Chapter 71 Roach and Lucci

"It's here."

Roach and the others passed through the dark waterway and came to the open central street of the capital of seven waters. This central living waterway can accommodate more than twenty ships abreast.

"Compared to the previous place, there is a lot more land here." Panda said looking at the lively square around him.

"It's such a big city, the people in the square are like ants." Sauron also sighed a little.

However, Roach's expression seemed sparse and ordinary. After all, when the population of the mother planet exploded, cities with millions of people lived everywhere.

"That's Ship Repair Yard No. 1, right?" Panda pointed to a giant "[-]" symbol drawn on the wall of the building in the distance.

"What's going on, why are there so many people around there, it looks very lively."

Roach immediately directed Bruce to lean towards the shore. After the three of them landed, they waved at Bruce, and the two of them returned to the original road.

"Let's go, go see the excitement, and wait for the companions to gather." Luo Qi took the lead and walked towards the crowd, while Sauron and Panda followed leisurely on both sides.

They quickly squeezed into the crowd, and the onlookers admired the few people standing in the crowd. Roach learned the information of these people from them without any effort.

These ship repairers all belong to the Carrera Company, which is the Queen's company of the world government, and its scale is even larger than that of Harlan's shipyard.

What Luo Qi cares about the most is a stern man wearing a black suit with a strange wavy beard. His name is Lu Qi, and the aura exuding from him is obvious to the domineering eyes of the knowledgeable.

"Be careful, these people are not simple." Roach said softly to Sauron and the others.

At this time, a passing resident curiously asked the people around him: "Do you know what happened?"

"Just now a group of pirates wanted to make trouble in the No. [-] shipyard, but of course they were cleaned up by the artisans."

Residents sighed: "It's really amazing, they are the pride of the capital of seven waters."

Panda whispered to Roach: "What to do, they don't look like they are easy to get in touch with."

"Don't rush, let's talk about it when the rest of the people arrive." Luo Qi kept looking at Lu Qi, who couldn't help but glance at him. After their eyes met, they moved away in a normal way .

After the ship repairers returned to the No. [-] shipyard, Luo Qi said with a serious expression: "There is something wrong with this person."

Sauron looked at him suspiciously and asked, "Where did you see that?"

"I've awakened the arrogance of knowledge, but my arrogance is a little different."

"Informative domineering?" Sauron looked at Roach in surprise, he hadn't even mastered this ability called domineering.

"You didn't use domineering in the previous duel, did you?" Sauron said with a somewhat ugly face.

"Listen to me." Luo Qi continued with a wry smile, "My knowledgeable arrogance is easily interrupted by external interference, although it also adds some speciality, and I have the ability to see through the essence of people."

Sauron took a deep look at him, and secretly planned to find a time to make a cliché. He was really envious of the ability of domineering.

"What did you see?" Panda asked curiously.

"The man named Lu Qi has traces of the sixth naval style that he has practiced on his body, and his mastery is even higher than ours."

Panda said disapprovingly: "This doesn't explain anything, don't we two pirates also know the Sixth Form of the Navy?"

"I always feel a little weird, but after all, it is a company under the World Government. Maybe the ship repairers inside have military backgrounds."

Roach didn't think too much about it anymore, and he and Zoro leaned on the railing and looked at the passing Blue, waiting for the remnants of the Red Star Pirates and the Straw Hat Pirates to gather.


The commercial street in the capital of seven waters is full of tourists everywhere, and the noisy voice fully interprets the word lively.

"The water is very clear, and the streets are also very clean. In this environment, I really feel refreshed." Robin seemed very excited, and kept looking around.

Chopper on the side turned into a reindeer form, and Aisha rode on its back.

"What do you think they are? Why are they all human faces?" Aisha suddenly pointed to the small stall beside her and said, there were lifelike human faces on it.

"These are masks. Didn't you notice that everyone on the street wore masks before, but they are indeed somewhat similar."

Chopper said thoughtfully: "So they are wearing masks, I think they have weird faces."

Aisha couldn't help but said, "Sister Robin, why do you know everything?"

Robin replied with a smile: "I will pay attention to the words or appearance of people on the street. This is my habit, because I grew up watching people's faces..."

"Huh? Chopper, there seems to be a bookstore somewhere."

Hearing that it was a bookstore, Chopper came to the door of the store in a flash, and asked anxiously with Aisha on his back, "Then can I go in?"

"Of course." Robin nodded with a smile, and Chopper immediately rushed into the bookstore.

As she continued to walk forward, she was about to follow Chopper in when a tall figure in a robe and a mask happened to pass by her.

"We are CP9." The faint words came out from under the mask, and Robin's face changed drastically when he heard it, and he froze in place.

As the mysterious man walked away a little bit, Robin couldn't help turning back. She hesitated for a moment, but followed.

Chopper in the bookstore indulged in piles of books, and soon forgot about Robin.

Aisha felt a little bad in her heart. She put down the book in her hand, looked left and right, and asked Chopper, "Did you see Robin?"

After searching around in the bookstore, Chopper didn't even see half a figure, and immediately became a little anxious.

Seeing this, Aisha quickly came to its side and whispered a few words.

Then amidst the screams of the customers in the bookstore, Chopper turned into a reindeer, Aisha turned over and rode on it, and the two ran towards the outside of the store.

"Go this way, let's follow Robin's breath." Aisha tried her best to use her knowledgeable and domineering ability, looking for familiar traces in the crowded commercial street.

Chopper quickly followed the direction pointed by Aisha and rushed forward. Before they found Robin's figure, he collided with a figure rushing out of the alley.

"Sanji, did you see Robin?" Chopper asked nervously.

Sanji extinguished the cigarette in his mouth, and said solemnly: "I seemed to see Robin's figure before, but it disappeared in the blink of an eye. Urki and I split up to look for it."

"I can't find it either, there are too many people around." Aisha lowered her head in frustration.

(End of this chapter)

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