Marvel's Random Call

Chapter 94 Enemy Attack!

Chapter 94 Enemy Attack!

Ye Yi appeared above the spaceship, looking at Hal Jordan in the cabin, he just took off his helmet at this moment, his face was determined...

Although he only knew about such a hero from the movie, after Ye Yi met him, he realized that some people are destined to be heroes, and it has nothing to do with whether he has superpowers...

Driving the alien spaceship, Hal Jordan never thought of going back alive, looking at the largest submarine in the radar, the spaceship crashed straight past..."

"Feel my power, bastard!"

Just when Hal was about to succeed, the sea water suddenly burst into bubbles, and a strange giant monster burst out from the ocean, swallowing Hal's spaceship and Ye Yi directly...

Dazzling white light emerged from the monster's mouth, and then a huge explosion not only destroyed the monster, but also wiped out all the buildings that were higher than the sea level...

Ye Yi appeared in front of Swan holding the unconscious Hal Jordan, and gently put him down, a blanket appeared in his hand, covering Hal's body...

Swan took a sip of his wine, looked at Ye Yi, and shook his head: "It's useless, except for Barry, no one can change the final outcome..."

Sitting next to Swan again, Ye Yi picked up his cup: "Have you tried to find Superman?"

Swan nodded: "I have, but if it weren't for Barry's presence, Superman would not have appeared on the final battlefield, and the result is the same..."

Ye Yi continued to ask: "What about killing Aquaman and Wonder Woman?"

Swan took a bite of the barbecue: "It's useless, Aquaman is dead, the doomsday device will be triggered immediately, Wonder Woman is dead, the Amazons will release the magic that destroys the world, the result is the same..."

Ye Yi thought for a while, and suddenly his eyes lit up: "Then what about destroying the doomsday device? Isn't that enough?"

Swan glanced at the excited Ye Yi and shook his head: "It still doesn't work. After Captain Atom is rescued, after Aquaman's defeat, he will use the technology of Atlantis to destroy the earth's crust. If Aquaman wins, he will command the ocean." , flood all the ground, and by some unknown chemical action, all will die, without exception..."

Ye Yi sat down on the ground decadently, took a sip of wine: "This doesn't work, that doesn't work either, how can I do it, can I really only rely on Barry?"

Swan looked at the decadent Ye Yi, as if he saw himself before, and smiled: "So far, the only way is Barry, as long as I die in the final battle and Barry gains enough speed force, then I will able to reverse..."

Ye Yi rolled his eyes, and suddenly a flash of inspiration appeared, and a doll appeared in his hand, and he handed it to Swan: "You take this..."

Swan took the doll in doubt, squeezed it: "Why, why give me a doll?"

Ye Yi smiled mysteriously: "You'll know in the future, I'm fine now, so I'll go first and talk later..."

Seeing Ye Yi's body disappear, Swan took a sip of wine, his eyes darkened: "Goodbye, I'm afraid it's the final battle..."

After finishing his drink, Swan turned his head and saw Hal Jordan who was still in a coma. He smiled wryly, hugged Hal, and his body turned into a yellow lightning and disappeared...

"Really, just add more work to me..."


Through the phone, Ye Yi found Barry and the others who were having a meeting...

Outside the door of a room, Ye Yi knocked on the door. The person who opened the door was a child in a red coat, with thick eyebrows and big eyes. He looked like an ordinary person. The child looked at Ye Yi and asked: " Who are you?"

Barry's voice came from the kid: "Let him in, he's one of us..."

Ye Yi followed the children into the room, only to see five other children inside, including the one in red, a total of six children...

Ye Yi sat on the sofa and pointed to the children: "What? Are all the adults dead? These children are also going to the battlefield?"

Steel Bone looked serious: "Ye Yi, don't underestimate them, they are very strong!"

Ye Yi looked at Thomas, Thomas nodded, and Ye Yi raised his hand: "That's not a reason to let the children go to the battlefield, we are not dead yet!"

Hearing Ye Yi's words, the kid in red was about to argue with Ye Yi, but the kid next to him stopped him: "Billy, he also cares about us..."


Billy Batson broke free from the man's hand, but he didn't do anything impulsive again...

Thomas looked at all this, turned around and prepared to leave: "You guys play house, now Gotham must be looking forward to me!"

Barry stopped Thomas: "Give it up? Go back to Gotham and wait to die? Is this what your heroes do? Listen, you may not know me, but we all have abilities. In our place, heroes use Ability to make the world a better place, even if it's not where they came from..."

Cyborg hesitated and said: "But, Superman is gone, you said he is the last hope!"

Barry pointed to himself, and then to everyone: "We are still alive, as long as we are alive, there is hope! Let's go to London and beat them all!"

Afterwards, Barry looked at Thomas with a sincere voice: "If it was Bruce, he would go."

Thomas suddenly laughed: "Whatever, I'll go!"

Barry looked at Thomas and made a joke: "Can the Batplane fit us?"

Thomas looked surprised: "What?"

Ye Yi sat on the sofa, watched all this, reached out and grabbed the steel frame: "Have you gone to find Superman?"

Cyborg nodded: "Yes, but Superman flew away in the end, we failed..."

Ye Yi looked thoughtful, recalling what Swan said: "Without Barry, Superman would not have appeared at the end..."

Afterwards, a group of people boarded Thomas's plane. There were only two words to describe it, luxury and grandeur!

Flying in the air, Barry came to Thomas who was driving the plane: "Bruce's plane, uh, is much more low-key than yours..."

Thomas didn't turn his head back: "Your Batman doesn't open a casino, and he doesn't need to pick up all kinds of high-rollers..."

Steel Bone looked at the bar in front of him, and said hesitantly, "So, he doesn't need to install an entire bar on the plane..."

Thomas's tone was full of pride: "It's all the best, enjoy it!"

Steel Bone looked at his mechanical body: "I don't drink..."

After Cyborg left, Barry sat down: "I'm glad I can convince you to come together..."

Thomas installed a button, and a set of photos appeared on the screen on the plane: "I am not convinced by you. Since I agreed to the steel bone, I have been paying attention to the news from Europe. Just when you were speaking just now, I intercepted I have a piece of news that I thought would interest you..."

Barry looked at the flashing yellow figure in the picture, and spit out a name from his mouth: "Swann!"

Thomas continued: "If it was him, why didn't he kill Louise and save her? If he was as fast as you?"

Barry: "Why do people see it?"

Before I finished talking, several water jets hit the plane!
Thomas roared: "Enemy attack!"

(End of this chapter)

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