Get the taxi system at the start

Chapter 164 The Magical System

Chapter 164 The Magical System

The media reporters who poured in from outside took the microphones and crowded towards the conference site crazily, and then said: "Now that we have arrived at the conference site, we don't know if we will be lucky enough to see the recipient of the official honor. Chen Nuo!"

"It's not just us who want to see him, I believe the friends in front of the TV also want to see him very much!"

At the same time, some nearby residents who knew the news also flocked here at this time, wanting to see Chen Nuo with their own eyes.
Judging from this posture, even after this press conference is over, it will be difficult to digest the excitement in just a few days.

"Haha, Chen Nuo, congratulations!"

Ten minutes later, the people at the scene began to leave. At this time, Sheng Hong who had just left came to Chen Nuo again and congratulated him.

The beauty Jiang Xin also came over at this moment, congratulating Chen Nuo.

These two people are old acquaintances, after exchanging a few pleasantries, Chen Nuo left the scene through the back door.

After all, he doesn't like to face the media very much, and he is not in Sheng Hong's status. He is always a little uncomfortable in such a formal occasion.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Chen Nuo drove the Xiali car to the bustling area of ​​the capital city. At the same time, he said, "The system suspects that you are tricking me. Where is my villa? Where is my private garden?"

"After the press conference, Sheng Hong didn't give me anything. Could it be that you gave me a short reward?"

The system said: "That's just a formality, the reward has been issued now, please pay attention to check the host!"

Afterwards, Chen Nuo felt a sound coming from the co-pilot's seat, and turned his head to see that it was a real estate certificate, a bunch of keys, and an access control.

There is also a card of unknown purpose with his name written on it.

Chen Nuo said: "I'm so happy, I now have a house in the capital, and it's still a villa!"

After saying that, Chen Nuo accelerated directly and drove towards the Kyoto Garden in the capital. Of course, the system had already given Chen Nuo the location of the Kyoto Garden.

At the same time, in the courtyard of a villa in Kyoto Garden, two peerless beauties were moving things from a van.

If you take a closer look, these two people are the best in the world!And they're very similar.

The younger girl complained: "Sister, it's such a beautiful weather, why do we have to move? Isn't it nice to go out and cheer him up?"

Kelly, who was carrying a large luggage, glared at the resting girl and said, "This room is specially given to me by the government, and I still have a lot of furniture in the suburbs, and some things are also in the suburbs. It's best to finish it all at once today. Then I will take you out to play, take you out for racing, and introduce you to an old driver by the way!"

"So, hurry up and move now. According to this progress, we should be able to finish it before night."

Speaking of this, a touch of sadness appeared on Kelly's handsome face.

"Hey, I live there very well. Why did you let me move here? I sent a WeChat message to Chen Nuo when I moved, but I haven't replied yet. Did you forget about me?"

When I thought about the first time I took Chen Nuo's car, he came here immediately, but after meeting him, he didn't reply to his WeChat messages, and he was very perfunctory on his phone calls. He is simply a straight man of steel!
Hearing this, the girl opposite suddenly asked with a smile: "Sister, you always talk about this Chen Nuo, who is he?"

After hearing the words, Kelly realized that she had said something she shouldn't have said, and hurriedly shook her head and said, "It's nothing, you should move quickly!"

After speaking, the two continued to move, and then the moving car drove away, and then another one came in.

The capital, as an imperial capital, has never lacked rich people and people with background since ancient times.

This is the seat of the official, the core, the place where there are a lot of talents, the place where a small number of talents gather at the top of the pyramid, the life here is beyond the imagination of outsiders!

There is a saying that has been circulating outside, about the capital city: Here, if you throw a brick down, ten people will be hit, nine of them are rich people, and the remaining one is an official person!

Moreover, there is a saying in the capital that every inch of land is very expensive. To be precise, once you enter the fourth ring road of the capital, some housing prices can no longer be described as every inch of land.

Before, a boss came to the capital with 3000 million yuan and wanted to buy a house within the Fourth Ring Road. As a result, he left in despair and has not set foot in the capital since then.

As for the Kyoto Garden, it is the most mysterious and high-end villa area in the capital, bar none!

Including the artificial lake in the villa area, the large private garden, and the thirteen villas, it occupies dozens of square kilometers!

The location is within the second ring road of the capital, which is the most prosperous area in the capital, surrounded by Fortune [-] companies and government buildings.

There is no sea or water around the capital. In order to solve this problem, the authorities spent ten years deliberately introducing seawater from the estuary, and then turning around the second ring road of the capital.

Finally, they gather in the villa area of ​​Kyoto, and then come out of the villa area and merge into the sea.

This river is completely controlled by the government, and all the buildings in the vicinity belong to the government, and the Kyoto Garden has completely disappeared from the map.

Chen Nuo in Xiali's car was experiencing a serious traffic jam, and started researching with the real estate certificate.

Looking at the whole view of the Kyoto Garden, Chen Nuo realized that he was still behind. He had never even heard of this place, and even the media would not report it.

It can be seen that the people who live here have been officially protected.

If it weren't for this, the media from all over the country would have covered the bottom of the interview here!
When he learned that he was going to live here, Chen Nuo still had a little expectation. This place is simply a paradise on earth, and living here must be a worry-free life.

After being stuck in traffic for an hour, Chen Nuo finally entered the area where the Kyoto Garden was located.

It is very quiet here. After entering here, you can find that there are a lot fewer cars on the road, and even the street decorations have been replaced with ancient styles.

On the walls on both sides, this mysterious group is also engraved, and there are even things carved by the master sculptor himself. These carvings are all made by top masters!
If you spend any amount of it, you will be worth millions.

At the door, there are several security guards standing guard in the security room.

Even the security room is as elegant as an ancient attic.

At the entrance of the Kyoto Garden, there is a city gate, like the gate and building of the ancient city, which is covered with various equipment and weapons that you can't imagine!
Chen Nuo looked at such a magnificent building and said with emotion: "It really is a luxurious place, even the security room is so grand!"

"Then what it looks like inside, I'm really looking forward to it!"

"Hello, please show the access control and ID card!" A voice came through the window.

ps: In order to make way for the new book, this book has no choice but to end. However, please rest assured that I will continue to update this book, one update every day, but there will be no interruptions. Please rest assured that there will definitely be one Not a bad ending.

ps: The new book "The Paradise of the Heavens" has been released, please support me a lot, the author thank you readers!
(End of this chapter)

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