Chapter 81 Crisis everywhere!

"Jingle Bell…"

Jiang Chengzi's personal phone rang. He picked up the phone and said, "Hello, this is Jiang Chengzi. It's an emergency right now. It's not convenient to answer the phone!"

What was said next on the other end of the phone made Jiang Chengzi's face change drastically!

"I am the director of the highland barley flour mill. We are now trapped in the fire area, and now we urgently need rescue!" the director of the flour mill said urgently.

"What, what are you talking about!" Jiang Chengzi's expression changed, he never expected that the fire was so close to the flour mill!
Once the fire has passed, the flour mill is a ticking time bomb!
After hanging up the phone, Jiang Chengzi said, "Reassign tasks now. Half of the firefighters will go to the flour mill immediately to intercept the fire. If there is an explosion there, Qingcheng will definitely be affected!"

As soon as the conversation was over, Jiang Chengzi's secretary walked in with a phone and said, "Director, the commander of the Qingcheng Army is calling."

What Jiang Chengzi was most worried about was coming. Ten years ago, this remote mountain was still under the management of the fire department, but after the Qingcheng garrison, they could only manage half of it.

Picking up the phone, before Jiang Chengzi could speak, he said in a loud voice, "What are you fire stations doing? How did such a big wildfire happen!"

"I'll give you one day to put out the wildfire, or the consequences will be very serious!"

Jiang Chengzi said cautiously: "Commander, how serious is the consequence, worse than the flour mill?"

"Fart! The explosion in the small flour mill spread to the surrounding area. Let me tell you now, it is a hundred kilometers away from the fire point. There is a military base there, and it is full of ammunition!"

"As long as there is an explosion, you and I will not even have a chance to plead guilty, so we will fly straight up! I will send troops to assist you. In one day, you must mobilize all personnel!"

With a snap, the phone hung up.

Jiang Chengzi slammed the table and said loudly: "Now only the dispatcher is left in the command room, and the rest, all go to the rescue!"

"There is a military base there, if the wildfire is allowed to spread!"

The consequences were unimaginable, it was too terrifying, if those ammunition exploded, it would definitely be equivalent to an atomic bomb!

Destroy Qingcheng instantly!

"Understood! Let's set off immediately!"

All the commanders got up instantly!
In less than half an hour, the nearest city west fire brigade arrived at the scene of the fire first!
Lu Wei, the captain of the fire brigade in the western part of the city, saw the raging fire and was completely out of control. The fire was far beyond their imagination.

Such a wildfire is simply unprecedented.

He hurriedly took out his phone and dialed Jiang Chengzi's number: "Director Jiang, I'm Lu Wei, the fire chief of Chengxi District, we don't have enough manpower here, and the fire is too big!"

"There is still a contagion trend, we need to increase manpower, and fire trucks, and even rescue helicopters!"

Now the wind is getting stronger and stronger, and several fire points are connected to the city in an instant, and they are heading towards Qingcheng!

The fire brigade of Chengxi District dispatched all members this time, all five fire trucks were dispatched, and even two sets of firefighting equipment were prepared.

However, the flames were too big. After arriving at the scene, even the fire fighting equipment was not ready, and they were forced to retreat one after another by the fire!

Lu Wei frantically asked for help: "Not enough manpower! Not enough manpower!"

"Not enough fire trucks! We have dispatched all the fire trucks in the western part of the city, but there are still not enough fire trucks!"

On the other side of the phone, Jiang Chengzi heard that he also wanted to send more people, but the western part of the city is not the most important point at all, the most important thing is the eastern part of the city, and the northernmost part of the deep mountain!

One of these two is where the flour mill is located, and the other is a military base!

After thinking for a long time, Jiang Chengzi finally thought of a safe way.

"Your place is the closest place to Qingcheng, but it's not the most dangerous place. The manpower is temporarily unavailable to you, but I have asked Qingcheng volunteers to carry the rescue equipment. Compared with how long it will take, the situation on your side It will be relieved."

Lu Wei still did not give up and said: "But, here..."

"There is nothing but, even if your side is lost, you have to try your best to defend it!" Jiang Chengzi has no choice but to issue a death order!

"Flour mill, military base, which of these two locations do you think I should give up?!"

Lu Wei's face changed when he heard the words, knowing the seriousness of the matter, he said loudly: "I promise to stop the fire here, and never let the fire get close to Qingcheng!"

After Jiang Chengzi hung up the phone, he immediately called again: "I am Jiang Chengzi. We are short of manpower and some rescue equipment cannot be transported. Please send some people to the fire station to help transport the rescue equipment."

At the same time, the sound insulation and airtightness of the hotel where Chen Nuo lived was really good. The fire was still three kilometers away from the hotel, and they still didn't know it.

For some reason, everyone in the hotel was called away by the waiter, except Chen Nuo and Kaili.

The reason is that Chen Nuo was fascinated by watching the video, and didn't hear the knock on the door at all, and Kaili fell asleep, and didn't hear the sound.

Fortunately, in Chen Nuo's room, the TV was still on, which happened to be the news channel.

The above report said: "There is a huge mountain fire now, and Changjiang Chengzi from the Qingcheng Fire Department is rushing there!"

"The mountain fire has spread. The Qingcheng Hotel, which is the closest to the fire point, has evacuated all personnel. At present, the firefighters are searching and rescuing tourist enthusiasts!"

Chen Nuo, who was still watching the video, heard about Qingcheng Hotel and thought that the hotel was famous again, so he ignored it, but what he said next shocked Chen Nuo.

"Fuck, who said that all the hotel personnel have retreated, there is still one person here! No, it should be two, Kelly is definitely still sleeping!"

After Chen Nuo finished speaking, he immediately came to the window, and saw the monstrous flames raging on everything around him, burning everything he went!
Seeing that the fire was about to spread here, Chen Nuo rushed out of the room in an instant, came to Kelly's side, and slammed on the door, but no matter how much he slammed, the door still didn't open.

"Damn, is Kelly a pig? She can sleep like this, but she won't wake up!" Chen Nuo cursed secretly, then went to the firefighting equipment and picked up the fire ax inside.

He directly opened Kaili's door, came to Kaili's side, ignored Kaili's clothes, hugged her directly, and rushed out of the room.

By the time they arrived at the parking lot, the surrounding fire had already spread, and several luxury cars were already on fire.

At the moment of getting on the car, the car that was severely burned by the fire suddenly exploded.

Kelly woke up instantly and said hurriedly: "What's going on? Could it be that spies used such powerful weapons in our country?"

"Are they looking for death!"

Chen Nuo started the Xiali and said calmly: "Shut your mouth now, I'm going to rush out!"

At this time, after being silent for a period of time, the system's voice finally spoke:
[Detect the host to carry passengers, and now automatically open the Cheshen live broadcast room. 】

[The rewards for this live broadcast are determined by the number of live viewers. 】

[Warning: This live broadcast is a special event, and there will be continuous tasks in the follow-up. After the matter is perfectly resolved, the rewards will be settled. 】

(End of this chapter)

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