Chapter 108

Qin Shou and the four daughters continued to study Fleeting Time.

Fleeting time is really awesome.

Qin Shou and the four daughters were eating delicious food.

While drinking something delicious.

While learning to catch up with the fleeting time.

Several numerology masters teach hand in hand and mouth to mouth.

cough cough...

Qin Shou thought while studying.

Last night, someone suddenly posted this chapter and said that they were making fun of themselves. This kind of sign is very bad.

If you don't do it well, you will ruin your own plan.

I hope the other party will just make fun of you and never complain!
While Qin Shou was thinking about this, he was also thinking about opening a new book.

To open a new book, we must first summarize the experience of the old book.

To summarize why old books fail.

At this point, Qin Shou has already summed up six major problems.

The amount of updates is one of the six major issues.

The next time I publish a book, I must update more than [-] a day, and update it every day.

Coupled with the visual character design, pleasing male protagonist and golden finger setting, as well as interesting plot design.

Should shine.

Thinking of this, Qin Shou smiled.

Next, listen to the lectures given by several numerology masters.

Don't worry, the number of words is not enough, Qin Shou hurriedly called a stop: "Wait a minute, everyone, wait for me to say a few more words about mental activities before you start farting."

Several masters smiled and nodded.

Qin Shou thought to himself, what are we going to eat tonight?

The dumplings at noon are so unpalatable, I only ate a few, and I am still hungry.

Anyway, have a good meal tonight.

Oh, by the way, when I was writing a book last night, I accidentally made a typo.

Writing a dead remonstrance as a dead construction is something I must avoid in the future.

Typos are too cheap.

After thinking about these messy things, Qin Shou looked at the word count, and then said to the masters: "Okay, everyone, please start your performance."

Just listen to a few masters talk about:

Geng Yinyi did not read Yi Mao, two four six seven nine Dong Xiao,
In the second afternoon of Xinmao Jichou, two to five, seventy to eighty,
Ren Chen Gui Wei Wang San You, Er Run Four Six Eighty La Xiao,

Guisi Ding did not read the fourth son, the winter months of February [-] and September were small,
On the fifth day of the first day of Jiawu Renyin, the first three five sevens are run and the ninth winter moon is small,
Yiwei Bingyin looks at the six o'clock, and it is three, forty and sixty hours,
Bingshengeng reads Liuyou, two, four, five and seven in October,
The eighth son of Dingyou Yimaochu, who was six or seventy-nine before the third and fifth,

Wuxu Ji Mao Wang Jiu Mao, is three five six eighty small,
Jihai Guiyou thirty noon, two four six seven ninety small,
Gregorian calendar algorithm:

One, three, five, seven, eighty, 31 days never bad,

April 30 has 28 days in winter, February has 29 days in normal years, and [-] days in leap years.
Shen Zichen is a leap year, and the others are normal years. There are 366 days in leap years in the Gregorian calendar and 365 days in normal years.
The first day of the first lunar month in the Gregorian calendar:
There are three leap years in 12 years, which means there are three Jiazi, and there are fifteen leap years in 60 years, which means there are fifteen Jiazi.
Jihai Wuxu,

Wuxu Guisi,

Ding You Wu Zi,

Bingshen Renwu,

Yi Wei Ding Chou,

Jiawu Renshen,

Guisi Dingmao,

Renchen Xinyou,

Xinmao Bingchen,

Geng Yin Xin Hai,

Ji Chou Bingwu,

Wuzi Gengzi,

For example, the first day of the first month of the Jihai year is the Wuxu day, so the calculation for the first day of the first month of the Dinghai year is that the Wuxu day goes back three Jiazi, the Yiwei day, and so on.


Liujia is empty,

Jiazi Xunxu Haikong, Jiayin Xunzi Choukong, and so on,

Five yangs are empty of yang or five yins are empty of yin, the power is big, yang is empty of yin, yin is empty of yang, the power is small,
The year column is empty, which means that the ancestral property is relatively poor, and the time of death of grandparents is far away.

The moon is empty, brothers and sisters are helpless,
The sun column is empty, committing divorce,

The time pillar is empty in the tenth month, and it defeats the child.
Finance officer:

Wealth stars are relatively prosperous, and they are not restrained. If wealth is prosperous, the wife must be virtuous,
Guan Wang, children are richer,
Wealth stars are restrained, father dies first,
Inwang, mother lives long,

The seven evil spirits sit on both ends, the year is willing to follow the time, and when the old man has no heirs, the white-haired man sends the black-haired man,

Rizhu sits on a wounded official, Nian Gan, Yue Gan, and Shi Gan meet a wounded official again, talking a lot of nonsense,
Shi Gan is an official, and not restrained, the children are very rich, and their achievements are greater than their parents,

The Heavenly Stem is the Seven Evils, and the Earthly Branches are the official officials. They are prone to get into trouble and love to be in the limelight. It would be fine if the Heavenly Stem is the official official and the Earthly Branches are the Seven Evils.

Ding Hairi and Ding Youri were born in Haizichou, and they were very wealthy.

Guiri Luguan, that is, the combination of Wugui, it is easy for old husbands and young wives,

The heavenly stems have biased India, and the luck of the year coincides with biased Indian luck. Relatives are injured or seriously ill.

Shiqian is better than the calamity, the brothers are more cold, the children are more contradictory, the brothers and sisters are more numerous,
The stem of the moon is Qisha, which restrains brothers and sisters, and the branch of the moon is Qisha, which restrains younger brothers.
Women's life is more prosperous and the wounded officials are more prosperous, and the Universiade meets the wounded officials, or the official evil is more prosperous, and the Universiade meets the official evil, which means that Kefu is serious.

The woman is appointed to be a wounded official, and the wife is in charge of the family.
There are many officials, this person wants to do everything, but it is difficult to do anything,
Shi Qian is the Seven Evils. Children drag themselves down and cause trouble for their parents.
The heavenly stem is the god of cook, and the luck of the year is partial to India. Either the elders have disasters or the children have disasters.

Fate palace is limited to hedge, there are more bad luck and less good. Back then, life palace was limited to hedge, and there were more disasters.

The luck of the year and the fortune go into the tomb, which means that the father has a disaster.
Good luck and good fortune went into the tomb, the man ordered his wife to be in trouble,
The official of Suiyun walked into the tomb, the man named Kezi, the girl named Kefu,

The God of Cookery of Suiyun walked into the tomb, and the girl ordered Kezi,
A lot of money breaks the seal of Kemu,

Nian Gan is a wounded official, his ancestral business is ruined, he killed his father before he was in his twenties,

Children have more money, but young people overcome their parents,

The outline restrains the year, and the parents are incomplete. For example, if you are born in winter, Zishui is the outline. If you are born in the first month, Yinmu is the outline. Nayin is the fire under the mountain,

More than robbery, overcome parents,
Pian Cai Xunkong, Yinwang, father died early,

Women have a lot of life and wealth, Kemukepo,
The heavenly stem of the female life horoscope has Hurting Officer and Pian Yin at the same time, which represents the restraint of the father in childhood and the restraint of parents in severe cases.
Partial wealth is empty, and the earthly branch sits on the land of death. When I was young, my mother was killed, and my parents divorced.

The fortune star sits in the tomb, every time he robs his fortune, he restrains his father,

It is more than robbery, or the moon order is more than robbery, to overcome parents,

The partial wealth is restrained, for example, the partial wealth is restrained, the father died first,

Years of dryness, seven evil spirits, and Yang Ren, who lost their parents at a young age, such as before the age of 12,
The moon branch Yang Ren has a mother but no father,
The moon branch is the seal, and it is dry on the birthday. I don’t like to meet the luck of wealth.

The Pian Indian God of Cookery appeared on a pillar, Kemu,
Sitting on the king god at the day and hour, Kemu, for example, in the year of Shen Zichen, the sun pillar is Hai, and the hour pillar is also Hai, Kemu,
Zhengyin is weak, the earthly branch is sitting on the Jedi again, the mother is prematurely aging,

If the Earthly Branch Zhengyin, especially the Moon Zhizheng Zhengyin, sits on Gushen or Wusu, the parents will have a hard time and the six relatives will be unreliable.
When the fortune comes, the sky overcomes the earth, and the father, the father died first,

Zhengyin meets the fleeting year when the sky overcomes the earth and the mother, the mother dies first,

The positive seal fell on Kongsu, and the mother was weak and sick.

If the Rizhi overcomes the Nianzhi, the mother will leave even if she does not die,
Birth year stem is replaced by fleeting year stem, birth year branch is the tomb of fleeting branch, most of them lost their fathers,
Niangan is the God of Cookery, Moongan is Pianyin, Dingkefu,
Tiangan has two partial wealth, the mother commits two husbands,

There are two partial seals in Tiangan: the father marries two wives;

Year Zhi Lu Ma encounters Chong, and the Lord goes to a foreign country, such as Bingyin Year, Jiashen Day,

The God of Cookery meets Chong, and most of them are farmers or ordinary workers.
(End of this chapter)

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