Chapter 76 Ace and Blackbeard

"It's not dead, this guy looks very powerful." Franky muttered to himself, he waved his hand behind him, and immediately more artillery was moved up.

"I'm not interested in you." Urki said with a smile, these ordinary iron bullets hit him without even a trace of damage.

After finishing speaking, he walked towards the gate. Since it has been delayed for a certain amount of time, it is better to meet Roach and others as soon as possible.

"Don't underestimate us, let me show you the special products of Frankie House!!"

"Useless shells!!"

The moment he turned around, Franky gave an order, and a large-caliber artillery was aimed at Urki's back.

boom! ! !
The artillery made a loud noise, and a large amount of sundries were shot out from the muzzle. Various swords and swords flew towards Urki, and even cacti and poisonous snakes were mixed among them.

"Karma, nothing!"

Urki turned around quickly, his body swelled to about seven meters, his punch hit the air, and all the objects that hit him were blocked by a wave of air, and turned into pieces and fell to the ground.

"What should I do, big brother?" Zanbai said with a pale face, feeling remorseful already.

Frankie swallowed, took a few steps back, and looked at his subordinates in blank dismay. However, Urgi had already become really angry. Although it would not hurt his life, he was ready to teach them a lesson.

At this moment, the gate of the shipbreaking yard suddenly fell to the ground with a loud bang, and as the setting sun shone in, a figure walked in.

"Is it so lively? It seems that I have come to the right place."

The visitor was wearing a brown robe, but he exposed his head, holding a cowboy hat in his hand, and walked towards Urki as if there was no one else.

"I have something to do with your captain."

Urki has been on the great waterway for so many years, how could he not recognize the man in front of him, the second captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, Ace, who is naturally capable of burning fruit.

Shaking his head helplessly, Ulki suddenly lost most of his anger. Ace was mentioned by Roach from time to time, and in his eyes, Ace has basically become synonymous with trouble.

"Uh." His body returned to normal, scratching his head, facing Ace, Urki didn't know how to refuse, after all, the opponent was far superior to him in strength, so he nodded and said.

"Okay, I just happen to be meeting Captain Roach, let's go."

Urki ignored Franky and the others and turned around with Ace and left the shipbreaking yard. As the two of them walked away, everyone in the house breathed a sigh of relief.

"Brother, what is the background of that person just now?"

"I'm not sure, but next time the Frankie family must be more cautious. I'll buy some wood to repair the gate. You can clean it up."

"yes, Sir!"

Zanbai and others began to pick up the ammunition scattered on the ground one by one. Franky nodded in fear, wiped the sweat off his forehead, turned and left the shipbreaking yard.

Not long after he left, heavy footsteps sounded. The difference was that the footsteps were dense and fast, like gongs and drums hitting everyone's hearts.

The setting sun that came in because of the damage to the gate was immediately covered by black shadows. Zanbai raised his head in surprise, and there were several big men who came into view.

Unlike Urgi and Ace, the sense of oppression brought by these people is far beyond their imagination, like the darkness covering the sunset, deep but full of fear.

"Hey hey hey." The man standing in the middle gave a wild smile, showing a few missing teeth. He looked at Zanbai and the others as if he was looking at an animal that could not resist.

A middle-aged man in the Frankie family seemed to recognize the existence of several people, and walked towards the back door in horror.

Before he could run far, there was a slight gunshot, and a bullet from nowhere penetrated his body. The corpse slid on the ground for a few meters before falling to the ground, bleeding all over the floor.

"Some of you seem to recognize me, right?"

"Black...Blackbeard." Someone couldn't help shouting out, and what greeted him was an apple-like object, and then there was an explosion, and the body was scattered into several pieces.

"Fate is often used by people to measure the value of human existence."

Standing beside the black beard, a white-haired man wearing a coat and looking extremely vain, after blowing up others to death with an exploding apple, took out a somewhat worn-out arrest warrant, crumpled the arrest warrant into a ball, Throw it in front of Zanbai.

Zanbai opened the ball of paper, and a somewhat familiar face appeared in front of his eyes.

"Ace... Ace."

"What's the matter, it seems very familiar, have you seen this person before?" Blackbeard said with a smile, his eyes staring at nothing.

"Yes... yes, he is heading towards the capital of seven waters." Zan Bai replied lumpily, and at the same time his body involuntarily stepped back.

"Did I tell you to leave?" Blackbeard narrowed his eyes, opened his right hand, and black mist flowed out from his fingertips, surrounding everyone in it.

Lafitte's face was a bit ugly, he snorted coldly and said: "I accidentally let him sneak into the capital of seven waters, I thought I could stop him before that."

"It's okay, it's okay, he can't escape, Oka is watching, no matter where Ace leaves, we can catch him." Blackbeard didn't seem worried at all, and he could see his extreme arrogance character.

"Oh, that's right." He suddenly seemed to remember something, and turned to look at Zanbai and the others.

"You seem to have recognized our identities, it seems that it is very important to keep you."

Heibeard squeezed his outstretched palm, and the black mist engulfed everyone like flowing water, only the screams could be heard.

Soon even the sound disappeared, the black mist disappeared, and Blackbeard led a few people out of the shipbreaking yard.

"Bashas, ​​clean up this place."

Bashas, ​​who was as strong as a hill, let out a piercing laugh: "Weihahahahaha."

After running a few meters forward, he punched the shipbreaking yard fiercely. His fist collided with the building, and then cracks spread from the wall, and soon turned into ruins.

I don't know what kind of fuel was overturned, and the fire ignited, and soon formed a raging fire.

After Blackbeard and the others left, Frankie, who arrived late, returned to the scorched-earth shipbreaking yard. After standing blankly in the open space for a long time, he threw away the debris with his arms, and could only see his former companion The corpses burned to black charcoal.

"The Red Star Pirates..."

Franky muttered to himself, tears streaming down his chin, he turned and left without wasting too much time, heading towards the capital of seven waters in the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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