Be the villain boss from Yitian Tulongji

Chapter 290 The Second Flower Fertilizer

Chapter 290 The Second Flower Fertilizer

When the aftermath spread, nearly one-tenth of Shuncheon in the post-civilization era has been wiped away.

In the distance, Li Yuqin's figure reappeared.

"So strong!"

The power of a short-range roar is likely to explode the creatures of the Happy Realm to death: "Fortunately, I slipped fast enough before, otherwise I will definitely suffer!"

Rejoice secretly.

Feeling the aura around him, he was sure that the coercion and suppression disappeared, and then he turned into a streamer and flew straight to the central area of ​​the big pit with a diameter of nearly 8 kilometers.

At more than eight times the speed of sound, Li Yuqin returned to the scene after ten breaths of effort.

With a sweeping sweep of divine sense, he immediately confirmed the summoner Xiao Yi, who fainted on the edge of the pit and was seriously injured: "He's still not dead?"

This life is really hard enough.

I don't care about this for now, just keep an eye on it; the most important thing at the moment is to collect the bodies of many contractors that exploded into pieces everywhere, these are all high-quality flower fertilizers.

If it is not collected and processed, a large amount of energy essence will be lost, which is too wasteful.

No, a pure white and flawless giant frost dragon covered with a layer of crystal-like frost. After death, there is no rule to suppress it. Although it is broken into more than a dozen pieces, each piece is constantly dissipating outward at this moment, passing away powerful life energy. .

And it is not difficult to judge from the life essence flowing out, this young dragon has definitely not only torn the layers of the two shackles, even the remaining aura is even stronger than him, Mr. Li.

Of course, these are not the key points, the key point is that the fallen strong man from another world!
The earth field only punishes the weak intruders slightly; for the stronger aliens in the starry sky, they use some small means to serve them; For example, on the golden body and above the golden body, the earth and star fields are usually activated on a large scale.

However, this kind of procedural activation will be silenced again after the intruder is no longer a threat.

In this way, Li Yuqin has every chance to collect some life essence of the other party!Moreover, it is the purest thing after being filtered and baptized by the power of the earth field!
So, no surprises:

Lao Li rummaged through more than a dozen bones of gods that still had a lot of divine substance left.

A black pearl-like eyeball, although it has lost all activity, still exudes a dangerous aura.

A golden ring, the luster has dimmed a lot, but it can withstand the cleaning of the recovery field and it is well preserved.

A few broken crystals the size of a fist are obviously plain and full of cracks, but for some reason, Li Yuqin subconsciously believes that these are the most valuable things on the opponent.

And a large number of gods' bodies that were blown to pieces and obliterated the special spiritual imprints contained in them were also quickly collected by him; he was waiting for someone to leave the customs, and then used the fire of the Zijin Mountain Eight Diagrams furnace to refine them into The buckets of spiritual blood and origin will give one's own extraordinary transformation.

With Lao Li's collection speed, he dug this big pit straight down for nearly ten meters, and finally moved it into the Shenwei space together with the soil layer.

"Woo, I'm exhausted!"

It's no wonder that Li Yuqin is so resolute in implementing the spirit of skinning. It's because these soil properties have already incorporated too many good things.

Contaminated with the spiritual blood of so many powerful creatures, it would be deceiving oneself to say that there is no strange change.

Even though it was just ordinary soil earlier, it has now become a precious soil comparable to foreign soil, which is definitely more than enough to cultivate the second batch of precious medicine.Especially the soil layer contaminated with the blood of the powerful summoned creature, when used on the blood medicine, it is definitely more effective than the current three-color foreign soil.

If combined with a large number of blood-red crystals collected from many small enchantments in the Holy Medicine Garden of the Vatican
The three-pronged approach of the blood of the king, the strange crystal, and the blood of the strong will surely be able to ripen the second strain of the blood medicine with a stronger effect.

"cough cough"

Not far away, there were a few light coughs.

"Yo, are you awake?"

The effect of the sealing stone has long since disappeared, but Li Yuqin is not in a hurry to clean up the opponent.

Leaving aside the fact that the young man in front of him was severely wounded, and now he is not threatened, even when the other party was in his prime, even when many contractors were protecting him, he was not afraid at all.

He is a man who possesses divine power and Flying Thunder God, and his nerve reaction speed far surpasses that of other players of the same level.

"I'm still alive? You didn't kill me immediately?" Xiao Yi, who had lost his limbs, could only turn his head with great reluctance:

"Are you not afraid that I will run away and seek revenge from you in the future?"

In fact, his limbs were originally only two broken limbs, but now all limbs are broken, which already shows someone's caution.

"Are you talking about reverse summoning? Hey, which contractor did you successfully send out?"

Although the opponent's summoning talent is very buggy, the reverse summoning is almost unsolvable; it is said that if any of the contractors were allowed to escape before, then Xiao Yi could be reversely summoned by the opponent to leave this place at this moment.

But didn't this fail to escape one person?

And the other contractors in the different world don't know the specific situation here.

As a result, everything you know is lost, and what you don't know should be done. The so-called near-unsolvable is the biggest blind spot for loopholes at this time.

Coupled with the difference in the time flow rate of the two worlds, when the other side finds out that something is wrong, I don't know how long the time has passed.

Lao Li said that this wave is very stable.

"You know all this? It seems that you bastards have been staring at me for a long time."

It may have been a long time since he was being watched by the poisonous snake in the dark, but he didn't notice it at all. This time his loss was not injustice.It's just that I'm really not reconciled.

He was so talented that he was even valued by a top authority person who surpassed the stars in the reincarnation space, and he was accepted as a registered disciple, with a bright future.

He has many adventures, only two small missions, which lasted less than nine months in the mission space, and he has grown to the current level, which can be described as rapid progress.

He once conquered another continent and became the center of that continent. He was regarded as a god-given son by countless strong men, and was highly trusted and worshiped. A good wife who will randomly switch between nine, 19, and 29 age groups at regular intervals.

He has also conquered a small foreign world, and witnessed the whole process of how the reincarnation space absorbs and assimilates this kind of dungeon world
But now, it looks like all of this will soon return to ashes.

"You think too much. I don't have the time to eat dog food like crazy. There are other people who are really eyeing you." After cleaning the battlefield, Li Yuqin squatted beside the young man like a dead dog.

He is not in a hurry to do it, he still wants to know some things, such as the situation behind this guy.

"Not you?"

Xiao Yi frowned:

"Is it convenient to tell who this is? Can you let me be a ghost?!"

His eyes began to blur.

With his heart as dead as ash and severe blood loss, he was able to wake up, and the newly added painful stimulation that Li Yuqin conveniently gave him when he collected the spiritual blood treasures, otherwise he would probably have woken up naturally in the afterlife.

"It's not inconvenient, it's the strongest team among the three reincarnation teams."

Li Yuqin's words were not salty or bland, but when they fell into the young man's ears, there was a thunderbolt, which made his originally slack eyes shrunk and shrunk to shine again.

But it dimmed again in an instant.

Lao Li didn't think it was an illusion.

But the guy on the ground obviously didn't plan to tell him the inside story, but changed the subject, and asked in a strong spirit: "Before, you have been hiding your strength?"

"What do you say?"

If he hadn't prepared more flowers and fertilizers to attract more contracted creatures, he wouldn't have bothered to go to such trouble.

"Why? With your ability, it shouldn't be difficult to instantly kill the unsuspecting me!"

"You are being humble."

Under the roar of a powerful summoned creature, as the only survivor in a radius of tens of miles, he, Li, can sneak attack with all his strength, and still have the power of such a strong man?

Don't make trouble.

Therefore, it will definitely end in failure.

"Heh, I was lucky enough to survive until now. I was just lucky enough to meet a virtuous and wonderful woman."

His tone was full of sadness.

"By the way, as far as I know, after becoming an extraordinary person, the Temple of the God Killer will no longer forcefully release the main task, and it will not threaten the God Killer to hunt the reincarnation in the form of obliteration, and will not even ban the God Killer and the reincarnation. Some kind of cooperation among the authors!

And I did see several reincarnations who bought their lives from the God Slayer in the last mission, so why, we have to live and die between us? "

(End of this chapter)

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