Marvel's Random Call

Chapter 99 Missile strikes!

Chapter 99 Missile strikes!

Following Steve's groping, he pressed the switch, and the eyes of the three people suddenly brightened up. This is an office hall, of course, it is abandoned, as can be seen from the thick dust on the seats, the room On the wall is the emblem of S.H.I.E.L.D.!
"Is this where SHIELD is?"

Black Widow looked at Steve and Ye Yi...

Steve looked at the badge too: "Probably founded here..."

Ye Yi looked around and pushed Steve: "Does this place look familiar?"

Steve nodded, and then led the two of them into a room. There were several photos hanging in the room. The Black Widow looked at the one on the farthest side, and pointed: "Ye Yi, is this you?"

Ye Yi looked at the photo above, there was a very attractive Asian boy in military uniform, smiling, his appearance was exactly the same as Ye Yi...

Sighing, Ye Yi patted Black Widow: "Yes, it's me..."

The black widow looked at Ye Yi enviously: "Decades have passed, and you haven't changed at all!"

Seeing Steve who had gone far away, Ye Yi hurriedly chased after him: "Tell me later, talk later..."

Steve opened a bookshelf, revealing the elevator inside: "Why is there a hidden elevator in such a hidden place?"

The black widow scanned it with her mobile phone and cracked the password. The three of them took the elevator and came to a room full of old computer servers...

In this place full of dust, a brand new USB disk connection socket appeared on the console. Compared with the old antiques around, it is just like the future technology...

Steve took out the USB flash drive, plugged it in, the surrounding servers started up, and an old-fashioned monitor with a video camera turned on a few years ago...

A mechanical voice suddenly came: "Steve Rogers, born in 1918..."

Then, the camera turned to the Black Widow: "Natalie Alenova Romanov, born in 1984..."

Then he turned to Ye Yi: "Ye Yi...the data is unknown"

Black Widow said in surprise: "This is... a video, right?"

The computer voice continued: "I'm not a video recorder, maybe I'm not the way the captain and Ye Yi caught me anymore..."

Another monitor turns on and shows a photo: "Arning Zola..."

Ye Yi looked at all this, and suddenly a piece of information appeared in his hand: "Forget it, I just remembered, Ferry gave me this, you can take a look..."

Steve took the information and frowned: "Project Paperclip? Recruit German scientists?"

Then Steve looked at Ye Yi: "Why don't you stop them?"

Ye Yi smiled wryly, how could he explain that he had already returned to modern times?After thinking for a while, Ye Yi said, "Since we have disagreements, I have left!"

The black widow also said: "According to the information, after you were frozen, captain, Ye Yi disappeared. In the next few decades, only in the middle of the nineteenth century, someone took a photo of Ye Yi in New York, and then disappeared. ..."

Glancing at Ye Yi, the Black Widow continued: "Then, in 2005, Ye Yi suddenly appeared, rented a house in Brooklyn, New York, and has been living there ever since..."

After Steve listened, Ye Yi came up and patted Steve: "Believe it now, it's not that I don't stop it, but..."

"After I was recruited, the new Hydra, inside S.H.I.E.L.D., was born..."

Following Zola's pictures, it shows the trajectory of Hydra's activities in the past 70 years: inciting war, killing Howard, killing Nick...

Steve couldn't control himself and smashed the monitor with a punch, but the monitor next to him lit up, and Zola continued to share his evil results: "Insight plan, insight is needed, I wrote an algorithm..."

"What algorithm?" Black Widow asked...

Zola did not answer: "I really want to tell you the answer, but you are going to die!"

The black widow's mobile phone suddenly sent an alarm: "There is a missile attack, it will arrive within 30 seconds at most!"

Steve: "Who launched it?"

Black Widow: "SHIELD!"

Zola next to him said triumphantly, "I've been stalling for time, Captain, accept your fate! You, you have no time!"

With a few explosions, the whole room collapsed instantly, Ye Yi propped up the shield to protect everyone...

Explosions continued, and Ye Yi supported the protective cover. The surrounding area of ​​the protective cover was a world of flames and thick smoke. Seeing that the air inside the protective cover was getting less and less, a ball of black liquid suddenly appeared on Ye Yi's hand, covering the black widow...

Afterwards, he took out the magic weapon that Gu Yi had given him, and handed it to Steve...

The bombing lasted for 10 minutes. After the basement where the three of Ye Yi lived was flattened, several large pits were created...

Afterwards, Rumlow led the special forces and entered the ruined place...

Underground, a raised point that had been covered by rubble and missile fragments, suddenly a white light penetrated, and rubble shot out...

A blue protective cover appeared in front of the special operations team, and all the special operations members pointed at Ye Yi and the three inside the protective cover...

The light gradually dissipated, and the unscathed three looked at the special forces. Ye Yi looked at the plowed ground around him, and said softly: "It seems that Hydra is determined to get rid of me?"

The special forces team members look at me and I look at you. One member of the special forces team couldn't help but uttered: "Hydra? We are S.H.I.E.L.D., Captain, you have committed treason, surrender!"

Rumlow looked at Ye Yi, who was calm and calm, and knew that he couldn't even take down Ye Yi with missiles. Now the only way out is to hope that Ye Yi will let him see that he and others are obeying orders...

Rumlow came out, and just about to speak, a white glow suddenly flashed in Ye Yi's hand, and Rumlow fell to the ground in surprise...

Ye Yi looked at Rumlow, who was dying, and then glanced at the remaining special forces, and saw that they took a step back nervously, their fingers were already trembling, and said in a low voice: "It seems that you are members of S.H.I.E.L.D. Act, let you go for once..."

Ye Yi turned his head and glanced at Rumlow again, and announced loudly: "Rumlow, he is from Hydra, I don't want to lie to you in this situation, and, among you, there are some people from Hydra Man, Hydra, has infiltrated S.H.I.E.L.D.!"

"Do it for yourself, everyone..."

Ye Yi put his hands on the shoulders of Steve and Black Widow, and the three disappeared from the eyes of the special operators in an instant...

Seeing the disappearance of Ye Yi and the other three, everyone relaxed their vigilance. Some people even sat down on the ground, their team uniforms were soaked...

"Close the team! Let's go back, report today's matter to the superior..."

Before the deputy captain of the special operations team finished speaking, he was shot dead by a person behind him, and then, a massacre began...

A person pressed the headset: "We have been exposed, Ye Yi knows our existence..."

The headset was silent for a while, and a hoarse voice came over: "Close the team, someone will deal with him..."

The team member made a few gestures, and the surviving people overhauled their equipment and waited quietly for the plane to land...

(End of this chapter)

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