Be the villain boss from Yitian Tulongji

Chapter 257 The Holy See's Last Knight of Light

Chapter 257 The Holy See's Last Knight of Light
As soon as you enter the holy medicine garden, there is indeed a great fortune here.

Xu Chen, who has an extremely keen sense, and Li Yuqin, whose right eye can see through illusions, immediately confirmed that the dozen or so strange small trees and hundreds of strange grasses bearing strange fruits were all real and could not be more real Authentic!


This Schiller is really willing to spend money!

At this moment, how could Xu Chen not have thought of the sinister intentions of this knight of light?

The so-called reluctance to bear a child can't set a wolf!
The seemingly amiable and kind old man in front of him took out the genuine products from the outside to prove the authenticity of the holy medicine garden's good fortune. He made it clear that he wanted these kings who had gained some benefits to make a big publicity for him!This will attract more beings from the shackles of different blood races to come here!
And he seems to have paid for the pollen and fruits produced by more than a dozen strange small trees and hundreds of strange grasses, but because he took advantage of the undeniable vigilance of the kings, he was the first to enter the holy medicine garden!
In this way, with this old man's method, at least [-]% of the big heads were picked off by him alone, and about [-]% of the small heads also fell on the Black Dragon King and the North Pole King.
The remaining points are divided into dozens of kings in equal parts, so it is really not considered an enemy!

Furthermore, his losses are actually extremely limited!

"Damn it, I just hesitated for a moment, but it was half a step too late!"

The White Elephant King was secretly annoyed.

"Hey, the benefits that are easiest to get on the outside have been snatched away, so we can only go deeper inside."

The Black Rhinoceros King was also extremely unwilling.

He still has a long way to go before tearing the sixth shackle, and the good things on the periphery have been scoured by the kings. If he wants to go further, he can only attack the depths of the holy medicine garden.


The White Elephant King frowned;
"But in that case, the risk factor here is not easy to determine."

There is no hidden crisis on the periphery, but it does not mean that there is no crisis in the depths.

"Besides, this is the holy place of the Holy See after all. We don't know what kind of medicine is sold in that old clapper gourd of Schiller!"

"That's what I said, but Lao Bai, are you willing?"

It must be unwilling!

It's like taking a puff of opium, and you don't even know that you are addicted; one puff after another, in a blink of an eye, the kings are completely addicted, and they can't do without that puff.

It's more like playing a few games, losing consecutively and only one step away from winning!But originally, these were just a few games, just for entertainment, relaxation, or venting; but losing streaks, losing streaks, being entertained and vented by opponents a few times!
What is this?
How can you be reconciled if you don't win?How could he let out such a breath?

So, on the contrary, it aroused a strong heart deep in my heart!
"Besides, the Black Dragon King and the North Pole King have both entered deeper. We can't be inferior to those two, can we? With those two active in front, what is there to be afraid of? Four top experts cooperate Dozens of kings, can't cope with the arrangement of a mere Schiller?"

What he said made sense, but the White Elephant King was speechless for a while.

"Unfortunately, many of my old friends are involved in important matters at the moment, otherwise they would definitely come here to help me!"

A helpless sigh.

"Isn't it my side? But they have all received the message I sent before and gave a positive response. It won't be long before they can deal with the matter at hand one by one, and then rush to the Vatican to seize it. Good luck here!"

At that time, at least a hundred kings will arrive together, or even more, that will be the real big scene.

"Hey, isn't that a little fellow named Chilin under the command of the Black Dragon King? I heard that the bloodline is quite pure, and he tore four shackles in a short period of time. Why are you in such a mess now?"

Originally, Chilin followed the Black Dragon King and was marching deep, and they did reap a lot of benefits along the way. Then, they came across a sacred fruit with an extraordinary appearance and a big sword under the tree.

Out of the idea of ​​taking care of the younger generation of the same clan, at least that's what the Black Dragon King said, he was signaled to go forward to pick the fruit;

As a result, without saying anything, he ended up in this miserable appearance.

The big sword under the tree was full of spirituality, and it wounded him with just one blow!If he hadn't maintained a high level of vigilance, he would have at least suffered a serious injury after that blow!

So far, he still doesn't know that he was betrayed by the elders of the same clan.

How do you say it?
This is not
"It's all right now, the Black Dragon King and Schiller are definitely not in the same group, and we can rest assured." The Black Rhinoceros King said with a confident face.


The White Elephant King's aura seemed to have caught something, but he couldn't grasp it completely, and finally let the aura slip through his fingers.

"Think about it, if the Black Dragon King joins forces with Schiller, why wouldn't Schiller not tell the Black Dragon King of the dangers inside? And the Black Dragon King, how could he just watch this fellow who can be his right-hand man suffer such a heavy blow?" Reasonable and well-founded analysis, if Xu Chen were here, he would definitely give a thumbs up without hesitation.

Then, clearly tell the Black Rhinoceros King that you have definitely followed his path!

what's going on?
It's not obvious!

In order to put aside the cooperative relationship with Schiller, the Black Dragon King also worked hard.

This is really a mountain is higher than a mountain!

In fact, if it were Xu Chen himself, if he hadn't labeled Schiller, the Black Dragon King, and the Arctic King as old actors, he would have fallen into it unknowingly.


The two kings, who had formed an alliance long ago, did not delay any longer.

In other words, Chilin was really seriously injured?

If he was the one described by the unknown red-haired monster, he was targeted by the divine knight's psychic weapon from the past, and he was seriously injured and could hardly escape.

But as Li Yuqin's other little partner, especially after being transformed by the trace of real dragon spirit in the memory crystal made by Xu Chen, his current bloodline is probably more pure than that of the Black Dragon King who is of a higher realm. one cent.Today's wisdom may not be much worse than that of the old black dragon.

The purity of the bloodline directly affects the integrity of the bloodline inheritance and the standard of treatment;

The level of wisdom also determines the learning speed and many other factors.

Therefore, is it embarrassing to pretend to be seriously injured and leave this place?

The holy medicine garden goes deeper
The four ordinary kings of a different kind headed straight for a sacred small tree, just approaching the [-]-meter range of the small tree, a long spear that was stuck upside down on the ground and covered with rust spots, automatically rose from the ground.

It was still dim at first, but as the kings approached in the blink of an eye, holy light began to flow on the Zhan Ge, emitting a blazing brilliance.

"Suppress it together!"

The spiritual roots and fruits that can promote their evolution are right in front of them, and nothing can stop them!

The four kings, with surging energy all over their bodies, turned into four waves and slapped the flying spear with precision.

"Puff puff!"



It was just a face-to-face meeting, and one of the king-level beings who had torn two shackles was directly pierced through the chest.

After Zhan Ge passed through his chest, the tail shook lightly, and the king exploded into countless pieces, leaving only a miserable scream echoing in the area.

Moreover, Changge continued to castrate. After killing a king, he slashed instantly, and the second unlucky guy could only be turned into two halves amidst the roar.


The fierce attack of the two kings came, and they were hitting Chang Ge directly, trying to suppress it with their joint efforts.

No more then!
The little commotion caused by the four kings here has returned to quiet and peaceful in an instant.

What the hell is this weapon?

Why are you so vigorous?
As the divine soldier of the divine knight in the most glorious era of ancient times, the spiritual imprint of the divine knight is left on it, which can support the divine soldier to continue killing.

Although there is no one, or even one, of power, it is not something that can be suppressed and surrendered by the low-level shackles!
And such a scene was happening in many places in the depths of the Holy Medicine Garden.

Because in this sacred medicine garden, there are at least seven or eight such divine weapons.And it is very unfortunate that these ancient magic weapons were carefully designed by people beside the sacred fruit tree, or on the only way for everyone to pass.

"Damn it, we won't be able to break through without masters suppressing these ancient weapons," a king dragging his body roared angrily.

This is just the tip of the iceberg of the crisis in the Holy Medicine Garden!
However, it is almost unsolvable!

"Then let's go and invite experts to help. They won the magic weapon and the great fortune. I'll follow along and drink some soup!"

This is, someone wants to fall into Schiller's trick again? !
"Smart layout"

Xu Chen, who was silently watching all this from the corner, had an inexplicable appreciation for Schiller.


It's a pity that being an enemy of Chu Luoli, the end result is naturally impossible to be good.

"Boss, are you loving talent again?"

Since when did this guy in my family become better than Boss Cao?Not so good!

Li Yuqin muttered inwardly.

"Don't worry, love belongs to love, but I don't want to recruit all talents, and I can't be soft-hearted just because I appreciate each other!"

It is best to cooperate with each other who can negotiate good terms, so as not to damage his reputation, but also to benefit in the end.

If he can't cooperate and is unwilling to take the blame for him, then he can only ask the other party to die, and then find a way to ripen the panacea produced by the root of the divine spirit!
(End of this chapter)

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