rob, they have to worry about encountering imperial navy warships, and they also have to worry about robbing cargo ships. Xu Yi already knew about resistance to being killed by others, even if he did nothing, and being annexed by other pirates. This industry is actually a high-risk industry, and he might lose it at any time. In the early stage, he mostly adopted the policy of being gentle and lenient to win people's hearts. He didn't set up various strict island rules and punishment measures like other pirates, and corporal punishment rarely occurred on Dulong Island. And so on, the advantage of this is that the pirates have a sense of belonging to Dulong Island. It should be considered a success in the early stage. At least a few groups of people were pinched together. There was no large-scale gang formation or any major incident. Therefore, Xu Yi gradually relaxed his vigilance against these things at these times.

But now such a situation still happened, although it is an isolated phenomenon, but we still need to consider the solution, why do these people want to defect from Dulong Island?In the final analysis, there are several reasons. Not all of these people are willing to be pirates forever. Some people still yearn for a peaceful civilian life in their hearts, and they don’t want to take the risk of turning around every day to do this. First, the second is that there is a big problem with the distribution system on the island. This is basically a primitive republic society, and the food and drink expenses for the people on the island are basically provided free of charge on the island. Except for some privileges enjoyed by their leaders, the following People are basically the same. Those with families can live at home, and those without families live together. It has nothing to do with them how much they get. Seeing the money, I want to make a fortune and leave, and go back to the land to live a better life. Another reason is that there is an imbalance between men and women on the island. Most of the pirates who go to sea are naked, with There are not many people who lead their family members to become thieves. Xue Tu has long thought about this problem. Although Xue Tu has built a prostitute village on the island, he has brought a group of prostitutes, and he has also brought a group of women in Fusang. In the brothel, power is used as a tool for the bachelors on the island, but this is not a long-term solution. Seeing that people with families can enjoy the feeling of home, the bachelors will inevitably be jealous, so they want to make some money The desire to go back to land and resettle a home must exist in the hearts of some people. There are several reasons for this. Who can guarantee that such things will not happen again in the future?
(End of this chapter)

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