Be the villain boss from Yitian Tulongji

Chapter 249 The Rapidly Transforming Silver Mine Life

Chapter 249 The Rapidly Transforming Silver Mine Life
After subduing Xiaoyin, what can be done to increase the overall combat power of one's side to the greatest extent?
There is no doubt that a large amount of metallic silver and similar metallics will be added to this new partner!
And their line of work is also brutal:
Through his special status as the second young master of the Mu family, Xu Chen viewed all silver mine files related to Kyushu.

So, without exception, the three nearest silver mines within thousands of miles, as well as the several silver mines heading northwest and not far from the route, were all taken out of the ground by Lan Ao, who had been driven there. .What was not said immediately was thrown to Xiaoyin to assimilate and absorb, causing all the metallic silver in it to become a part of Xiaoyin's body.

The silver mines in other places are currently only marked, and will be connected with silver mines in other countries outside of Kyushu in the future, and an optimal mining route will be formed at that time.

As for now
In No. 5 Sword World, a strange tree that has received massive mysterious and pure evolutionary energy, as well as many captured high-quality heterogeneous nourishments, has become more vigorous, and has a faint tendency of transformation. The five strange flowers on it Three flowers bloomed one after another, and the pollen contributed to Xiaoyin's two-step evolution, reaching the level of tearing apart the five shackles!

And this is not the most exciting thing for everyone. What really excites them is that with the blooming of the fourth strange flower, any metal contaminated by pollen can really have life!

All firearms, trucks, trains, airplanes, bullets, shells, rockets, etc., all came to life.

At first, he was arguing non-stop there, trying to be the boss
For example, one of the armor-piercing bullets: "I want to be the leader."

Another example is a small toy airplane with the imprint of the national flag of Kyushu: "I am the leader."

"You all have to follow my command" This time it was a megaphone that spoke.

It made Xu Chen and his party dumbfounded.

Later, the real man who was transformed by a nuclear missile had enough, and he didn't talk too much, and when his temper came up, he would explode on the spot if he didn't agree with him!

my darling!
Fortunately, Xiaoyin and Lan Ao acted quickly enough to suppress them in time, otherwise Xu Chen and his party would be ashamed before they could succeed.

In the end, Little Silver went berserk, and the king-level metal aura suppressed the audience.The hot weapon metal life that Xu Chen and the others couldn't subdue with all their efforts, all of them turned into quails when they were placed here with Xiaoyin, and the obedient ones don't want to.

It seems that the hierarchy among metal beings is stricter.

And as this group of fresh troops scrambled into Xiaoyin's bottomless pit, it turned into a bit of the background of this metal king, enabling him to be armed in all directions.
This big killer finally showed a bit of its power and terrifying potential!
Afterwards, the group went all the way to the Turpan Basin in Xinjiang.

If Xu Chen remembers correctly, after the changes in the world, there will be a mysterious foggy passage leading directly to Europe.Well, it was because of Lao Li's long trip that he slowly remembered.

It's just that in the early days, there would be a psychic Populus euphratica tree guarding it.

No, in the center of the huge basin in front of you, a thousand-year-old tree with a height of 3000 meters and luxuriant branches stands there quietly like a mountain.

In the early stage of the world's change, this tree chose to dormant for a short time because of the rich background of the Kyushu government; but when the Kyushu government was busy dealing with the strange plants in the sky and had no time to care about it, and the background was almost bottomed out afterwards, it grew extremely fast and mutated crazily. , and finally made him a generation of tree kings.

"Old Yang, are you willing to hang out with us?"

Xu Chen was very direct.

"Dear human king, I'm just a tree. I just want to live a few more years. If you don't participate in your scramble for spiritual root pollen, please consider my difficulties as an old guy." The voice was like thunder, booming .


I don't know whether it's because I regret not being able to contract with this Populus euphratica tree king, or because I feel sorry for the other party.

"Then get out of the way."

Xu Chen didn't want to embarrass this old tree.

There are a lot of psychic vegetation in the world, such as the zodiac on Mount Olympus, each plant is very good, all awakened to have extraordinary abilities; another example is the guardian spirit plant of the Holy Medicine Garden in the Vatican, which can even bear angels to assist in combat !Which one is not stronger than this Populus euphratica king?

Ahead, shrouded in fog, you can't see your fingers when you stretch out your hands, and it can also block the sense of God.

"Seeing this miraculous passage, what did you think of?" Xu Chen, who was flipping through a field classic on the back of Huo Qilin, asked casually.


I don't know what happened to Xiao Linzi, he has become the king of the shackles in essence, and he has also taken the fruit of the transformation tree, but he can't speak, and he failed in transformation.It was as if he had been chopped off by someone innately, depriving him of this ability.

"Boss means to arrange here, to use the mist to deprive the strange ability of the king-level divine sense, to kill a few, and to accept all of them?" Lan Ao narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"That's a good idea." Li Yuqin's eyes flickered.

"Heh, how can it be so simple, do you really think that the kings of different types are fools?" Someone Xu smiled.

"Then boss, what do you mean?"

"I have gained a lot from studying field books these days."

Chu Luoli's [-]% talent in the field is really terrifying. In just one week, he got into this industry.Xu Chen even had a feeling that after he settled down for a while, he would learn more about the natural layout of mountains and rivers in all directions, and become a real field researcher.

"This method of shielding divine perception has been mentioned in one of the several field classics I have studied. Although I can't arrange the exact same environment with my current level, I can make a cut version Yes, it's not difficult."

"Boss Mu, do you want to hold back?" The Claret Horse King snorted, then flicked his beautiful and long pony tail.

"I have some ideas about that, but the details are not perfect enough, and I'm not sure which side to choose first!"

Does Xu Chen have his own goal now?
One, the Sea Clan.

Especially the South China Sea Sea Clan who are unruly and always want to enslave the human race.

Second, the three overseas islands.

Xu Chen is not as kind as Chu Luoli in the original plot.

It's time to kill, then kill it clean, leaving those shit-stirring sticks behind is really annoying.

Right now, the servants of Mishima haven't unsealed the portal of the folding space, so they can't come out for the time being.In addition, the sacred artifacts left by the ancestors of the three servants are also sealed in the underground ruins. If the changes in the world are not thorough enough, they will not be born in advance.In addition, although the three servants have their ancestors in charge, they will definitely not be too clueless
Come to think of it, being able to reach the realm of visualization and dining Xia like Yu Chikong is quite remarkable.

Otherwise, how can the aliens in the North Pole Magnetic Cave and Qilin's Old Lair, who are at most only in the realm of happiness, take advantage of various opportunities?When Mishima was born in the original plot, how could there be a chance for Chu Luoli, who was only in the shackles at that time, to make trouble?
So, this is the biggest opportunity for Xu Chen and his party.

Awakening, shackles, leisure, visualization, meal, plasticity, golden body
While the three overseas islands have not fully recovered and their background has not been transformed into strength, it is absolutely necessary to cheat them hard and reap the benefits.

Thirdly, I didn’t mention it, it’s those villains in the starry sky who occupy the magpie’s nest and seize the earth’s North Pole Yuanci fairy cave and Qilin’s old nest.

If he hadn't cut off the tentacles that the enemies in the starry sky extended in advance, Xu Chen was sure that he would also fall into the situation that Chu Feng would be in the future where he was almost known by aliens and hunted by powerful enemies from all directions.

Growing up in adversity is passionate and passionate, and mundane counterattacking immortals is certainly inspirational; but, it must be somewhat behind the scenes to succeed!
In the tripartite world shaped by weird red-haired creatures, there is no protagonist who does not talk about the backstage!
Needless to say, Ye Hei has a younger sister waiting for him;

In the early stage, Xiongwa also had the God of Willow to take care of him, coupled with the vitality and talent against the sky, he beat all dissatisfied;
As for Chu Luoli, she was even more ruthless.
Xiong Wa and Ye Hei are watching from behind!In addition, there is a big wife on Huafen Road who is supporting her all the way, so unless there is a dimensionality reduction attack at the level of the Tyrannosaurus Immortal Emperor, don't take anything seriously!Even if it is death, it is a fake death deliberately played for some people!
Far away.

Closer to home.

(End of this chapter)

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