Be the villain boss from Yitian Tulongji

Chapter 2 There is something to give and nothing to lose, elder disciple

Chapter 2 There is something to give and nothing to lose, elder disciple

Undoubtedly, no matter what the identities of the people rushing here are, and what angle they will look at the current scene, it is definitely not a good thing for Xu Chen;

And once the two sides disagree, even if the other party doesn't give him a chance to flirt, then there will be fun!
Therefore, he must take the initiative to break the situation!

But how should he break the situation now?

Let's not mention that there is no good hiding place around here. Even if there is, as the first scene of a bad incident, even if the visitor does not go to the melon field out of reserve, he will definitely check the surroundings carefully. After a while, when the time comes, the yellow mud will really fall off the crotch.
As for fleeing?

This is the world of Yitian Tulongji, and such things as lightness kungfu are not very rare. Someone said that he, who failed to inherit Chen Youliang's kung fu and was almost in a state of blank slate, was afraid that he would be caught up by the people behind him before he escaped a hundred meters away. .

Of course, there is no such thing as sitting and waiting for death. Xu Chen is a life-saving master in his bones!


The sound of chaotic footsteps was not far away.

How to do?
What should I do?
There is no time!
I'm afraid that in a dozen more breaths, all the people rushing here will arrive here!
"Hoo hoo."

Don't panic when things happen, but know how to hold your breath.


This is really a technical job!


He took a deep breath, trying to calm down his mind, and then squeezed the martial arts cheats and the bloody dagger that he just got, his eyes flickered for a while:
Escaping cannot be escaped, it is inevitable to meet each other and then be interrogated by the other party; then, how to put yourself in a favorable position in terms of various subjective factors?

For example, let the original vested interests become victims, that is, disguise themselves as survivors of this accident!
In this way, can we win some sympathy and comfort from those who come?

You must know that many strong people who claim to be noble and compassionate often have a heart for the weak.

Time is running out!

'Well, it's just a gamble'

After making up his mind, he no longer hesitated, and immediately stabbed down fiercely!


The 30-plus-page cheat book of the little grappling hand was immediately pierced.

Then he neatly pierced the clothes on his chest from the inside to the outside, followed by the two gaps in the clothes and the cheat book perfectly overlapping, and the dagger pierced his chest along this line, And the depth of penetration is firmly controlled within a range of less than one centimeter!Keep the tip of the knife at a safe distance from the heart!
Hey, first images are important!

Even if you pretend, you have to pretend to be thrilling and decent, right?


The moment the dagger pierced, blood immediately overflowed from the wound, but Xu Chen had no time to feel sorry for his precious body.

He only had time to pull out the dagger and plunge it into the buttocks of a guy who was already too cold a few steps away. Then he decisively found a place with a lot of blood on the ground, made a sideways walk on the spot, and squinted his eyes at the same time. Slightly left a slit to stare at the direction of the rustling sound.

Fortunately, he made the right bet, as expected, the people who rushed over were disciples of the Beggar Gang!
So, when the group of Beggar Clan disciples were inspecting the corpse on the ground, and when one of them was checking whether he was alive or not, and his injuries, he naturally let out a soft grunt, and passed out resolutely.

The sequelae of time travel itself (that is, a large amount of information is suddenly stuffed into the brain), plus the fact that I was frightened one after another when I first arrived, and there is indeed a lot of bleeding at this moment;

This closing of eyes will be many days later!

Speaking of which, knowing that it would be difficult to 'go back', before he fell into a coma, he thought nonsense of those two living in the countryside more than ten kilometers away from the city, but with their feet, hands and a big back basket, they often went to the edge of the city to raise their children. The familiar figure who put eggs in the chicken farm, then turned around and went to sell eggs at a street stall in the city, was pulled up by these two old people hand in hand!By the way, I still think of those three buddies...

Hey, what a joke!
In other words, is it really the best choice to prove yourself in a self-harm way?
You know, one mistake in a bitter plan is to lose your wife and lose your army, and the gains will outweigh the losses!
For example, if the visitor is not a member of the Beggar Gang, or even someone who is not very friendly to the Beggar Gang, then this so-called self-mutilation is probably a real attempt to die. At that time, it would be very moral to make up for him without getting into trouble!
For another example, although the visitor is a disciple of the beggar gang, his attitude towards him is extremely ambiguous, and even if he is not good, he is just like fire and water; and the extended result of this situation may not be very good, tsk tsk, it is simply Take the initiative to put yourself on the other side's cutting board.
So, why did Xu Chen take the risk of playing tricks?
There may be a better way, but in that case, he has no time to think about it, and he doesn't have much time to rearrange the scene of the incident!

As for the fact that there are still many flaws in this move?

It depends on whether the little grappler's cheats have enough face!
In today's world of martial arts, various sects and sects often cherish their own brooms. Although the small grappling hand has no famous name, it is obviously unique to be regarded as a superior technique by Cheng Kun;
Using it as a bargaining chip to attract the attention of all the beggar gang members and divert the attention of these guys is also a kind of protective color invisibly.

It is what you give and what you get!

Therefore, under the favorable guidance of multiple protective colors for subjective factors, and as much as possible to cover up many unfavorable conditions that exist objectively, the members of the beggar gang, including the palm stick and the two dragon heads of the palm bowl, put all their emphasis on I ignored the many inharmonies that existed in the boy 'Chen Youliang' in this exercise secret book of Xiao Qin Na Shou!
Not to mention, being able to make the cheap master Cheng Kun retreat for a while, there are obviously people with good martial arts among the visitors, and this is another major reason why Xu Chen put out his thoughts of running away and hiding in the first place!
As for why even such a small matter can disturb the two dragon heads of the palm stick and the palm bowl?

This is thanks to Fan Yao, the bright right envoy of Mingjiao, for what he has done in the past few years
At that time, Yang Dingtian, the leader of Mingjiao, suddenly disappeared, and all the masters of Mingjiao fought against each other for the position of leader, so that the huge sect was torn apart; at that time, Fan Yao saw that the dissuasion was ineffective, and he believed that the leader Yang Dingtian was not dead. So he began to travel alone in the rivers and lakes, looking for the whereabouts of this ruthless man who is the most powerful and righteous sect in the martial arts world. However, after several years, he still did not find anything.

Then, the beggar gang fell into a bloody mold!
Because Fan Yao thought that his leader might be killed by the Beggar Clan, so he secretly captured many important figures of the Beggar Clan and tortured them for interrogation.

Coincidentally, among them was Fang Dongbai, the head of the Four Great Elders and known as the 'Eight Armed Sword God', the elder of the Clean Clothes Sect.

Well, as far as Fan Yao is concerned, after being tortured and interrogated by these beggar gang members, if they can't find any clues, one can imagine the result!

And without these high-level and elite elites, the beggar gang, which was already precarious, undoubtedly became weaker and weaker.

You know, in the battle of Xiangyang, the elite of the Beggar Clan had fought their best, and there were faults in the inheritance;
And in the early years, the leader Shi Huolong forcibly practiced the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms when his skills were not enough, which caused him to go crazy, suffer from paralysis of the upper body, and his arms could not turn on his own. Before leaving, he handed over the affairs of the beggar gang to the four elders, which led to many conflicts between the long-standing grievances of the gang, the clean clothes and the dirty clothes.
In today's Beggar Gang, there are probably only three or two big and small cats left!
In this way, with the worsening of the situation, the Beggar Gang is now in a state of panic!
Not to mention a dozen or so elite juniors, even three or two of them will directly send out the elders of the eight bags or even the leaders of the nine bags to come out to find people!

No way, I can't afford to lose!
And Xu Chen, who replaced Chen Youliang, obviously got a big deal!

No, at the age of 26, he inexplicably added another bag, and became the direct disciple of the elder Zhang Bo!

Uh, where is the loyalty check that should have been there?

That blood-stained little grappling manual is the best answer!

Because in the eyes of the high-level members of the beggar gang, ninety-nine out of ten good members who have the excellent quality of "recovering money are not ignorant" can't be the spies he sent over. After all, there is too much money for this activity, isn't it?

Of course, if there are such dedicated and good spies, they don't mind having a few more, or the more the better, anyway, the beggar gang only needs to pass on the skills of the elders to hold the threshold!

Superb skills and techniques are not something a small elder disciple can get;
The layout and arrangement of the high-level is not something that a non-painful disciple can easily inquire about!

(End of this chapter)

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