Chapter 276
Next, there is no suspense.

Anyone who came here, be it a reincarnated person or an alien evolutionary person, as long as his whereabouts were captured by the network of divine perception formed by more than 20 people, he would be caught and thrown into a corner.

Those restless thorns were picked out and killed immediately.

"Hmph, be honest, otherwise those guys who are going to be flower fertilizers sooner or later will be your role models." Three kings and three quasi-king guards, a group of people are as obedient as quails.

However, what Dao Scar and the others didn't notice was that when they launched operations against the reincarnated people and the aliens who came this time, and the gap in the entire defense line was wide open; the guards who were originally guarding the head of the Lin family, Among them, a capable figure in a well-fitting suit was quietly missing.

The most weird thing is that the members of the Lin family didn't realize it from the beginning to the end, as if such a person never existed.

"There is definitely a big secret buried in this Zijin Mountain"

Although he felt the Sunfire Essence and the Taiyin Essence, he was not very moved because they were not super rare items.There are quite a few stored in the team contribution pool, and they can also be purchased from the reincarnation space. The price is only the team contribution value and reincarnation points.

But that dragon chant, he can be sure, is definitely not the work of a real dragon. If I am not mistaken, it should be the luck of the dragon!

This is a rare good thing!
Every living being has its own destiny, which is invisible, intangible, mysterious, but real, and it is related to personal luck and fortune.

Those with strong luck may find gold by digging a hole at random, and find the grandfather who lives with them when they search for treasure.On the contrary, if the luck is thin and the bad luck is in the lead, you may be able to choke to death if you drink saliva, and you may suddenly sink into the ground and fall into the tiankeng if you take a good walk.

And a dynasty also has its destiny, which is related to the destiny of the country and comes from every component that makes up the dynasty, whether it is landscape, or people, or beliefs, or systems, etc.

The dynasty prospered, and the fate of the country self-transformed and transported the spirit of the dragon, producing incomparably magical effects.

If he can get enough luck and dragon energy here, then he will be equivalent to the reincarnated emperor, and will receive all kinds of blessings and protection from this star.At least during this exploration mission, his practice speed and understanding talent will be greatly improved, and everything he does will be much easier and smoother as if he had the help of a god.

It's just that sacrificing four people in exchange for a chance for him to break in, a chance to gain luck and dragon spirit, is not worth it to the team.

"Hey, where does the fragrance come from?"

Just sniffing lightly, for some reason, the taste buds were seduced out of the rolling halazi, and my stomach also protested a few times involuntarily.

"The scent alone is so alluring?"

The person is intimidated.

He felt that someone probably noticed his existence and sincerely invited him to the banquet in this way: "Damn it, shouldn't it be the most top-notch king-level ingredients?"

Who can resist this!

"Hoo hoo."

All the different fruits, after being tempered by the mysterious evolution of Zijin Bagua Furnace, finally formed:

More than 200 ordinary pills that are enough to help people step into the realm of kings from the quasi-king level or even the ninth floor of the awakening state in one fell swoop;
More than 70 good-quality pills that can help the low-level shackles go one or two steps further;
More than 40 high-quality pills that are still effective for three or four shackles;

Thirteen precious pills that can help the top king of the five shackles take a step, and eight that can help the top master who tore the six shackles take a step;

And the six kings who can help the five shackles have a high probability of taking two steps in a row, the four super masters who can help the six shackles, and the top-quality pill with a [-]% probability of breaking through the eight shackles with a leap!

Although nearly [-] different fruits were tempered, two-thirds of the amount was lost for no reason, which made him lose hundreds of king-level combat power; but Xu Chen was very satisfied with this.

Each of the pills obtained by tempering different fruits has extraordinary effects, and taking this kind of more powerful panacea will not cause huge hidden dangers and troubles for the future like swallowing the different fruits directly The disadvantages!

"Everyone, how do you feel, are you satisfied this time?"

Qi Qi has gained.

The Golden Eagle King, Xiaopeng King, and Ma Wang nodded happily and excitedly.Because the three of them not only tempered their physique a lot, but also consolidated their foundation early in a very rare wave, and also successfully tore the seven shackles with the help of a high-quality elixir and a top-grade treasure elixir!Became a transcendent existence above the pinnacle of the world!

Seven shackles?

Yes, Qidao!
These three little friends were originally the kings of the four shackles, not enough than the top, but more than the bottom.

But with the help of the gossip furnace, most of the filth and impurities in the body were quenched with mysterious energy; and Xu Chen, with the help of a little of the origin of the supreme king and the blood of the dragon, repaired the hidden injuries and hidden dangers left by the previous rapid breakthrough.

When the state is adjusted to the best, the first step:
First take a high-quality elixir each, and at the same time receive the baptism of the strange evolutionary energy in the sword world, under the double stimulation, easily tear the fifth shackle, and step into the current top king sequence;
Then, by taking and refining the flesh and blood essence of many different kings, he stabilized his own state and made up for the shortfall caused by his breakthrough consumption.

The second step:
Then each take a top-quality pill that can help the king of the five shackles and has a high probability of being upgraded two levels in a row!

Normally, there is a certain probability that the Golden Eagle King and Xiaopeng King will not be able to cross the second hurdle.

Because they are still young, some accumulation may not be enough.

But as a field researcher, Xu Chen would sit back and watch these two fail?
It not only guides the mysterious energy in the gossip furnace to swarm and gather, but also provides a supply of external energy for the evolution of one bird and one sword world. In addition, it once again gave each of them a memory crystal and a top-quality treasure pill to add fire!

What the memory crystal provides is, in addition to the stealing breathing method, the best exhalation breathing method, as well as some martial arts insights and moves.The ultimate treasure pill is a booster, a booster that at least doubles the original thrust.

From this kind of operation, not to mention adding three major powers to one's side, it also completely received the sincerity of three friends who did not use the pet scroll contract!

After all, there are only ten top-grade pills, and four are used on the two birds!And in our own camp, there are still so many pairs of eyes lined up, looking forward to it!
With this sincerity, although the Golden Eagle King and Xiaopeng King are lonely, they are by no means blind.

As for Ma Wang
This bloody horse is much less difficult to break through than the two birds. After all, it is also a spirit beast that has lived for hundreds of years, right?
In other words, most of the kings of Kunlun Mountain are old monsters over a hundred years old; therefore, even if some accumulations are insufficient, they are not much worse.

After making up for what is lacking, tearing the seven shackles will become less out of reach.

And then the Seagod Tiger.

"Tch, it would be too stingy to just raise this king by one level. Are you worried that this king will become too strong and will turn against you in the future?"


He slapped this guy on the head with a slap: "Speak human!"

This guy also successfully tore through the seventh shackle with a top-grade treasure pill, his combat power has skyrocketed a lot, and he is still the top-notch one in the same rank.

"Hmph, wait for this king to settle down for a while, and then I will definitely challenge you. When I beat you to the ground, I must be replaced as the leader of the team!"

Even though he still has a sense of arrogance in his bones, having been funded by fortune and Xu Chen here, he has unknowingly grown a little more respect for the boss on the tiger's back, and has gradually returned to his heart.

First of all, don't treat him as an outsider;
He cherishes this unprecedented recognition now!
Besides, isn't it a matter of course for the weak to obey the strong?

"Aww, why am I the only one who doesn't have a share?"

The most unhappy and depressing must be the Siberian tiger.

(End of this chapter)

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