Chapter 110

After Qin Shou listened to Mr. Guan Han's explanation.

I was moved and ashamed at the same time.

Qin Shou said:
Teacher Guan Han.

Not sure if I typed your name wrong.

Thank you for your patience.

However, forget it this time, and don't want to rescue it this time.

But next time will definitely go all out.

I'm currently working on my third new book.

Teacher Guan Han is great.

Wait a minute, let me count the word count first.


Well, you can go on and on for a while.

When Qin Shou saw what Teacher Guan Han said in this chapter, it was after six o'clock in the morning.

Qin Shou's mood at that time was really hard to describe.

The appearance of Teacher Guan Han really surprised Qin Shou!
Teacher Guanhan, I will say to you from the bottom of my heart: "Thank you, thank you very much!"

Then Qin Shou and the four daughters began to eat.

Eat and drink, eat hard, drink hard.

After eating and drinking enough, Qin Shou said that he had to count the words first.


While waving the golden cudgel, Qin Shou shouted to several fortunetelling masters: "Several, get ready to start the lecture."

After finishing speaking, Qin Shou swished several stick flowers in succession.

Too beautiful.

Qin Shou's Golden Cudgel is really powerful.

Seeing this, several fortune tellers couldn't help but gasped for a breath of chive-flavored air.

Several masters shouted in unison: "Come on, Qin Shou, come on, go, go, go."

The stick is so beautiful.

This rod exists only in heaven.

It's rare in the world to see you once.

Qin Shou was very happy.

Eat when you are happy.

Qin Shou ate a bowl of Hu spicy soup.

A bowl of mutton soup.

beef soup.

Donkey broth.

The fourth daughter also wants to eat.

The four girls ate a bowl of mutton soup.

Drank a bowl of donkey broth.

Several masters also rushed to eat.

So Qin Shou asked the chef to prepare various broths for the masters.

Several masters ate and drank bared.

After eating and drinking enough, several masters are ready to give lectures.

Qin Shou quickly waved his hand to stop: "Wait a minute, wait until I count the words."


After a few seconds, Qin Shou nodded his head heavily: Everyone can start chanting.

Several masters sat upright and said in unison:

The daily income is positive, the fortune is robbed, the life of multiple wives,
If the solar branch is in phase with the lunar branch or the time branch, the second marriage will be committed.
The life of a man, the daily income is positive, the heavenly stem also has positive wealth, the marriage is not smooth,
The fortune star of male life is the god of happiness and usefulness, no one, if you make money, you can get a good wife,

Male life, heavenly stems favor wealth, earthly branches direct wealth, stealing wife's rights, wives work hard,
For male life, if the wealth star meets the lucky star, or other pillars, the wife is easy to be robbed by others.

For male life, the Sun Pillar, the Heavenly Stems and the Earthly Branches all meet together, which means living together first and then getting married.
Female Life Koff:

The wounded female officer died in vain, middle-aged Kefu, widowed or separated,
A woman's life was wounded and the official fell to the nobleman, Kefu, her husband was disabled,
Nianzhu, Rizhu Fuling, Fengchong, husband and wife remarry,
The heavenly stem of a woman's life is a wounded official, and the earthly branch is also a wounded official, or if the earthly branch is a righteous official or Qisha, she will be ignored by her husband.

Wounded officials are prosperous in female life, for example, there are many wounded officials or the wounded officials are in order, and there is no wealth star in the four pillars, the husband and wife are easy to break up,
The female life sits on the God of Cookery every day, meets the partial seal, and stays alone in the vacant room,

If a woman is ordered to be an official in the month, she will be punished if she meets her neighbor. For example, the first marriage will fail when the month of Mao meets the day of Wuzi.

The four pillars of female life are pure yin or pure yang, lonely, lonely, lonely,
The life of a woman is more than robbery, or the four pillars are in harmony, either to rob someone else's husband by herself, or her husband is robbed by others,

The wounded officer should be ordered by the female, not to marry far away,

The day of the girl's life is against the India, either life or death,

The celestial stems of the female destiny are combined with the official stars, the popularity of the earthly branches and the Tibetan stems are also stored with the official stars, and the omens of remarriage, such as Gengwu month, Yiwei day, and Jiashen time, when the sun stems and the moon stems coincide, and the Shizhi also hides the official stars, this kind of woman There is a sign of remarriage in life,
When a woman is ordered to be an official, she will be married to a rival, which is a sign of vying for her husband, or competing with others for a boyfriend.
The official star of female life is the god of happiness, the only one, a loving husband and wife,


First, for example, if a man's horoscope likes fire and a woman's horoscope likes water, then this combination is very good. For example, if a man's horoscope avoids fire and a woman's horoscope avoids water, then this combination is very bad.

Second, when getting married, the horoscope of a man and a woman, the year stem matches the year stem, the year branch matches the year branch, and so on. If you rush, it's useless to combine more,

Third, married marriages are divided into upper marriage, middle marriage, and lower marriage. Upper marriage is the best, middle marriage is second, and lower marriage is the worst.
triple marriage law,
The horoscope of men's fate, the upper yuan starts from seven, the middle yuan starts from one, the lower yuan starts from four, retrograde
The horoscope of women's fate, Shangyuan starts from five, Zhongyuan starts from two, and Xiayuan starts from eight, going forward

For example, this year is 2019, and it belongs to Jiazixun in 1984, then it belongs to Xiayuan, and 1924 belongs to Zhongyuan, and so on.

The three-element marriage method is used according to the number of eight trigrams and nine palaces, one Kan, two Kun, three Zhen, Si Xun, five middle, Liu Qian, Qi Dui, Ba Gen, Jiu Li,
The three-element marriage law, male life is retrograde, female life is direct, can be divided into eight marriages,
The first one is angry, the second one is Fude, and the third one is Tianyi. These three belong to marriage,

The fourth wandering soul, the fifth returning soul, and the sixth five ghosts all belong to middle marriage.
The seventh Jue body, the eighth Jue Ming, both belong to the lower marriage,
1428394167768293, all are angry marriages,

For example, the year of Qianzao is 1992, and the year of Kunzao is 1990, then it is the [-]th marriage,
Ford marriage:
1327314968728694, this is Ford Marriage,
For example, if Qian made the year of Yichou and Kun made the year of Bingyin, then it would be a three-one marriage, that is, a blessing marriage.

Heavenly Medical Marriage,
1824364263798197, this is Tianyi Marriage,

For example, in the year 1986 of Qianzao, and the year of Kunzao Jisi, it is the second and fourth marriages, that is, the marriage of heaven and medicine.
The first marriage is called Shangshang marriage, the second marriage is Fude marriage, which is also called Shangshang marriage, and the third marriage is called Shangshang marriage, and these three are collectively called Shangshang marriage. husband and wife, easy to fight, personality is not too harmonious,
wandering soul marriage,
1629384761748392, this is Wandering Soul Marriage,

For example, Qian made the year of Wuchen and Kun made the year of Dingmao. This is the ninety-two marriage, that is, the marriage of wandering souls.
soul marriage,
1122334466778899, this is Guihun Marriage,

For example, Qian made the year of Dingmao, and Kun made the year of Bingyin. This is a one-to-one marriage, that is, a marriage of returning to the soul.

Five ghost marriage,
1926344362788791, this is the marriage of five ghosts,

For example, Qian made the year of Wuchen, and Kun made the year of Bingyin. This is the nine-one marriage, that is, the marriage of five ghosts.

1723324664718998, this is a unique marriage,

For example, Qian made 1987, and Kun made Renshen year. This is a 17th marriage, that is, a perfect marriage.

deadly marriage,
1221374869738496, this is a fatal marriage,

For example, it is the year of Jisi when Qianzao is born, and it is also the year of Jisi when Kunzao is married.

(End of this chapter)

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