Projecting the heavens from One Piece World

Chapter 30 I'm Bucky, a Strong Man

Chapter 30 I, Bucky, a man of iron bones
Not only the three people on the Vodka were extremely nervous, but the opposite ship was also jumping around.

"Mochi!!! Take good control of the boat!!!"

On the deck, a pirate captain wearing an orange coat, a pirate hat, and a clown face turned pale with fright. He hugged the trunk and loudly directed his men to avoid the ships ahead.

Mochi, who was dressed as a beast trainer, kept trembling with his arms, and could no longer hold the rudder. If his lion hadn't helped him hold it together, the whole boat would have lost control and hit the rock wall.

"Captain Bucky, what to do!!!"

The pirate captain named Bucky was already terrified of fear, but he still cheered up.

"'s the way, have you seen my cannon?"

The subordinate pointed to the corner and shouted, "Here it is, Captain Bucky."

"Oh." Bucky's expression relaxed, and he walked quickly to the cannon and got into the muzzle: "Okay, shoot me out."

His hands were taken aback for a moment, but then he said angrily, "Don't think about running away alone!"

"Don't talk nonsense, listen to Captain Bucky carefully, and I will meet you when we reach the Great Channel." Bucky quickly explained.

"Don't even think about it!!!" Everyone answered in unison.


Seeing that the two ships were about to collide, Roach began to swing his saber continuously. As Xi Shi's saber energy flourished, the water flow he controlled was getting bigger and bigger.

It's a pity that his sword technique is not suitable for slashing, otherwise it would be easier to cut the boat coming from the opposite side in half.

There was a continuous stream of screams from the oncoming ship, and under Roach's control, two streams of water enveloped the two ships.

With a soft "whoosh", the Vodka passed the ship, and under the protection of the current, they did not collide with each other.

Luo Qi heaved a sigh of relief, and the moment he was relieved, he felt that all the strength in his body had dissipated. For a while, his feet were weak, his body staggered, and he almost fell off the boat.

At this time, a hand behind him supported him. At the critical moment, the panda overcame his fear, unchained his body, and rushed to the bow of the boat to rescue Roach.

"Are you all right, Captain?" Panda hugged Roach, and with the other hand, he grabbed the railing along the boat.

"It's okay, I'm just out of strength." Roach smiled, recovered a little bit of strength, stretched his arms, grabbed the railing, and tied him and the panda's chains up casually.

The jet port of the Vodka gradually closed, and the ship was already close to the top of the mountain. As Urki raised the rudder and pressed it back, the speed of the ship also slowed down.

At this moment, Luo Qi was startled suddenly, untied the chain again, and headed towards the direction of the sail.

The Vodka jumped out of the waterway and came to the flat top of the mountain. Four forked roads appeared in front of it, respectively going to the direction of the four seas.

Roach quickly controlled the sails, cooperated with Urki, and turned the bow of the ship towards the East China Sea.

Finally, before the ship veered off course, it entered the correct waterway.

The waterway going down the mountain is also retrograde, but compared to going up the mountain, the Vodka going down does not need a power plant.

Even under the action of the opposite direction of water flow, the speed of the ship became extremely slow, but it was far less dangerous than before.

The three of them relaxed completely, with a wide field of vision, and there would be no ships in front of them, so they reached the other side of the Reversing Mountain very smoothly.

Roach exhaled, lowered the anchor, and moored the ship aside. Although it was only a short half-hour journey, it was far more tiring than sailing at sea for a week.

They went back to their rooms to rest, but although Roach's main body fell into sleep, his consciousness turned into his avatar.

Luo Qi of the ghost world put away the sword, the forest in front of him was in a mess, a few big trees were tilted, and the leaves were all over the ground.

Lin Takizuo nodded slightly for the last time, the talent of the young man in front of him was much higher than he had imagined in swordsmanship, and probably only Xia Zhu, who was called an absolute genius, could overwhelm Luo Qi.

"Your sword technique is like honing yourself on the edge of life and death, and the speed of improvement is unimaginable." Rinaki Zuojin said to Roach.

Luo Qi is not complacent. His talent is clear to him. It is definitely not as outstanding as Zuo Rinaki said recently. It is only because the two worlds hone themselves together that they can improve so quickly.

Seeing that his expression didn't change a little last time, Rinaki Zuo nodded and said: "According to the estimated time in the letter, the boy Tanjiro who came to learn sword skills with me should be coming in a few days, I plan to hand him over to You teach."

"Me?" Luo Qi was a little surprised. He had only mastered the third type of water breathing knife technique, far from reaching the level of becoming a teacher.

"Well, with your talent, you can quickly learn the rest of the sword skills, and if you teach others, it can also help you quickly master it." Zuo Rinaki explained recently that his attitude towards Roach was better than at the beginning There are too many.

Luo Qi nodded and agreed. After studying here for such a long time, he is still very convinced of the trainer of the ghost killing team.

The two fell into a wordless silence, Roach's main body was still resting, and the avatar quickly absorbed the profound meaning of the sword technique that he had comprehended before when he was in danger.


On the other side of Upside Down Mountain, the Bucky Pirates, who had just passed the death line, were not so big-hearted.

Everyone was lying on the deck, their chests were heaving violently, some were crying uncontrollably, and Bucky himself was frightened and scattered into pieces.

"Ahahaha, fortunately, Captain Bucky is wise and powerful, otherwise how could he have survived smoothly." Not long after, Bucky was the first to jump up from the deck and said proudly, but he was greeted with contempt from everyone.

"Captain Bucky, didn't you say that it's safest to turn the mountain upside down at night?" Mochi glanced at him and couldn't help questioning.

"Did I say that?" Bucky coughed, and then quickly changed the subject.

"Little ones, let's go to the great channel, John's wealth is waiting for us!"

"Okay~" the subordinate responded weakly.

"Why don't you have any motivation? I said that as long as John's treasure is found, we will all make a fortune."

The corner of Mochi's mouth twitched. Captain Bucky's obsession with treasure was so deep that even he, the longest-serving crew member, was inconceivable.

"I always feel that Captain Bucky will be unlucky because of this treasure." Mochi whispered to himself.

Bucky turned his head, his red nose twitched: "What are you talking about? Come here soon, the party is about to begin!"

Music played on the boat, and the smell of food became more intense.

(End of this chapter)

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