I really don't know Mantian Xianfo

Chapter 77 From now on, you will be my disciple of Xu Kai

Chapter 77 From now on, you will be my disciple of Xu Kai

Da Chi Li hates the sky.

In an extremely spacious Dan room.

Several rows of huge shelves and medicine cabinets filled the entire alchemy room.

Xu Kai and the little mother dragon sat facing each other in front of a pill furnace, staring blankly at the direction of the door.

A little girl in a white skirt walked slowly into the room with small steps.

His eyes were dull and indifferent.

The delicate and cold little face looked at the two people in Dan's room.

Then he didn't speak, just sat around the alchemy furnace.

Xu Kai had more questions in his heart.

The person who came was Qi Minger.

Why is she here?

Co-authoring is really group wear!

They all came to this heaven inexplicably.

It appears that this is no coincidence.

They didn't time travel at all, let alone some bloody plot like rebirth.

They are all still alive.

There is only one reason why they came here together.

This is all arranged by Tianzun.

The corridor of the Concentric Formation leads to here.

But Xu Kai felt a little unclear.

Why did the little female dragon return to her original body?

Where did little girl Yuexian go?
Didn't they come here together?
The little female dragon was beside her, and she was rarely silent.

Puzzled written all over his face.

Don't know what to think.

With a strange distortion of space.

Daode Tianzun suddenly appeared in the alchemy room.

Because of his appearance, both Xu Kai and the little mother dragon came back to their senses and sat up straight.

"Heavenly Venerable."

"Heavenly Venerable!"

Daode Tianzun waved his hand with a smile.

"Xiao Xian, how do you feel when you return to Heaven?"

The little female dragon was taken aback for a moment, and asked some silly questions.

"You, you know that I returned to heaven? You know that I..."

Morality Tianzun nodded.

"Of course he knows."

The little female dragon couldn't sit still, and frowned nervously.

"If you can bring us back from the future, then you must know what will happen to Heaven next, right?!"

Daode Tianzun nodded with deep eyes.

"Of course I know."

The little female dragon was even more surprised, and hesitated for a long time, not knowing what to say.

"That, that, that..."

Xu Kai was confused when he saw her.

Simply took over her words.

"She wanted to ask, since you knew all this would happen, why didn't you take action to save it?"

"Also, why do you want to drag us from the future to the present? What exactly do you want to do, and what do you want us to do?"

"Please make this all clear."

Daode Tianzun looked at Xu Kai, then at the little mother dragon, with a deep smile still on his face.

"Since the three are all from the future, it is natural to know that the fall of the immortals and Buddhas in the sky is an established fact."

"In other words, in fact, this deity, as well as the entire Heavenly Court and Daleiyin's immortal Buddhas, are all dead."

"Since it's dead, how can we redeem it?"

Now Xu Kai couldn't sit still.

No matter how stable his mind is, he still feels a little dumbfounded.

What is dead?

Aren't they all back?
Isn't Tianzun already aware of everything?
Why is it irreparable?
All this has not yet become a reality!

There is still a chance of redemption!

Daode Tianzun seemed to see the doubts in the hearts of the little mother dragon and Xu Kai, and smiled calmly.

"Actually, this is not heaven, let alone the past, and you are not from the future."

"Here is the only trace of soul power remaining in this deity, a dream constructed."

"You all came from my dream."

"This is the last thing left in this world before the deity died."

"It is also a dream that the deity fell into the world and left for you to open."

The little mother dragon and Xu Kai looked at each other, and they could all see the surprise in each other's eyes.

Xu Kai nodded thoughtfully.

So all of this was just a dream?
But why are dreams so real?

Every fairy has his spiritual consciousness and his own thinking.

Dong Wanggong is choking Lao Tzu's neck and threatening Lao Tzu!

Is this really something you can have in a dream?
But after thinking about it, the great power of Daode Tianzun can be used to construct dreams...

It must also be different from the dream he imagined.

This is more like a real world.

Oh no, it is a world that will be completely destroyed in a short time.

"Tianzun, what is your purpose? What should we do in this dream?"

The little female dragon thought for a moment, then asked a question.

Daode Tianzun is still smiling.

"The purpose is to let you remember everything that happened next, and never forget it forever."

"Remember with your heart, not with your head."

"This is what Xiaoxian and Ming'er need to do. You have to engrave everything in the Heavenly Court into your hearts intact."

"Before the deity fell, I wanted to break my scalp, but I didn't know where the problem of the fallen immortals and Buddhas came from."

"I can't figure it out, I can't break free, and I can't save anyone."

"So this task can only be handed over to you."

"What this deity can do is to bring everything that happened before and after the fall of Mantian Immortal Buddha into the dream again, so that you can stand in a macro position and witness all this with your own eyes."

"As for whether you can find the problem, it depends on you."

"My deity, there is nothing I can do."

Xu Kai suddenly realized that this was the purpose of Tianzun.

This dream he arranged...

It exists to allow them to witness the entire process of the destruction of the Heavenly Court and the Great Thunder Sound from beginning to end.

Let them find out the problems and find out the truth about the fall of the immortal Buddha.

And use this to find a way to resist the second catastrophe.

Everything that happened in the past is irreversible.

What they need to do is to save disasters that may occur in the future.

and many more.

Xu Kai noticed another problem.

Why did Tianzun say that this is what the little mother dragon and Qi Minger need to do?
"Tianzun, what do I need to do?"

Tianzun pointed to the bookcase and medicine cabinet behind him.

"These are all you need to do."

"These are the [-] treasures of the Heavenly Court, including all the contents of the Taoist Heavenly Court related to the Dao, spells, refining tools, alchemy, medicine, divination, astrology, beasts, six arts, classics, etc."

"Even several other ways of practicing Taoism are among them."

"In the medicine cabinet, there are all samples of 40 kinds of immortal medicines that exist in the world."

"This is the last thing I left to this world."

"But you can't take any of them with you."

"You can make alchemy, but you can only eat it yourself, you can't take it away."

"You can refine weapons, but you can only refine them, and you can't take them away either."

"All you can do is to keep all these contents and experiences in your mind."

"In addition, remember that among them, there are also hidden inheritances of three barbarian-level supernatural powers created by the deity."

"Even though the Heavenly Court has fallen, even though the deity is dead, the rules of the deity will never change."

"This deity will never be cheap to any party who reaches out."

"On the Great Dao of the World, there is no shortcut other than hard work."

"Everything you have must be obtained by your own ability."

"Including the road paved by the deity, it is the same. That road is only the deity's road, but it is not the absolutely correct road."

"You need to find the most correct path that suits you."

"If you walked up that road because you couldn't resist the temptation..."

"Then in your end, even if you reach the realm of the deity, you will not escape the end of falling."

"Because, the end of this deity's path, perhaps, is to fall."

Tianzun paused at this point.

Xu Kai felt that his brain was a little confused.

Although he could understand every word Tianzun said, why did the combination of these words make him confused?

Why would Tianzun say that the end of his road is falling?

What kind of deep meaning is hidden in this?
What is Tianzun implying to himself?
He will not understand for a while.

Tianzun looked at his expression and smiled even more.

"That's why the deity will not give you these three kinds of supernatural powers clearly."

"Whether you can get it depends on your own hard work and your own good fortune."

"Sometimes, luck is also part of strength."

After saying that, he turned to leave.

But the little female dragon suddenly jumped up from the ground and rushed into the arms of Daode Tianzun.

That pretty face, which couldn't pick out any flaws at all, was tightly attached to Tianzun's big belly.

Her eyes were clouded with tears, and her voice was crying.

"Tianzun, don't, don't go. Xiaoxian will never see you again..."

"Tianzun, please, don't leave Xiaoxian!"

Daode Tianzun stretched out his hand and gently rubbed the hair of the little female dragon.

Still with a kind smile on his face, his small eyes narrowed, and he patted the little mother dragon's back.

Said something softly.

"Silly boy……"

His body, as the sound dissipated, also slowly dissipated in the alchemy room.

The little female dragon's arms were empty, and she slumped to the ground.

I couldn't cry.

"Tianzun, you, you still can't survive... Tianzun, Tianzun..."

Xu Kai noticed.

The moment Tianzun dissipated, Qi Minger, who was sitting next to him, still looked blank.

But two teardrops flowed silently down his cheeks.

Xu Kai also looked gloomy.

Slowly reaching out his hand, gently wiped away the tears for her.

The little girl raised her head in a dazed expression, the tears were still there.

cried a little clumsily.

"Master, master, accept me as an apprentice."

Half a sentence was left unsaid.

"I don't want to be alone."

But Xu Kai read out what she wanted to say.

She smiled softly and nodded.

"Okay. From now on, you will be my Xu Kai's disciple."

(End of this chapter)

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