Projecting the heavens from One Piece World

Chapter 95 The Legendary Pluto Blueprint

Chapter 95 The Legendary Pluto Blueprint
Roach slowly came to Franky and squatted down. The injury on this guy's body was worse than his. The most serious injury may be that some circuits were injured, which caused him to pass out. .

Lifting Franky's body vigorously, Roach suddenly felt that the muscles in his body were about to be torn apart. He was already facing the limit, but now he almost couldn't catch his breath, and then passed out.

"This shit weighs five hundred catties, Frankie, how much stuff did you stuff into your stomach?"

While complaining, Roach carried him on the Meili, and then lay on the deck and gasped violently.

At this time, his body has already started to send out warnings, every cell is sending out a signal of thirst for energy.

There should be some ingredients in the cabin of the Meili that were too late to take out. Roach was about to fill his empty stomach when Franky sat up suddenly.

Roach was taken aback by the sudden corpse, and before he could react, Franky's hairstyle changed into a cauliflower.

Frankie made a weird movement on the front deck, and shouted as if no one was there: "I am Frankie, a fresh vegetable, and health comes first!!"

"Try this vegetable punch."

Franky swung his weak fist at Roach, and fell to the ground before even touching his body.

"What the hell??"

Roach suddenly felt confused, and stepped forward to check the circuit again. Frankie opened his eyes and sat up again, almost hitting his head.

"Super, super, Frankie!!!"

Then Franky seemed to have endless strength, and kept running on the deck, making strange noises from his mouth.

Roach was patient at first, but later he simply took out a pile of ingredients from the cabin, sat cross-legged on the ground while eating and watching, and occasionally stretched out his legs to trip him.

"I'm full, let's leave him alone, let's drive in the direction of Judiciary Island, I hope Luffy and the others can end it satisfactorily."

Luo Qi stretched his waist, stood up and walked towards the rudder of the ship. His injuries have recovered seven or eighty-eight. Although the surface is still full of scars, it won't be long before even the marks will be gone. .

Whoosh! !

Frankie, who was an eyesore, moved in front of Roach in an instant, his eyes glowed red, and he stared straight at him.

"What are you doing?"

Roach tried to move a step to the left, and Frankie immediately made the same move, and then he accelerated, and Frankie's speed also accelerated further.

The blue veins on his forehead popped out, and Roach felt a burst of irritability, stretched out his fingers and tapped Franky's head forcefully.

"What are you doing? Believe it or not, I tore you down???"

The red light of Frankie's eyes dimmed, and then turned into green light. He made a mechanical voice: "I am Frankie the machine, please give me an order."

Luo Qi cursed inwardly for being crazy, pushed him away and walked over, but before he took a few steps, he froze on the spot.

Turning around, Roach tentatively said, "Raise your hand."

As expected, Franky raised his head cooperatively. Roach asked him to stretch his feet, and he followed suit.

"Try something else, dance."

Franky immediately sang a weird song and danced a hula.

"Stop stop stop!!"

Roach felt his head swell, and his san value dropped a lot, which immediately made him stop mentally polluting himself.

"Where do you keep the drawings of Hades?"

Frankie replied immediately without thinking too much: "Put it on your body."

"Great, it doesn't take much effort to get here!"

As soon as Roach clapped his hands, he immediately planned to search him, but he quickly realized that from head to toe, except for a coat, Frankie only had a pair of shorts left. Could it be...

"Give me the Pluto blueprint."

Then Roach moved his muscles and looked at him with a sneer. If Frankie took out the blueprint from his underwear, I believe the Mei Li would not mind a bunch of extra parts in the cabin.

Fortunately, Franky didn't really hide the blueprints there. He just pressed the switch on his stomach, and then opened his stomach, and took out a thick stack of blueprints from it.

Roach immediately became interested, and began to check while controlling the Meili to sail in the direction of Judicial Island.

I have to say that he couldn't understand a single word of the above text, and Luo Qi, who had no ancient knowledge, couldn't interpret the information of Pluto at all.

But since it is a drawing, it is impossible to have only words, and there are also many pictures on it that depict the appearance of the Pluto ship.

"Oh my god………"

Luo Qi couldn't help but exclaimed, the size of Pluto is as big as an island, and the capacity on it alone can support at least tens of thousands of people to live, not to mention the staggering weapon system.

"Are you kidding? Shouldn't the more developed, the more advanced the weapon system? Why is this world completely opposite?"

He finally understood why Pluto was able to destroy an island with one shot in the legend. If this extremely complicated weapon system can be realized, it can indeed dominate the entire ocean.

And Pluto's most important thing is its energy system. To support such a huge volume and such a powerful weapon, the energy required per second is a very exaggerated number, and Roach can't even imagine it.

However, if Roach wanted to verify the authenticity of the above, he had to translate all the ancient texts. With Urki's half-baked level, it would definitely not work. The only one he could count on was Robin.

Thinking of this, he immediately adjusted the sails and accelerated the sailing speed of the Meili. If he really couldn't be rescued, wouldn't he lose the only chance to create Hades.

As a ship repairer, Roach was very itchy when he saw Pluto's blueprint. If he couldn't make it, he would regret it for the rest of his life.

For the rest of the time, he spent copying the blueprints of Hades, and the benefits of having the ship elf of the Meili came to the fore. There was no need for Roach to deliberately adjust the course, and it would naturally make fine adjustments.

Transferring his consciousness to the world of ghosts and monsters, under the control of his instincts, Roach can control his body with almost 100% accuracy, and he can perfectly reproduce the blueprint in a short time.

Just like this, he still felt unsafe, so he copied a copy in the ghost world. Xuan Mi looked at it with a look of confusion. He thought that Luo Qi was going to write some kind of sword technique cheats, but he didn't expect him to write a bunch of incomprehensible ones. thing.


With a sigh of relief, Roach returned the original Pluto drawing to Franky, and after receiving the order, he put the drawing back to its original position.

"Repair self damage."

Roach then said to Franky, a green light flashed in his eyes immediately, and he rushed into the cabin. Usopp left a lot of tools inside, and quickly repaired himself.

(End of this chapter)

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