Chapter 128

Liu Kai, Huamanlou and Qin Shou held an emergency meeting.

Liu Kai said, to submit a manuscript to an editor, how to submit, how many words to submit, and what content to submit?

Hua Manlou said that in the past, it had to be [-] characters, and only [-]-character editors could draw a lottery.

But now it seems that [-] words is enough.

It is necessary to submit an outline, the main line of the story, the design of the main characters of the story, and so on.

Just send the edit email directly.

Qin Shou added.

It is best to submit more articles.

In fact, it is a great thing to put in more words and let the editor help check it.

Liu Kai and Huamanlou heard this.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Qin Shou led the two of them to have breakfast.

Huamanlou ordered a bowl of hot and spicy soup, two deep-fried dough sticks, and a cage of steamed buns.

Qin Shou ordered a bowl of mung bean porridge, a piece of oil cake, and a basket of fried buns.

Liu Kai is more edible.

He ordered everything that Huamanlou and Qin Shou had ordered.

The three chatted while eating.

Qin Shou said, let's go to fight the landlord after dinner.

Hua Manlou smiled, it’s okay, he hasn’t played Landlord for a long time.

Liu Kai was also very happy and agreed wholeheartedly.

So the three of them ate quickly.

It took half an hour to finally eat and drink enough.

I went to the canteen and bought a box of playing cards and went to fight the landlord in the classroom.

At this time, Zeng Longfei, Li Aizhen, Zhang Baobao, Wang Ruoxu and others rushed over.

They gathered around Qin Shou and the other three.

It depends on three people fighting against the landlord.

Qin Shou said, it's really meaningless if you don't win something and don't have a lot of money.

Huamanlou thought for a while, how about making a profit, how about one yuan a game.

Liu Kai said, would one dollar be too much?

I really don't have that much money. Although we have money, we can't play so big.

Qin Shou said, let’s do it this way, one dime per game, too little and boring, sorry for our status.

Although Huamanlou is a bit dissatisfied.

But seeing that both Qin Shou and Liu Kai agreed, they didn't want to spoil everyone's interest and nodded in agreement.

So the three started fighting against the landlord.

In the first round, Qin Shou was the landlord.

Huamanlou and Liu Kai are farmers, and they teamed up to deal with Qin Shou.

In this game, Qin Shou got the double king, so he quickly won a big victory and killed them both.

But in the second game, it was the landlord who spent a lot of money.

Qin Shou thought to himself, if he dared to be the master, he must have a good card.

If you don't cheat, you probably won't win.

Thinking of this, Qin Shou secretly began to change cards, threw his own cards into the pile, and secretly stole the good cards he needed from the pile.

Since Qin Shou has been like this, Huamanlou has two kings in his hands.

It will soon be overwhelmed, and it looks like it will lose.

But just when Qin Shou was secretly delighted.

Hua Manlou suddenly felt a movement in his heart.

Immediately said, no, not right.

I found out why in this game, there were actually five twos.

I played a pair of twos just now, and Qin Shou also played a pair of twos just now.

Liu Kai also played a pair of twos.

How is this going.

As soon as Huamanlou said this.

Qin Shou suddenly turned pale with shock.

Thanks to the fact that everyone is blind, no one can see each other's faces.

A look of doubt flashed across Liu Kai's face.

Did brother Huamanlou remember correctly?

Hua Manlou shook his head very sure, there is absolutely no mistake in his memory, I'm sure.

Liu Kai said, I definitely didn't make a mistake in my pair two, maybe one of you made a mistake.

Hua Manlou said, I am also sure there is nothing wrong.

Qin Shou's cold sweat came down.

He wasn't worried about losing that dime.

The key is not to lose that person.

If cheating is discovered on the spot, it will definitely affect the relationship between the three people invisibly.

And there are so many people watching.

My wife and children were all present.

This person, I must not lose.

I can only bite the bullet.

Thinking of this, Qin Shou also went all out.

He protested loudly, what do you two mean by this? Could it be that I cheated.

Not that I'm bragging.

Of the three of us, I am afraid that I am the least short of money.

You two should understand this better than anyone else.

I need to cheat.

All I need is the dime you two have.

Hua Manlou said, Brother Qin, don't get me wrong.

I do not mean that.

It's just that someone did make a mistake.

I'm sure it wasn't intentional.

But in this game, it definitely doesn't count.

What do you two think.

Both Qin Shou and Liu Kai were speechless.

The game soon ended in discord.

Huamanlou found Liu Kai afterwards.

The person who stole the card today, I am sure, is Qin Shou.

Liu Kai didn't quite believe it.

Is it really him?

But he really doesn't lack a dime in front of him.

Hua Manlou said, brother, it's not about money.

I also believe he didn't do it because of the dime.

But you have to understand.

Many times, wanting to win in poker is not necessarily for money.

Hua Manlou's words awakened the dreamer.

Liu Kai's expression darkened.

That kid is too wicked.

Just for fun, does he need to do that?

It's not authentic.

Huamanlou let out a long sigh.

Forget it, let’s end this matter here.

It's enough for the two of us to know what kind of virtue he is, and don't bother with him about trivial matters.

The worst thing is, I won’t play cards with him again.

Qin Shou returned home at night.

Zhang Baobao immediately said, the person who stole the card today must be you.

Qin Shou was furious, what's going on, you are my daughter-in-law, even you doubt me and don't believe me.

Am I that greedy for money in your eyes?

Baby Zhang shook his head.

This is not a question of greed.

You sure aren't doing it for the dime.

No one doubts this.

But you are a competitive person who cares too much about face. You definitely want to win and don't want to lose in front of everyone, so you did this.

Baby Zhang said so.

Qin Shou was speechless for a moment, and he couldn't say a word for a while.

Baby Zhang glared at him angrily.

Believe it or not, Liu Kai and Hua Manlou also guessed it.

The reason why they didn't expose you on the spot was to save you some face.

Your behavior today is indeed a bit confused and unwise.

Qin Shou regretted, yes, I admit, I did it.

Then what should I do next, how to recover.

Zhang Baobao nodded, don't be afraid of embarrassment, the author is actually nothing.

You go straight to them and admit your mistake.

It will definitely be salvageable.

Otherwise, they don't say anything on the surface, but they will inevitably have prejudice against you in the future.

Qin Shou was overjoyed and suddenly realized.

He quickly found Huamanlou and Liu Kai.

The attitude is very correct.

He generously admitted that he stole cards.

Hua Manlou and Liu Kai were stunned when they heard this.

Neither of them expected that Qin Shou would take the initiative to admit his mistake.

This is not like Qin Shou.

Seeing that the two of them didn't speak, Qin Shou thought that the two of them would not forgive him, so he quickly admitted his mistake again.

Hua Manlou and Liu Kai laughed and said to Qin Shou.

Don't worry, we both forgive you.


I really didn't expect that you would take the initiative to admit it.

It seems that you kid is not the kind of villain we imagined.

Since then.

The relationship between the three is getting better and better.

Does this story tell me.tell us.

If you make a mistake, you must admit it in time, and don't refuse to admit it.

Think the other party really doesn't know.

(End of this chapter)

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