Chapter 4
Under the bewilderment of a group of doctors, the student's father got out of the car, holding the injured child in his arms.

This scene hit the emergency room director too hard, isn't there still 2 minutes left?Isn't there still ten kilometers?

Is there a lag in navigation?

How could it be here in the blink of an eye, but, I didn't care so much, now human life is at stake!
"Fortunately, I came early, and I was in time for the operation!" The director of the emergency room shouted anxiously.

"Quick, put the child on the stretcher first, and do an emergency hemostasis!" Several doctors took the student from his father and ran directly into the hospital.

The student's father looked at Chen Nuo with grateful eyes at this moment: "Thank you! You are my savior!"

Chen Nuo nodded and said, "Okay, now it's just the first step to save lives, and I still have to thank the doctor in the end."

Afterwards, Chen Nuo followed the doctor into the hospital, saw the students entering the operating room and left.

"Huh... It's really a test of driving skills!" Chen Nuo let out a heavy breath, finally relaxing.

When leaving, Chen Nuo pretended to take out his sunglasses and left under the watchful eyes of the student's father.

"Ah!" When walking to the hospital entrance, Chen Nuo fell on the steps, rubbed his buttocks and said, "Damn it, I forgot, it's dark now, hey, there are risks in pretending to be aggressive, you need to be careful when pretending to be aggressive!"

In the end, Chen Nuo drove away in that Xiali car. At this moment, a system prompt sounded in his mind.

[Congratulations to the host for completing the first business order! 】

[Reward: 50% of the shares in the service company without bad money! 】

[Because the task is completed for the first time, an additional gift package for newbies will be rewarded: modification proficiency fragment*1, vehicle proficiency LV1. 】

In an instant, countless knowledge entered Chen Nuo's mind, as long as it is a car that people often drive on land, now Chen Nuo basically knows it.

Now he can drive everything except flying in the sky, swimming in the sea, and military tools.

It is not an exaggeration to call him the strongest alternative car dealer.

"System, I want to know what's the use of you?" Chen Nuo asked.

The voice in my head came again.

[Return to the host: As long as the passenger has a story and experience, the task will be triggered, and the rewards obtained will be different according to the different identities of the passenger! 】

[Note: Not every customer's story can trigger the task! 】

Chen Nuo, after thinking for a while, this passenger was triggered because the student was injured, and the system also rewarded him with shares in the company he worked for.

Chen Nuo asked again: "Is this reward real?"

【it is true! 】

Chen Nuo slammed the steering wheel and said excitedly: "Fuck, I'm resigning tomorrow, and I'm going to beat up my boss!"

"Besides, this is still the first mission. If there are more missions in the future, and these things are still rewarded, then I will send it, and it will be tens of billions every minute!"

The more he thought about it, the more excited Chen Nuo felt, so much so that when he picked up the car after get off work, Chen Nuo still had a smile on his face.


Just an hour later, a report on Weibo, Douyin and other major platforms went viral, ranking firmly at the top with more than 200 million hits!
And the second place can't even catch up!

[It exploded, Qiu Mingshan's car god came to Jincheng, and even used a Xiali to beat professional player Zhang Zhen! 】

After clicking open, there are various videos, or videos from different angles!
A Xiali taxi, driving fast on the curve, has dozens of perfect drifts in a row!
And every drift is perfect, it's like appreciating art!

The following have left messages:
"I am the International Racing Drivers Organization. Within an hour, I want all the information on this car, or the driver's information!"

"Fortunately, there is no logo on the rear of the car. If there is a logo, I'm afraid one Xiali won't be enough!"

Even Zhang Zhen's interview after the game broke out.

Zhang Zhen said: "I am a professional racing driver, but in front of him, I am not even worthy of being a driver!"

"And I admit that my skills are not as good as his. If I drive the same car, I still can't see his rear taillight!"

Zhang Zhen's words directly paralyzed Weibo. In an instant, countless people were frantically looking for Chen Nuo.

But Chen Nuo himself was lying on the bed and started to sleep. By the way, he had replayed the scene when he resigned in his mind many times!

Early the next morning, Chen Nuo came to the No Bad Money Service Company, slapped the boss directly in front of everyone, and then left gracefully!

The boss couldn't do anything about it, the company somehow gave Chen Nuo half of it when he woke up, and he had to accept this reality.

Chen Nuo, who left the company, still drove the Xiali and began to carry passengers on the highway.

At noon, a few passengers were also picked up, but these passengers did nothing and did not trigger the mission.

"It seems that it is not easy to meet a passenger like last night!"

Just as Chen Nuo was talking to himself, the system made a sound.

[Reminder to the host, if you haven’t encountered any special passengers for a long time, you can post some small videos to promote your career. 】

Chen Nuo said, "Can you explain more clearly?"

[It’s like this, the host used to be a part-time job and didn’t have much popularity. Naturally, no one would look for you. You post short videos on the Internet and leave your contact information at the same time to let more people know what the host does. Let them know that as long as something happens, they will find you the first time, not someone else! 】

[Of course, special things will happen among these people! 】

[And by carrying passengers in this way, you can get boxes by carrying passengers ten times, and at the same time, you can get boxes by triggering a mission! 】

After hearing this, Chen Nuo said thoughtfully: "The box, why didn't I have a box in the last mission?"

[Sorry for the system bug, get the box again from now on! 】

"Hehe, if you don't give it to me, you won't give it to me. What's the bug of the system? Can you think of such a bad reason?!" Chen Nuo said helplessly.

After finding a temporary parking place, Chen Nuo took out his mobile phone and took a short video of the car, noting the contact information by the way.

"System, am I posting the short video myself?" Chen Nuo, who usually doesn't play with his phone much, didn't know how to operate it after shooting the video.

[There is no need for the host to post it himself, every short video in the future will be shot by the system and sent to major websites in person! 】

"Then why didn't you say it earlier, if you did, I wouldn't have to get out of the car!"

[Host, you didn't ask. 】

"Ha ha."

Therefore, under the entanglement between Chen Nuo and the system, the first video adopted the content shot by Chen Nuo and published it on the Internet.

In an instant, all users who watched short videos across the country saw this content!
"This driver must be sick. He uses a Xiali to drive a taxi, and he still has the face to post a video promotion!" A netizen from other places commented.

Afterwards, in the next 10 minutes, countless comments were scolding Chen Nuo, who drove a broken car to promote it, so the person who drives a luxury car is going to make a TV series.

But there are also people who don't think so.

"Wait, why is this Xiali car so familiar, I feel like I've seen it somewhere before!"

"Alright, this is the first time I know that someone uses Xiali to drive a taxi."

"Damn it, I said it looked familiar. It was this Xiali. It beat all the racers last night. Even the model was the same. If you don't believe me, go check out Weibo!"

(End of this chapter)

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