Be the villain boss from Yitian Tulongji

Chapter 239 The Pirate Breathing Method

Chapter 239 The Pirate Breathing Method

"This calf, dare to hit me with a hoof?"

The results speak for themselves.

Although the scalper at this moment is quite extraordinary in strength, with a high-level combat power in the awakened state, even if he is facing the four great aliens of the same period in the original book, he can knock down one of them under a sneak attack; Touching the king-level threshold, it is far from being able to compare with Xu Chen, whose strength is comparable to tearing a shackle, and is in the first half-step extraordinary realm.

Therefore, a hoof came down, not to mention nothing, but someone Xu took advantage of the situation and rode on his back. At the same time, he pressed hard, directly pressed it to the ground and stuck out his tongue.

what's the situation?
The little scalper was dumbfounded.

In this era, how come there are such powerful people in this dilapidated earth?

It's not scientific!

Isn't it agreed that the Dharma has been in decline for many years here, and the inheritance has been cut off?
You lied to me!

Xu Chen didn't care so much, he patted the little guy's head, and then he shuddered: "Do you still dare to attack me with a cow's hoof?"


it hurts!

Maverick's pair of tricks was immediately watery, from childhood to adulthood, er, well, he is only a little over two years old, and he hasn't grown up yet; but, except for the incident of being exterminated, he has never been bullied like this , suffered such inhuman abuse.

Clearly carrying a blood feud, she came across the universe, and she was going to rise up here, so that she could go back to avenge her revenge; but right now, not only was she being ridden on her back, but she was also threatened by the bastard above who knocked her head.

He is so hard!

But at the next moment, he felt his body lighten up again, and he raised his head to look ahead, and it turned out that the person on his back had gone to pick up waste again.

Did you let yourself go?
It's easy to talk, right?

Ah, no, it should be said that he was bullied and wanted to pretend that nothing happened. Are you looking down on him too much?

No, he must find his way back. The senior who sent him here once said that a gentleman will take revenge all day long, and 'he' can't wait ten or a hundred years.And after you succeed, you have to sneak away, so as not to be caught by the other party and clean up again.

So, while Xu Chen was delighted by a rare and well-preserved flesh and blood essence, when Xu Chen bent over

Unlike the reserved one just now, this time, the little scalper did not restrain his strength at all, but ruthless with all his strength.

It's a pity that although the strength and speed have been significantly improved, Xu Chen has a keen sense of spirit, and even with his back on his back, he can detect the strangeness behind him.

So, he turned around in an instant, and his hands collided with the two hooves of the little scalper: "Are you still coming?"

Unexpectedly, the little guy gave him a quick turn around and threw him over his shoulder, causing Xu Chen to lift his feet off the ground and spin his body into the air.

"I go."

Not far away, Zhou Quan, who was eating melons and watching a show, screamed in shock: "I'm afraid this calf has become a genius, and he still has a lot of kung fu?"


The little thing feels that he has succeeded, and his eyes are narrowed with joy.


But what surprised him was that Xu Chen's landing posture was very standard, with his legs bent, his feet on the ground, and his body squatting so steadily.What frightened him even more was that the person in front of him got up quickly with the help of reaction force, and he, who was standing upright, was thrown over his shoulder by the opponent.

Then, his two hind legs lifted off the ground, and his body was suspended in the air and began to rotate at high speed.


Rice transplanting on the head and feet, the cattle are very sad!

Afterwards, he was ridden on his back by the other party again, and on his head, there was another large circle centered on the core position, and there were wisps of fresh green smoke.

"Little guy, I didn't want to clean you up at this time, but why can't you think about it?"

Xu Chen is actually not the kind of person who cares, but now, since the other party has come to his door and let him take the opportunity to bully, how can he live up to the good intentions of this little scalper.

What's more, if you don't bully this guy now, I'm afraid you won't have much chance later.

"Moo moo."

Cow language?

Sorry, I don't understand!
While following the back of the calf's neck, his eyes flickered in thought for a while, but soon, Xu Chen's eyes became firm.He first released a few sword circles to isolate the surrounding space, and then conducted sound transmission to the little guy:

"To be able to cross the field enchantment arranged by the sages and sages back then, you must either be a descendant of a certain lineage among the earth's fugitives, or be a comrade-in-arms race chosen by the surviving ancient predecessors who are friendly to my lineage on the earth; Which one is it, since you chose to return to the earth, try to rise from here, and overcome all kinds of difficulties and dangers to return on this ancient road, then you must have the incomplete inheritance of that breathing method?"

The scalper was startled, his golden hair stood on end, and even his whole body started to tremble!

What did he hear?
He has the secret of stealing breathing method, this person actually knows?
The involvement was too great, he felt that the most responsible and responsible best choice would be to kill himself immediately and keep this secret in his heart!

But he was pressed down and controlled by the other party, so it was hard to die.

"Moo moo."

So, try to save yourself?
"Don't fool me, I have read many ancient books and know many things."

Xu Chen continued to transmit the secret message:

"For example, the defeat of the ancient earth is not a crime of war!

Instead, the traitor of the Xilin tribe came out from within; the teacher of Yaoyao Princess' fiancé gave up the star road that should have been in charge, causing the enemy to drive into the bottom of the pot; The Celestial Clan, the Nether Clan and other big forces joined forces to attack; and because the real background standing behind the Big Three had an unexpected situation and hadn't shown up for a long time, this gave those guys an opportunity to take advantage of it.
In the end it was a crushing defeat! "

The scalper's mouth has opened into an O shape, and the bull's eyes are so round that they almost stare out of their sockets!

What did he hear?
An ancient secret that has never been heard before? !The secrets of the earth that even the senior who sent him here may not know!

Could it be that the person in front of him is the Makoto of Destiny that this star places high hopes on?
The scalper no longer thought about killing himself, but began to consider other options.

"In addition, I also know that the sages and sages, one of the three giants of the ancient earth, are still alive today. If this person and other ancient sages were procrastinating in the universe, the earth would have been captured and divided by other coveted powerful races. !

Therefore, my earth is not without the possibility of a comeback!
If you count the existence of the person who self-appointed in the gossip furnace and tried his best to suppress his own evil thoughts, whether it is the No. 11 Nether clan or the top ten Celestial clan, the earth is not without the power to fight!
Reflect the heavens?

Hehe, little scalper, believe it or not, we earthlings, and our friends who follow our earthlings wholeheartedly, will definitely end here! "

The little calf was completely shocked!
Because the amount of information in Xu Chen's words is huge, and he knows the division of realms in the starry sky, it is obviously not aimless.

Moreover, it was obviously the first time they met, but he was choked when he came, and the best option was premeditated, so the credibility of Xu Chen's words was quite high.

"Scalper, give me the empowerment technique for the front part of the Pirate Breathing Method. I need to use the front part of the No. 11 top breathing method to build a foundation; besides, it belongs to my earth. Now it’s just returning to the original owner, what do you think?”

Gently touching the little guy's slightly protruding head, Xu Chen's voice was gentle: "You don't have to doubt my identity, I am a pure-blooded descendant of the earth just like the guy behind me."

Anyway, he said yes, and no one had to come to verify his authenticity.

at last.
"By the way, if you can, teach this breathing method to that handsome young man. He is my most valued little brother, and he is also the most trustworthy person for you and me!"

Acquiring this breathing method one day earlier will lay the foundation and solidify the foundation one day earlier;
For Chu Feng, this is absolutely beneficial and harmless.

"Don't worry, I won't let you suffer, I will use the location of the middle and back of this breathing method as a bargaining chip to exchange with you; and within ten days, I will provide you with direct access to the four shackles. What do you think?"

For three days, Xu Chen wasted three days of precious time that he should have raced against time to obtain and cherish in order to wait for this Thief-Inducing Breathing Technique.

Therefore, no matter what, there is absolutely no room for loss.

As long as he has this top breathing method that can be classified as a top sequence in this world, he can really take off!
Of course, for scalpers, Xu Chen's price is absolutely undeniable!
In this way, a win-win situation is achieved!

(End of this chapter)

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