Great Song Pirate

Chapter 101 Joint Stock Cooperation

Chapter 101 Joint Stock Cooperation

Li Mutian ordered people to prepare a few cars, greeted Xu Yi and the others to get out of the Li Mansion, got in the car, and walked towards the city. The purpose of this trip was not to visit any famous places, and Xu Yi was not concerned about these Things, after discussing with Xu Yi, Li Mutian commanded the car to drive all the way to the Watergate Wharf in Hangzhou. Although it was still in the morning, the streets of Hangzhou were already full of bustling crowds. In the car, Xu Yi told Li Mutian that their Dulong Island Now we are going to start whaling. In the future, a large amount of whale skin, whale oil, and whale meat will be shipped to Hangzhou. What is lacking now is the craftsman who handles the skin. The island has found a group of such experts, so that Xu Yi doesn't have to worry, it's best to leave this matter to Li Mutian, after all they are not familiar with the situation here, Xu Yi nodded his thanks.

While chatting, the car passed through several streets and came to the vicinity of Hangzhou Wharf. It stopped in front of a yard. Li Mutian called Xu Yi and the others to get off the car and stood in front of the yard. Xu Yi saw that there was no sign on the lintel of the yard. , I couldn't tell what kind of family this was, and I didn't know what Li Mutian brought them here, so he asked, "Brother Li brought us to this yard, what is he going to do?"

Li Mutian smiled and pretended to be mysterious and said, "Let's not talk about it, Brother Xu and shopkeeper Xue should go in and have a look first!"

After Xu Yi and Xue Tu looked at each other for a moment, they shook their heads and smiled and followed Li Mutian into the yard. There were a few servant-like people standing at the gate. Seeing Li Mutian coming, they hurriedly greeted Li Mutian. Li Mutian nodded and asked them to open the gate.

Obviously, this courtyard used to be the residence of a rich family, at least from the outside it looks much bigger than the lintel of the Li family, but the inside of the courtyard is obviously not as big as the Li family, but it is still a big house, and the house is divided into three entrances: inside and outside. , there are at least dozens of large and small rooms, but it is a pity that there has been no one living here for a long time, and there are a lot of dust and fallen leaves everywhere. Only the front courtyard has been cleaned in a hurry, and it looks bleak. , but these did not affect Xu Yi's perception of this house. It would cost a lot of money to own a house of this size in Hangzhou. Xu Yi still has no concept of money in this era. He just knew that the value of a tael of silver was quite high in ancient times, but he was not sure about the purchasing power of a tael of silver. Anyway, he didn’t need any silver at all when he was on the island. It was basically a small republic society, and most of the items They are all used free of charge. Every year on the island, some red envelopes of varying amounts are distributed to the brothers of various households as encouragement. After arriving here, the Li family is responsible for the basic necessities of life, even the women, and he has no chance. To actually investigate the price issue, so he has no idea about the specific value of this house.

After Li Mutian took Xu Yi and the others around the house, he smiled and asked Xu Yi: "Brother Xu, are you satisfied with this house?"

Xu Yi wondered, "What does Brother Li mean by that?"

Li Mutian explained: "Brother Xu mentioned to my father yesterday that my father was very concerned about it. Since Guidao plans to open an escort agency in Hangzhou, it will be impossible without a place to settle down. And my father happens to have some real estate in Hangzhou. The house happens to be relatively close to the pier, we discussed it and planned to hand over this place to Guidao as a security guard station, what do you think Brother Xu will do?"

Xu Yi and Xue Tu couldn't help being overjoyed, so they hurriedly said politely: "This is impossible, such a house must be of great value, how can we receive such a generous gift from your house? No, no, no! This is absolutely impossible!"

Li Mutian smiled and said: "Brother Xu, shopkeeper Xue, you are being polite. In fact, this house did not cost us much money. This house was bought by my father from a dilapidated big family when there was a military disaster in Hangzhou a year ago. Because of the military disaster, they bought it." The family is in decline, and they are afraid of being coveted by bandits, so they are eager to sell this house and flee with their family. But at the time when people in Hangzhou were in panic, no one dared to pay for the house, and my father saw Fang La and others. Thieves can't be big, and they will be wiped out by the court sooner or later, so they sold this place at a very low price. It didn't cost much money at all. Since Guidao has always helped our Li family in this way, this is nothing It’s our little love for Guidao, please don’t be too polite, Brother Xu, just accept it! With this place in the future, when everyone in Guidao comes to Hangzhou, at least there will be a suitable place to stay!”

Only then did Xu Yi know that the Ganqing Li family took advantage of the danger and took over their house. Now in order to make Dulong Island work for them, they want to use this house to win them over. On second thought, although their Dulong Island is now at sea With some power, you can develop on land in the future. Without a strong backing, it is absolutely impossible, and the establishment of the Escort must have dealings with the government. They are not familiar with the place where they came here. It is impossible to get it, and the Li family can be so prosperous in Hangzhou, and the business is so big, they must have their influence in the government, so I thought about it and said: "After all, this is just my idea, and I don't care about it. It is really inappropriate to accept such a generous gift from you without the approval of the head of the family, and this matter is not in a hurry, at least it will be discussed after the Spring Festival. If we have the idea of ​​setting up an escort agency, we will regard this place as the residence of the escort agency, and we can't just want the house of your mansion for nothing. If this is feasible, this escort agency should be regarded as the common property of our two families. How about your government's shareholding in the Escort?"

Although Li Mutian is not very old, he has been in the business world with his father for many years. Hearing what Xu Yi said, he immediately understood what Xu Yi meant. Xu Yi's proposal was obviously not to treat them as outsiders. They have a share from the Li family, obviously they want to give their Li family a bargain, but in fact, they still want to tie their Li family and Dulong Island to a rope secretly. It seems that Xu Yi really has a very good brain, not like ordinary rough people. It's easy to pass, although this is tantamount to pulling the Li family into the water, it doesn't necessarily do any harm to their Li family. At least in this case, it means that their Li family's fleet will sail in the future, and they can use their own ships. Escort escorts, the cost is naturally much less, and the cost of shipping goods is much lower than other merchants in the same boat business. For their Li family, although they have taken a certain risk, the profit is also huge. !After figuring this out, Li Mutian was also overjoyed, so he hurriedly bowed to express his gratitude. The two parties had reached a preliminary cooperation intention.

(End of this chapter)

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