Get the taxi system at the start

Chapter 42: A Miracle Is Needed to Save People

Chapter 42: A Miracle Is Needed to Save People

Ahead, between the two trees, is a gap that can pass two cars at the same time!
Chen Nuo used his driving skills to accurately analyze the distance, accurate to one millimeter!

The distance between big trees is four meters!

At the moment when two cars passed by at the same time, under extreme circumstances, the distance between them was five centimeters. There, it was Chen Nuo's best overtaking distance!
Chance, only once!
"What are you going to do? This is too far away for you!" Seeing this, Ying Chuxue hurriedly persuaded her.

I saw that Chen Nuo didn't listen to him at all, and stepped on the gas pedal suddenly, Xiali, speed up suddenly!
The speed broke out again!

At that moment, Xiali accelerated to [-] kilometers!

Directly speeding forward parallel to the car in front!

One second, three seconds!

In just three seconds, Chaoyu was completed, and then, there was a sudden brake!
The Xiali car, in the eyes of everyone, completed a 180-degree drift. The moment it surpassed the car kidnapper's car, the body turned around, and the trajectory was like the pointer on the dial!

Here we are, right in front of the kidnapper's car, the front of the car is precisely facing the front of the kidnapper's car!
Head to head, in mid-air, the policeman inside the helicopter, seeing this scene, couldn't help exclaiming: "Chen Nuo is worthy of being a car god, he even thought of such a way to overtake, and even planned to collide head-on and forcefully let the kidnapper The vehicle stopped!"

"No, it's too dangerous. The kidnapper's car and taxi will be in danger!"

"Impossible!" At this time, another helicopter, the police inside said inconceivably:
"Look, the two cars are head-to-head, but they didn't collide!"

"Although the car is speeding up, the car god's taxi is also speeding up and going backwards. What's going on? Can a backing car be so fast?!"

The policeman was still observing Chen Nuo's Xiali, trying to find something, but the next moment, the policeman said loudly: "Look, Xiali has started to slow down, the car god is really a car god, such driving skills, I will learn Will not!"

"He is not driving, but using his driving skills to perform live!"

At this moment, in the live broadcast room, there were tens of thousands of people who saw this extremely shocking scene. Chen Nuo's Xiali was quickly backing up, and was heading in the same direction as the kidnapper's vehicle!
But at the same time, the gap between Chen Nuo's Xiali and the kidnapper's vehicle was getting closer and closer, as if they were overtaking!
Chen Nuo's driving skills have been brought to the limit at this time, for the sake of his beloved Xiali, Chen Nuo didn't directly put it on after overtaking.

Instead, he chose to keep going at the same speed as him. Only when the distance between the cars became smaller and smaller, could his own Xiali minimize the loss!
Through observation, the current Chen Nuo can shorten the impact distance to the distance of a punch, through constant acceleration and deceleration.

It is absolutely consistent with the van in front!
With a sound of "Dang!", the two cars finally collided!But because the impact distance has been controlled by Chen Nuo to a very small distance.

When they collided, there was only a slight noise. Inside the car, Ying Chuxue was completely stunned when she saw this scene.

Comparing it with his own driving skills, Ying Chuxue suddenly felt that the driving skills he had learned over the years were all given to dogs and he had not learned anything at all.

"My God, this is simply the ultimate art!" In the midair, the police helicopter and the reporter's helicopter lit up countless lights at this moment!
There are ten lights, like spotlights, shining on Chen Nuo's taxi!

All the police present, as well as the rescue team, as well as Chen Nuo's live broadcast room, and the audience in front of the TV!

All eyes were on the Xiali car driven by Chen Nuo!

Everyone felt that Chen Nuo was performing, showing off his driving skills!

In the eyes of these audiences, every turn Chen Nuo made, every time he accurately crossed an obstacle, was a performance!
Especially when it collided with the kidnapper's vehicle at the end!
Inside the car, Chen Nuo operated the steering wheel vigorously. Although the collision just now minimized the damage, the speed of the kidnapper's vehicle still did not slow down.

Ying Chuxue, who was on the side, was dumbfounded for a long time, cold sweat broke out on her forehead, and she looked at Chen Nuo in disbelief.

At this time, Chen Nuo was extremely silent, and his eyes were always observing the kidnapper's vehicle, and every operation was extremely precise!

It's like a machine, no, it's more accurate than a machine, even if it's a machine, it can't drive two cars one after the other on a mountain road, and the collision distance can be so close!
To be able to have such an approach, unless one is too familiar with everything around and observes incomparably detailed, but Chen Nuo only came once and remembered all the details!

Unprecedented, the present Ying Chuxue has been completely conquered by Chen Nuo, why, at this moment, he is so calm, and even surpassed the opponent with zero mistakes!

Ying Chuxue had studied the professional test before, and even simulated many difficult scenes. She used to think that a racing driver is nothing if he leaves the track!

Without professional conditions and superior status, he will be the same as an ordinary driver, or even a little better than an ordinary driver.

Only now did Ying Chuxue know that her previous understanding was all wrong, and the mistakes were outrageous!

Chen Nuo has completely dominated everything here. At this moment, the dust is flying outside the car, and the leaves are rustling as the car drives it!

Chen Nuo held the steering wheel in his hand, smiled faintly, and his eyes were full of confidence!

"Now, this chase is coming to an end!"

At this moment, Ying Chuxue's eyes widened and she looked at Chen Nuo, feeling her heart beating fast and her adrenaline constantly soaring!

In mid-air, on the Jincheng TV station helicopter.

Bailu couldn't help sighing: "This is simply a racing performance. Let me ask, can domestic racing drivers perform such a miracle!"

"Please forgive the host's excitement, but I have to say, the car god has turned such a complicated terrain into his own exclusive track! He even dominated the field!"

It's not just Bailu. In the police station, Chief Zhang Fan was sitting on a chair with a cigarette in his hand all the time. Because he was too nervous, the smoke burned his hands, but he didn't feel it.

After all, as long as there was a mistake just now, not only the kidnappers and hostages would die, but his criminal police captain and Chen Nuo would also die!

Therefore, just now when Chen Nuo drifted and overtook the car and came in front of the kidnappers, Zhang Fan's heart jumped into his throat!

"Okay, that's great!" At this moment, Zhang Fan saw Chen Nuo's car, and he managed to collide the two cars with the least loss.

He picked up the walkie-talkie and said, "The next step is to force him to stop, and all the policemen will approach quickly. Once the kidnapper's vehicle stops, all the policemen will get on me!"

"Especially Ying Chuxue, you are the closest, if any accident happens to the hostages, you resign and come see me!"

Inside the car, Ying Chuxue's brain was overwhelmed, but she still said seriously: "I promise to complete the mission and never let the hostages have any accidents!"

(End of this chapter)

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