Be the villain boss from Yitian Tulongji

Chapter 283 Two big troubles

Chapter 283 Two Big Troubles

Of the three major groups, two of them have already been beheaded by Xu Chen, and the ending of the remaining one is self-evident.

In addition, taking advantage of the ugly and fragile side of human nature, that is, the selfishness of enjoying the blessings alone and sharing the difficulties, he also obtained a lot of information about the teams of the previous women from the leaders of the two teams; and through The way of two-by-two confirmation, compared and analyzed two small traps hidden in the information provided by the woman before.

"Oh, woman."

With a heavy palm, the captain of the third team was instantly torn apart.

"Boss, it's a good thing you're on guard, otherwise we'll be in big trouble." Li Yuqin is quite knowledgeable about the narrow-mindedness of beautiful women.

Two small traps, either one is a huge hidden danger.

The first small trap comes from the number of reincarnation forces in Shuntian City:

Not three, but five!

It's just that the three families on the surface all exist in the form of a five-member team; while the fourth and fifth families form an army of one person!
In addition, the first four families came directly to Kyushu, while the fifth family was an outsider!Coming from the direction of Yuedao, traveling thousands of miles and crossing the sea at great risk!

"By the way, boss, can you roughly guess the strength level of that outsider based on the existing information?" Li Yuqin was eager to try.

"Don't be reckless, this person gives me a very dangerous feeling!"

Once one person singled out a five-person team, making the five kings of the shackles who are not bad in strength helpless to fight back, and that's all; because they can do it too, and even a single look can make ordinary king-level creatures Lose the courage to fight.

However, it is rumored that, in order to avoid some troubles, this man once pulled out one of the three dental knives on his body on the way across the sea, and chopped down a thousand-meter mountain floating on the Yellow Sea with one blow, so as to deter the three people in the sea. Known as the Jue Ding Hai Clan who tore through the six shackles.

"Just judging from the strength he showed, he definitely broke through the seventh shackle."

Xu Chen's expression was rare and dignified: "As for the specific step the opponent has taken, or how much strength he has hidden, you need to fight to know."

Obviously, this person either carried high-end goods on his body, thereby breaking through the restrictions of heaven and earth; or he was lucky enough to get the local specialties of the world's treasures in the Holy Ruins, thus breaking the restrictions of the rules.

Judging by Xu's inclination, he thinks the probability of the former is not very high, but the probability of the latter is extremely high.

"Okay, let's not mention this, what about the infinite summoner?"

This is the second small trap, the more tricky one.

The number of reincarnations from Kyushu.

Because according to the information provided by the woman, there are 60 people in the three major groups of reincarnated people in Kyushu, and 7 plus 5 people for casual people, which is 12 people, and there are only 72 people when they are fully charged.

However, according to the information collected by Xu Chen himself, there should be 73 reincarnations in Kyushu.

And the lesser person happened to be the fifth force in Shuntian City, the second person in the one-man army!
So, how is this a trap?
the reason is simple.

"It's hard to deal with!"

It's just that Liao's innate ability is extremely buggy, or almost unsolvable, so unsolvable that even Xu Chen and Li Yuqin are a little jealous.

There is a profession called Summoner.

According to your own strength, magic power level, magic power quality and other factors, you can contract pets in different spaces, and summon them to fight for you during battles.

And this reincarnation is an out-and-out summoner.

But his innate ability is a bit unreal:

For a normal summoner, there is an upper limit on the privileges of contracted pets; as for this guy, there is no upper limit at all. It seems that as long as the funds are in place, he can pull up a contracted army in an instant!
In addition, for normal summoners, the contracts are all strange creatures such as demons and demons; but this guy, the contracts are all human beings!In fact, this is not a big deal. What really makes Xu have a toothache are these contracted people. Without exception, they are all extremely powerful summoners in the industry!
What do you mean?
Summoner Contract Summoner?

So flirtatious?

Oh, where is this!
When this guy's talent can be applied to other summoners, or shared with other summoners to a certain extent, that is the beginning of a qualitative change.

What, talent sharing?

Not bad.

The summoners contracted by this guy can not only contract summon pets of different types at this time, but also have the ability to contract summon humans!
Whether it is a powerful fighter or a summoner, it all depends on personal preference.

Furthermore, they can also call more contractors according to their own conditions, regardless of the number of contract rules!
In other words, it is not anything else that restricts this guy's growth rate, but the number of task rewards given by the reincarnation space each time!

Unlimited summons? !
"This talent is simply too shameless!" Lao Li sighed, always feeling sour.

Imagine what it would be like
Anyway, with the two of them here, when I think of the overwhelming scene, I can't help but sweat a little on my back.

"Also, his talent can ignore the bugs in summoning restrictions. I can understand a thing or two, really; but, the contractor can actually summon this thing in reverse. What's the situation?"

It was already unsolvable enough, but this time to make up for it, well, it was even more unsolvable.

How does this let their civilian players have fun?
It is common sense that an Infinite Summoner can summon a Contractor from another world; but a Contractor in another world can also summon an Infinite Summoner in reverse...

"Damn, this is hanging open, it's too much!"

Li Yuqin grinned for a while.

"Heh, maybe this is another essence of the other party's profession?" Hey, not to mention, it's actually a little bit like that:
"Look, isn't there a sense of déjà vu that someone else is teleporting with Infinity Flying Thunder God?"

"Stop messing around with the boss, and quickly think of a move. That guy has such an insurance, and he is basically invincible; and the further he goes, the more strength he has under his command, and he will be more difficult to deal with."

In a desperate situation in a team fight?
Small problem, just a psychic call from any contractor outside the battle circle under his command, and the summoner can immediately save himself from danger.

Someone made dumplings?

Even if the dumpling made by the other party is really big, the big deal is reverse transfer to another world to hide for a while.

So, to deliberately omit information about such a dangerous guy, if it was said that the woman earlier was a white lotus, she had no bad intentions and killed Li Yuqin, Xu Chen would not believe it.

"By the way, will there be a time limit for the contractor who is summoned?"

This point, several reincarnations are not clear.

In fact, it is not easy for them to collect so much information above.

"In terms of time, there should be a limit."

Otherwise, what kind of summoner is it called? Just name it Arsenal: "But the problem is, as long as a contractor is summoned for that guy, what can the so-called time limit do to him?"

The first one has disappeared, and the tenth and hundred have been summoned long ago. Maybe there are three people fighting the landlord at a table, waiting in line for the end of the battle ahead, so they can go forward to make up the knife.

"With such a bug, doesn't he have any weaknesses?"

Li Yuqin has one head and two big ones.

Are there any weaknesses?

Xu Chen was very sure.

Because right now, he has introduced three opportunities to take advantage of, and one weakness that is not considered a weakness.

"How's that?"

Li Yuqin's eyes lit up.

"First, limited by the rules of the imaginary world, the combat power that guy summoned for the first time, the superficial realm and upper limit will not exceed his current level.

In other words, if that guy only tore four or five shackles, then no matter what kind of high-level monster he summoned from another world, the initial strength from the first summoning would only tear four or five shackles. The levels of the five shackles. "


Due to the constraints of the virtual world's own operating mechanism, as well as the suppression of alien species in the earth's field, it is impossible for the opponent to summon a combat power comparable to that of the Happy Realm and the Imaginary Realm.

"Therefore, we just need to catch up with the other party's weakest period before that guy uses the resources of this world to train the contractors under his command, and directly crush him to death with a crushing force." , that’s it.”

The truth is this truth, but.
"Oh, it's a pity we missed this best shot time!"

Maybe it's not just Xu Chen who thought this way, but other reincarnations also thought this way.

"Second, before the infinite summoner summons the first contractor and grabs the other party's foothold, subdue it and control it. In this way, the explosive soldiers will not be able to perform the ultimate performance like a virus multiplying, and the snowball effect It cannot be achieved.”

This is smothering at the source.

"Are you sure?"

Lao Li regained some energy.

"Instead of me, I will ensure that there are multiple contractors around me at any time, you know." Anyway, the plug-in is there, and you can ignore the limit of infinite summoning. If this is the case, why not just summon a new one every three to five minutes? The contractors protect themselves, and they can also guarantee freshness and emotional communication with the contractors.

Double satisfaction.

"So, this direction is useless, right?"

The spirit that I had just mentioned was sluggish again.

"Third, improve yourself so that the strength of a single body is abnormal enough to crush all the combat power summoned by the opponent." This is pure aesthetics of violence.

And it's not impossible for Xu Chen and Li Yuqin to achieve this step.

"Boss, you mean panacea?"

Excluding the one picked by Chu Feng, the remaining five buds, under Xu's deliberate control, have opened two buds successively.However, the two of them had to deal with the reincarnation of Kyushu, and they couldn't let themselves be affected by the negative state, which made Huo Qilin and the others cheaper.

But now, the heads of the three major groups have all been eliminated, and the remaining reincarnated squads under their subordinates have also been put on the hunting sequence for tonight. It is only a matter of time before they are killed one by one.

"If we can move faster, maybe we can catch up with the fifth or even the fourth little flower!"

It is still possible for Xu Chen to delay the maturity of the Wan Ling blood medicine and let the flower buds open later, but it should not be too long, otherwise it will damage the precious medicine and leave some flaws in the precious medicine.

"How long can you take it at the latest?"

Shenwei cooperates with Flying Thunder God for a flash, and the figures of the two disappear immediately. The target is the nearest Gucheng.

"About a day!"

only one day?

Flying all over Kyushu in one day?
"Come on, fight!"

Hunting along the best and shortest route of intelligent navigation, this night is destined to be a blood-red sleepless night.

"By the way, boss, is there a fourth feasible option?"

Originally, it was just a casual mouth, but Xu Chenzhen did not expect to respond:

"As long as we become our own people, there will naturally be no hostility or malicious competition. Then the bug of the infinite summoner is not equal to our own bug?"

The words say so.

"Unfortunately, he is a reincarnation."

(End of this chapter)

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