Chapter 265 Pacifist

Roach disappeared under the bear's fruit ability, and no one has noticed it yet.

At this time, the conflict between the pirates and the navy on the entire Chambord Islands has just begun.

Almost every group of pirates encountered "bears", but compared to real people, what they encountered was a little dull. They only knew how to attack continuously, but they didn't have any defensive posture.

After these "bears" were injured, the besiegers found mechanical parts on their damaged bodies without exception. The navy did not know when they used the Shichiwu sea bears as a template to create a group of robots.

The technology of these robots is still immature, so the Pirate Supernova has not been wiped out for the time being, but has been chased together.

Drake and Hawkins met, and then there was Apu, who was staring at the side. They were not united, and they stood at a certain distance from each other.

As a former rear admiral, Drake knew far more secrets than Roach, and he knew the depth of it at a glance.

The energy carried by these "bear"-like robots is provided by the flashing fruit of the yellow ape, which is the biggest reason why the navy let him lead the scientific troops.

Drake has always known a little about the navy's experiments, but he did not expect to have progressed to this point: "I didn't expect that the pacifist has been perfected to such an extent... This is the masterpiece of Vegapunk, the body of a bear Coupled with the attack of the yellow ape, it is indeed terrifyingly powerful."

The sound of piercing the sky sounded, and there was a figure of the yellow ape not far from Drake. After a brief fight with Rayleigh, he did not know when he chose to give priority to solving the pirate supernova.

"Long time no see, Major General Drake, oh...sorry, it's Major General Yuan, you seem to be very curious about it." What Huang Yuan said was referring to Xiong as a pacifist on the outside.

Drake didn't speak, his face became serious.

Huang Yuan continued: "Why don't you try it yourself, because the more you know, the more hopeless you will feel. In front of pacifists, can you really fight back?"

While speaking, the pacifist moved. It rushed towards Drake at a speed disproportionate to its height, and punched him fiercely.

Apu and Hawkins were taken aback, but they didn't choose to lend a helping hand. They had no idea of ​​Drake's depth, so they simply stood by and watched at this moment.

Drake snorted coldly, did not choose to retreat, and greeted the pacifists, and the bones and joints of his body made "crackling" sounds.


"This guy?!!!"

"Oh hoo..."

Under the amazed eyes of the onlookers, Drake's body swelled rapidly, and scales appeared on his skin. In just an instant, he turned into a ten-meter-long giant dinosaur.

He stretched out one paw and grabbed the pacifist's arm, then lowered his head, the dinosaur opened its mouth wide to the limit, and bit down on its head.

"咔咔咔咔" piercing sound appeared.

But the pacifist was not so easily injured. Drake's attack only hurt its flesh, and blood flowed from its head.

As a robot doesn't feel any pain, the pacifist immediately launched a counterattack, flashing a laser in the palm of his hand, and then bursting out with a very strong ray.

Drake turned into a dinosaur, and his flexibility was naturally greatly reduced. He knew that he couldn't avoid this attack, and forcibly transformed back into a human form, so he was safe and sound.

He squatted on the ground, staring fixedly at the pacifist: "Oh, so you shed blood too."

Dragon fruit, an ancient species, in the form of a specific dragon.

As a relatively rare ancient species among the animal-type devil fruits, its offensive and defensive power far exceeds that of ordinary forms, and only the phantom beast species can surpass the ancient species.

The pacifist moved again, it clung to Drake tightly, and the fighting became more and more intense.

"Today was an eye-opener. I didn't expect that the world government's technology has developed to such a degree." Apu wiped the sweat from his forehead. He saw Drake attracting an attack, and he felt a sudden retreat in his heart.

"I should be very conspicuous here, right?" Huang Yuan moved behind Apu in an instant and said lightly.

Apu turned pale with fright, but as a supernova, he was by no means an easy person. He beat his stomach hard with his arm.

He is a long-handed man, and his arms are already one section longer than normal humans, and their length has also greatly increased.

As a superhuman sound fruit capable person, Apu played his body as a musical instrument, and every tap of his arm would produce a very strong sonic attack.

The ear-piercing rhythm sounded, and the windows of the surrounding houses burst open instantly. Under Apu's control, the main target of these sonic attacks was the yellow ape.

But the opponent was not as severely injured as he imagined, and his movements were not even slowed down at all.

Huang Yuan kicked out his right foot quickly, and when it came into contact with Apu's body, a strong light burst out from his foot.

Then Apu turned into an afterimage and disappeared, and his body was sent flying, almost smashing through the entire room.

"Oh Yoyo, it's really an ability that cannot be guarded against." Huang Yuan retracted his feet for a while, clasped his ears with his fingers, and turned his head to look at the other two.

Hawkins knew that he must have a dead face, and if he kept any reservations, he would definitely be fully explained here.

"The appearance of the demon!!!"

After a low shout, dead grass grew out of the pores all over Hawkins' body, and his hair gradually transformed. Soon he turned into a giant scarecrow, and punched towards the yellow ape.

Huang Yuan turned his head to the side, looked at Hawkins who was baring his teeth and claws, and said lightly: "You supernovas with over [-] million people are like monsters, so scary."

Then his movements changed, like a teleportation version, the yellow ape appeared in mid-air, and he stretched out two fingers in front of Hawkins' eyes.

A dazzling light flickered from the fingertips, and Hawkins was hit all at once, leaving only a blank expanse of whiteness in front of his eyes: "No, I can't see with my eyes..."

In the next moment, Huang Yuan put his fingers on Hawkins' chest, and the fingertips burst into a strong light again, only a "Zi" was heard.

"Oh, yo, I don't know what your ability is, but since it's an entity, it's not natural."

The laser light penetrated his body, Hawkins' eyes widened, his expression extremely stunned, and although he was fine, 20 of his subordinates died instantly under the attack.

His straw fruit ability, in addition to being able to transform into a scarecrow, can also transfer the damage received by cursing the straw man.

But Hawkins didn't expect that the cursed straw man on him was completely exhausted just by the yellow ape's random attack.

More than 20 people under him died in the hands of Huang Yuan before they could even make it to one round.

(End of this chapter)

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