Get the taxi system at the start

Chapter 31 Delivered On Time

Chapter 31 Delivered On Time
"You don't know Rider God at all. As long as the Rider God promises something, you will definitely do it. So far, there is nothing that Rider God can't do!" The patient who spoke just now continued.

At this moment, all the ward doors in the entire corridor opened, and more and more patients walked out of the wards.
They learned about Chen Nuo's sending the little girl across the province through videos, Weibo, and short videos.

At this moment, everyone is pleading: "Doctor, if you feel that the ward is too small, you can use ours. If you need help, we can also help!"

Liu Dahong was touched in his heart. He didn't pay much attention to things on the Internet. He still didn't know much about Chen Nuo, but he was very confused.

What kind of girl it is, and what kind of inter-provincial rescue is this, can actually make these patients willingly vacate the ward.

Now that the matter has been settled, Liu Dahong said more seriously: "Immediately, send a doctor to convert a ward into an emergency room!"

The head nurse at the side also nodded when she heard the words, and left immediately.


The Beijing Fire Brigade and Qiongzhou Road Branch have no fire patrols or fire missions during heavy rains.

Everyone gathered together and had recreational activities in the dormitory to pass the time.

"Ding-ding-ding-ding..." the phone in the police room rang.

Answer operator: "Hello, this is Qionghaidao Fire Brigade."

The caller was from the Beijing Traffic Police Brigade. Now they are not enough manpower to send police officers to clear the traffic.

Moreover, the phone was in a mess and the sound of heavy rain could be heard.

The traffic police member said: "I am Wang Hu from the traffic police brigade. Now a taxi, a silver-white Xiali, with the license plate number is ****, is carrying a seriously injured little girl to the Beijing Central Hospital. It's heading in your direction right now."

"It is estimated that we will arrive in half an hour. Now we are short of manpower. Please use the fastest speed, only the drivers on the scene, to clear a life passage, and at the same time, tow away the broken down vehicles!"

"The situation is urgent, please!" After finishing speaking, the phone hung up.

The operator's expression instantly froze. Knowing the seriousness of the matter, he hurriedly pressed the emergency button!
"There's a mission!!" In the dormitory, the captain who was resting heard the sound of the alarm bell, opened his eyes instantly, and shouted loudly!
The firefighters who were entertaining came to the changing place one by one, and within 1 minute, they got dressed and put on their helmets!
The reaction speed was quick. After 2 minutes, everyone was ready. In the compound, two trailers were also ready and parked in the yard.

The fire chief shouted: "The situation is urgent now. Our task is to clear a rescue channel on Qiongzhou Road, command the drivers on the scene, and ensure that the road to the Central Hospital is smooth!"

"In half an hour, a Xiali will pass by us, carrying a seriously injured little girl. We will protect it at all costs!"

After the captain finished speaking, he boarded the bus first and headed to Qiongzhou Road.

Ten minutes later, the fire brigade, Qiongzhou Road detachment, arrived at the scene!

"Quick, there are still 10 minutes left. Ren Wu and Ren Liu go to the west intersection and make sure it's clear. Vehicles can move as much as possible, and the trailers that can't move will be towed away!"

"Quick! Time waits for no one!"

But just as the captain finished speaking, the firefighter said: "Captain, look over there..."

The captain looked along where the team members were pointing and could see that all the drivers on Qiongzhou Road had parked their vehicles on the side of the road early.

There were also many drivers who braved the rain and pushed the broken down vehicles to the side of the road.

And countless vehicles turn on the headlights, some headlights are not on, and the fog lights will be turned on!

Drivers with serious expressions stood on the roadside in the rain, looking at the end of Qiongzhou Road, as if waiting for something!
These drivers were waiting for Chen Nuo, waiting for Chen Nuo Xiali's car to pass!

The fire chief was stunned. Looking at the situation on the road, it turned out to be orderly, and there was no panic scene.

He came to a driver and asked, "Who is commanding this? Is it another rescue team?"

One shook his head and said with great emotion: "No, no one directed us, we organized it ourselves, we have to give up a life channel for the car god, and give a piece of love to save the girl!"

The whole street was very quiet, only the sound of raindrops rustling.

This torrential rain, which lasted for a day, played a huge role at this moment. The rain was getting bigger and bigger, and there was no tendency to weaken in the slightest!

Even so, they were all willing to wait in the rain, just to wait for a familiar Xiali car and the sound of a familiar engine.

"Boom, boom, boom!" The next minute, the roar of an engine finally came from the corner of the street.

Then, everyone saw Xia Li with a silver face appearing at the end of the street!
At an extremely fast speed, head towards the direction of Beijing Central Hospital!

"The car god is here, the little girl is saved!"

"Yes, this is the Car God's car. This engine sound is the one I am most familiar with!"

On the roadside, countless drivers saw this scene, first moved, and finally enthusiastic.

Even a female driver started crying, and the driver on the side asked, "What's wrong with you, why are you still crying?"

The female driver said: "That little girl is so pitiful. Thank God, thank God of Cars, the little girl can be treated!"

"I don't know why, but when I saw this scene, I just wanted to cry..."

Male driver: "When you cry, I want to cry too..."

The firefighters of the Qiongzhou Road Team at the scene were also stunned when they saw Chen Nuo's Xiali, and the captain looked down at his watch.

It took only 15 minutes from their actions to their arrival at the location, but the news they just received took half an hour!

But this Xiali, it took 15 minutes to drive from the outermost ring road to here.

You know, if you want to drive from the outermost ring road to Qiongzhou Road, it will take about an hour without traffic jams.

But Chen Nuo actually spent the same time as them!
And still arrive together!
In the heavy rain, the captain of the fire station watched Chen Noxiali leave with deep emotion.

"How on earth does this driver think that he can make so many drivers give way willingly!"

Two hours and two 10 minutes, in this case, spanning [-] kilometers and a huge mountain!
Safely arrived at Beijing Central Hospital!

In the compound, the major news media and hospital staff guarded and waited in the rain!

Outside the compound, countless citizens also gathered, a sea of ​​people, just to know the little girl's condition as soon as possible!
When everyone heard the roar of the engine, everyone was boiling.

Especially when they saw Chen Nuo Xiali, people's cheers reached their peak!

The applause continued!

(End of this chapter)

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