I really don't know Mantian Xianfo

Chapter 25 Cultivation Department Conference, Ancient Martial Arts 7 Vessels

Chapter 25: Cultivation Club Conference, Seven Meridians of Ancient Martial Arts

And when Xu Kai was thinking about completing the task.

Seven kilometers away, in the Second Headquarters of the Immortal Cultivation Department, which is under construction.

The temporary large conference hall has been built, and it still has a strong smell of steel and paint.

But now, this conference hall, which can accommodate 200 people at the same time, is almost full.

In the underground six-storey parking lot outside the Immortal Cultivation Department, all kinds of cars have almost taken up all the spaces.

Chen Jishui sat on the podium without saying a word.

Waiting for the meeting to start.

Suddenly, a man dressed as a scientific researcher ran in from the back door.

Come to his ear and talk to him.

"Minister, the newly developed aura concentration detector project at the headquarters has made decisive progress."

"In order to cooperate with the meeting of the Cultivation Department, the headquarters has manufactured three most precise and scientifically perfect aura concentration detectors at the fastest speed."

"It was transported by a vehicle from the Ministry of Transportation, and it is now being placed in Laboratory No. [-]."

"Just waiting for a word from you, the initial test of the concentration of spiritual energy can be started at any time."

Chen Jishui nodded without thinking.

"Let's start, detect the accurate expansion area of ​​spiritual energy recovery."

"There is also a difference in the concentration of spiritual energy between here and the outside world. With accurate data, many things that will follow can be carried out more accurately."

The scientific researcher responded and ran out.

Watching more and more people take their seats according to the seating chart planned in advance.

Chen Jishui looked at his watch, it was fourteen o'clock.

"Alright, it's already two o'clock in the afternoon, and I'm announcing the official opening of the first plenary meeting of the Immortal Cultivation Department."

"Let's proceed to the first item of this meeting: I invite Zhang Zhengxun, the vice minister of the Immortal Cultivation Department, to read the opening speech..."


The Cultivation Department meeting was held as scheduled.

As for the No. [-] laboratory, it also started to get busy.

In front of a huge instrument like a wall.

A group of scientific researchers were busy back and forth, looking at the dozens of dashboards above, and kept making records.

A group of scientific researchers are obviously very unfamiliar with the instrument.

Under the continuous guidance of a scientific researcher specially transferred from the headquarters.

There is also the process of working against the instruction manual provided by the headquarters.

The strangeness of the equipment was gradually eliminated by the researchers in the Second Headquarters.

Time passed little by little.

The values ​​on the dashboard are also constantly changing.

Several recorders, while recording, are still calculating according to special formulas.

after an hour.

The first detection of Reiki concentration in human history is over.

The test results were immediately sent to Chen Jishui, the minister and chairman of the conference.

Aura test results comprehensive data show.

The diameter of the spiritual energy recovery range is 262.44 kilometers.

The concentration of aura within the current range is enough for the whole Ningyan Province to refine Qi for 684 years without being exhausted.

If all the spiritual energy in the whole country recovers, the concentration of spiritual energy will be enough to ensure that the whole people will not be exhausted in 9766 years.

From this moment, Wu Chao thoroughly confirmed that the idea of ​​cultivating immortals for all is feasible.

More projects in the future can be put on the process one after another.

Chen Jishui announced this exciting news to the public at the conference.

And by this, a few more parliamentary items were added.

It's all about the selection of the first batch of Qi Refiner students in the army and the expansion of the Immortal Cultivation Holy Land.

After all, the scope of spiritual energy recovery now has expanded to the outside by two hundred miles.

Chen Jishui decided to further expand the Immortal Cultivation Department and the Immortal Cultivation University.

And in order to prevent the news of the recovery of spiritual energy from leaking out too quickly at an inopportune time.

Therefore, Chen Jishui and other participants made a joint decision after discussion.

The currently expanded range of aura recovery will be militarized again.

Except for the aborigines, no other unrelated persons are allowed to enter or stay.

And all the aborigines will all receive notices that they are not allowed to step out of the closed area easily, and are not allowed to spread news in the closed area.

If it weren't for these aborigines' living and livelihood problems.

Chen Jishui actually hoped that all these residents would move out.

Until the recovery of spiritual energy is fully known to the world, it will not be moved back.

But at present, it is obvious that there is no such energy and preparation time.

This is the only regret.

At seven o'clock in the evening, the five-hour conference finally came to an end.

This is a day destined to be recorded in the annals of Wu Dynasty history.

And from then on, Wu Dynasty's great cause of cultivating immortals will enter the fastest development.

It will be completely ahead of any country in the world and become the number one country in cultivating immortals.

Chen Jishui watched as the audience left one after another, busying themselves with the participants.

Waiting for the conference hall to return to silence.

He leaned lazily on the back of the chair and let out a long sigh of relief.

There is some tiredness on the face.

next to.

Zhang Zhengxun, Wen Jing and others who were also sitting on the rostrum had already appointed 17 senior members of the Immortal Cultivation Department, and they were in a similar state to him.

very tired.

But excited.

Their generation is not only the witness of history, but also the creator of history!
Who can not be excited?
It is they who have turned the era to a new page with their own hands!
The crowd rested for more than half an hour.

Only then did people bid farewell to Chen Jishui one after another and left.

Chen Jishui was the last one to leave.

He still had a backache and a hoarse voice just now.

But I don't know if it's because of the abundant aura, he feels that his body's recovery and adjustment are much stronger than before.

After resting for a while, I got up and stretched, and the fatigue disappeared.

Back to top form again.

I couldn't help but sigh again in my heart, the miraculous nature of this aura can't even be described in books.

Live in an area rich in aura.

It was like swimming in the panacea pool every day.

It will subconsciously transform the body unconsciously.

Everyone here enjoys this feeling.

He walked out of the big meeting hall with big strides.

As the head of a new, substantive department, he had little downtime.


He almost only sleeps two or three hours a day, but he is still too busy with so many things.

He still has too many things that need to be dealt with one by one.

So he walked very fast.

But as soon as I go out.

He saw a person standing there quietly outside the door where the crowd had dispersed, as if waiting for someone.

There was a faint, warm smile on the corner of his mouth.

Coupled with that fair face that is as handsome as a demon.

Just standing there is like a picture scroll.


It was Xu Kai.

"Xiao Xu? Are you waiting for me?"

Xu Kai nodded.

"Except for you, everyone inside seems to have left. Can we take a step to talk?"

Chen Jishui's face turned serious. Hearing the meaning of Xu Kai's words, it seemed that there was something very important that needed to be discussed in detail.


In the temporary minister's office.

The two sat opposite each other.

Before Chen Jishui opened his mouth to ask.

Xu Kai had already pushed a card in front of his eyes, and then spoke.

"I want to see the people from the Gong family. Tell me where the people from the Gong family are located."

Chen Jishui frowned slightly.

When he was at the meeting, he had already heard the news that the old man left in good spirits and returned in disappointment.

He just said hello to his secretary and left directly.

Did not wait for them to leave the meeting.

He guessed in his heart that the husband might not have gotten what he wanted from the ring.

That's why I left so disappointed.

But the old man just left here.

Xu Kai came, could it be that Xu Kai found something?

"The public family..."

"Their status is quite special, and they generally don't see outsiders."

"I'm not going to hide it from you. What I'm going to say below is the top secret of the Wu Dynasty. I hope you don't spread it to outsiders."

"They are an important branch of the seven branches of ancient martial arts in the Wu Dynasty."

"Training ancient warriors all the year round to join the army, join some special departments at the upper level of the Wu Dynasty, and perform special tasks."

"Great contribution to the Wu Dynasty."

"Although due to some special reasons, the Wu Dynasty has never publicized their achievements to the outside world."

"But in fact, everyone in the Seven Meridians of Ancient Martial Dao is an unsung hero of the Wu Dynasty. The Seven Meridians have contributed a lot to the Wu Dynasty's present peace."

"The hiding places of each of the seven veins are relatively secret, and belong to the highest secret of the Wu Dynasty. Even I only know about the Gong family."

"It's really hard to tell you."

"Although Qimai is from the Wu Dynasty, they are not bound by the upper echelons of the Wu Dynasty."

"Although they continue to provide talents for the Wu Dynasty, in fact, both of us are in a relationship of cooperation and courtesy and mutual benefit."

"The only thing they ask of us is not to expose their existence to outsiders."

"I don't know the specific reason, but this is Qimai's code of conduct."

"If you have anything, you can tell me, and I will help you pass it on to the public."

Xu Kai sucked his teeth.

He didn't expect there to be such a secret layer.

Behind the fat old man, there is such a giant family standing...

It seems that things are not easy to handle.

(End of this chapter)

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