Get the taxi system at the start

Chapter 6 The Ex-Girlfriend Gets Married

Chapter 6 The Ex-Girlfriend Gets Married

As for Chen Nuo, an electronic idiot, he didn't know about this matter yet. The only thing he knew was a text message from noon, which said that 48 points would be deducted and a fine of 5000 yuan would be imposed.

I thought the punishment was just like this, but then the police sent another text message, which stated that I should report to the police station as soon as possible, and I will be detained for [-] days.

However, a few minutes later, another text message was sent, informing him that he would only be fined [-] yuan, and that the administrative detention had also been revoked.

This was better for the poor Chen Nuo, so he drove to the bank and paid the fine before starting today's work.

At the same time, the short videos arranged by the system also kept up.

It was originally planned to be a short video per hour, but now it is released from time to time. As long as there are passengers who have something to do, the short video is basically updated in real time.

At the same time, in an ordinary community in Jincheng, in a corner of a room, a girl was lying on the bed and watching videos.

At this moment, a short video caught her attention!
In the picture, Chen Nuo drives a taxi and walks through the busy traffic, but only his face can be seen, and the girl feels a little familiar.

"This man, I seem to have been in his car before, so his driving skills are so good!"


It was late at night, and Chen Nuo, who had eaten, drove Xiali on the road in Jincheng. After some preparations, Chen Nuo said, "System, let's start shooting short videos and tell the passengers that it's open."

In the last short video, Chen Nuo has accumulated more than 1000 fans.

After posting the short video, the water friends who followed him clicked on it one after another, and then started to like it.

"Fuck, I now seriously suspect that he is not driving, but posting a short video. As for the update every hour, I thought there was something wrong."

"That is, every time he updates, I watch it immediately, and I won't miss any of them. I might see his driving skills at any time."

Of course, Chen Nuo would not know about these comments, and there is no need to know that all management is done by the system.

It's summer now, when the car window was opened, a wave of hot air blew in. After lighting a cigarette, Chen Nuo started driving aimlessly.

Another video was released, the title read: Why is a handsome male god smoking a cigarette sadly?
"Wow, the car god is so handsome, and the smoking pose is so handsome!"

"One thing to say, the car god is so handsome holding the steering wheel with one hand. With such good looks, why would he want to be a driver? If I had money, I would definitely support him!"

"Upstairs is completely farting. This is a car god. Does it mean that you can take care of him? If you want to take care of me, it's me, and it's not your turn!"

In an instant, the topic of the car god was abruptly shifted to the issue of nurturing.

So this video became popular again, and even the title of the repost was changed.

[The car god actually released a short video to ask for support, is this a sinister world, or is it what everyone expects? 】

Just when the system was out of control, the next video was released again.

Chen Nuo said in the video: "I do illegal things to save people. The situation is urgent and I have no choice but to do illegal things. I hope everyone will not imitate. It will be life-threatening."

Soon, the newly released short video became popular again.

Speeding, running red lights, just to save people!
They all praised Chen Nuo as a good person, and did not forget to remind others not to imitate.

This video touched thousands of netizens, and they all left messages saying, Let the car god start the live broadcast, we want to broadcast live, and watch you drive!
These words alarmed the officials, just when Chen Nuo was about to stop for a rest, a strange phone call came, and he said at the beginning: "I am a short video platform, and now I am signing an online contract with you, and I need you to live broadcast all the time .”

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Nuo immediately hung up and said, "Just kidding, sign me up, what are you thinking, I am the person who owns the system, am I still short of money?"

As soon as the voice fell, another call came.

"I am the Whale Live Streaming Platform. Now I invite Mr. Chen Nuo to live broadcast on my platform. The time is determined by Mr. Chen, and the location is arbitrary. We will never interfere!"

"Aren't you afraid that I will run away if you don't sign the contract?"

"There is no need to sign a contract, we believe in Mr. Chen Nuo's character!"

"Okay, then I'll broadcast live in a while, anyway, I have nothing to do." Chen Nuo was quite satisfied with this whale platform, so he made a straightforward decision.

If I let the previous platform know that I missed the car god because I said a wrong sentence, how regretful I would be.

A few minutes later, a headline on the Whale platform read [Taxi that hangs all racers, come to Whale Live! ! 】

Of course, this is still a systematic operation. If Chen Nuo operated it himself, even if he was given a day, it would be impossible to broadcast live!
As soon as the news came out, Chen Nuo's live broadcast room exploded instantly!Popularity began to soar!
A few minutes later, the anchor who had originally signed a contract with Whale Platform was immediately stunned.

Why would a taxi driver drive the platform crazy in a few minutes!

Why in a few minutes, the gifts he received would beat the sum of their gifts for a month?
However, Chen Nuo was driving the car seriously, ignoring the people in the live broadcast room, because he didn't know what to say.

After pulling a few passengers, it was already late at night, Chen Nuo said slowly: "Okay, today is my first live broadcast, everyone has watched enough, it's getting late now, I'm going to rest, Everyone should rest early!"

Just when he was about to turn off the live broadcast, a crying man on the side of the road caught Chen Nuo's attention.

A man won't cry easily before reaching the point of sadness!

Chen Nuo stopped next to the man steadily, rolled down the window and asked, "Brother, what's wrong with you, did you encounter any difficulties, if you tell me, you will feel much better!"

The man hesitated for a while, then said: "The woman I love is getting married tomorrow morning. I want to take a look, but now there is no high-speed rail, no means of transportation..."

The appearance of the man made the live broadcast room start to mock.

[Brother, if you didn't say it was the woman you love deeply, I would have thought you were the one who got married. 】

[Looks like another pair of fateful mandarin ducks, lovers who will eventually get married, that's bullshit! 】

Chen Nuo thought for a while and said, "Do you want to go?"

"I think, I just want to see her from a distance." The man said melancholy.

"Do you want to see her, or do you want to talk to her last time?" Chen Nuo continued to ask.

"I want to, I want to!"

"Where is the location, what time will you pick up the bride?"

"In Dancheng, pick up the bride at five o'clock, it's too late..."

"Dancheng? It's more than 450 kilometers. It's twelve o'clock now. Get on the bus. You still have two hours to meet and talk with the other party!" Chen Nuo said after thinking for a while.

As soon as Chen Nuo finished speaking, the live broadcast room exploded.

[Hurry up, the car god is going to show off his driving skills again. It takes more than 450 kilometers to arrive in three hours. Even if I drive 120, it will take more than five hours! 】

[Yes, it does take more than five hours, but I have already asked for leave. I want to watch the whole process and appreciate the skills of the car god!Everyone, draw your sword! 】

【Haha, just as I thought, I also want to watch the whole thing, but I'm the boss, so I don't need to ask for leave! 】

(End of this chapter)

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