Marvel's Random Call

Chapter 85 Sorry, What Did You Say?

Chapter 85 Sorry, What Did You Say?
At noon, Ye Yi and Anna arrived at the address on the phone in the car...

After getting off the car, Ye Yi saw the huge factory, the huge door can accommodate trucks, and there are four guards with guns standing guard at the door...

"Stop, what are you doing?"

One of the guards held a gun and pointed at Ye Yi: "Hurry up, what are you doing?"

Ye Yi spread his hands: "Don't be so nervous, I'm just here to clean up the trash."

"The garbage is behind the factory, where is your garbage truck?"

Hearing Ye Yi's answer, the guard obviously breathed a sigh of relief, put down his gun, and walked to Ye Yi's side: "Hurry up, don't ask why!"

Ye Yi looked at the guard in surprise: "I said I was a garbage collector, why should I leave?"

The guard didn't change his face, but his voice was a little impatient: "Fei so many words, let you go!"

Ye Yi patted the guard: "Don't worry, I told you, I'm here to collect garbage..."


Ye Yi pushed the guard away, and waved his hands gently towards the door. Under the force of the vector control, the huge door collapsed on the ground. the dust...

Afterwards, Ye Yi waved his hand vigorously, and the tyrannical physical strength brought up a whirlwind, blowing away the raised dust...

Ye Yi walked in first, and the first thing he saw were people wrapped in bags...

Obviously, the sudden opening of the door shocked the staff inside. After Ye Yi walked in, all kinds of people in white coats were running around...

Ye Yi walked to a bag and observed this person carefully: golden hair, high nose bridge, handsome facial features, and a well-proportioned figure, such a person is enough to be a star...

But now, trapped in a bag, with a needle inserted into his body, he is hung quietly, like a beautiful sculpture...

Ye Yi casually grabbed the staff who ran from him and pointed to the bag: "Where did you get these people?"

The staff was caught and looked very panicked: "It's nothing to do with me, it's all done by those adults, some are homeless on the street, some are tricked here, and some are outside the door guard…"

Ye Yi let go of the staff member: "Are they still conscious? Are they still feeling?"

"No, they were chemically hypnotized, in a state of brain death..."

Ye Yi was silent, and the staff took the opportunity to escape from Ye Yi... Anna came over and hugged Ye Yi in fear: "Ye Yi, I..."

Ye Yi hugged Anna with his backhand, and patted Anna's back lightly: "Don't worry, I will clean up those dregs!"


Ye Yi gently pushed Anna away, with an invisible force surging from his body: "Listen everyone! I have taken over this place! Now, return to my post! Maintain these people for me, waiting for my People will handle it!"

All the staff stopped, not daring to disobey Ye Yi's words, Ye Yi nodded in satisfaction, and called Dao Feng...

"'s me, Ye Yi, how did you deal with those people before?"

"If you have a family member, notify your family member, if you don't have a family member..."

Dao Feng was silent for a while: "Ethanolize..."

Ye Yi clenched his fists: "Come here and deal with that guy..."

Ye Yi paused deliberately: "It's called Drake, right?"

"That's right..."

"give it to me!"

Walking out of the factory, it was sunny outside, Ye Yi looked back at the factory building, and sighed...

After leaving in the car, Ye Yi lay on Anna's lap weakly: "Sister Anna, why would someone work in such a place?"

Anna's hands gently and jerkyly massaged the acupuncture points on Ye Yi's head: "Maybe, it's for survival?"

Ye Yi remained silent...

Back at the hotel, Ye Yi was lying in his room, staring blankly at the ceiling, still thinking about what happened just now...

Dao Feng knocked on the door, Ye Yi got up and opened the door, only to see Dao Feng carrying the wine gourd that he hadn't finished drinking yesterday...

"have a drink?"

Daofeng shook the wine gourd: "I understand your mood. When I first entered, I should have the same mood as you..."

Seeing that Ye Yi didn't reply, Dao Feng found two cups in the room, poured the little wine left in the gourd into the cups evenly...

Ye Yi took the cup and drank it down...

Dao Feng shook his head and patted Ye Yi on the shoulder: "It's like this for the first time, it seems a bit..."

Ye Yi suddenly knocked off Dao Feng's hand: "Look away? Do you look away from this kind of thing?"

Dao Feng looked at the angry Ye Yi, and shook his head bitterly: "What can I do? If there is no Cathy, I can find Drake right now..."

"With concern, I also have scruples...Cathy is my Achilles' heel..."

Dao Feng looked at the crystal clear wine in the glass, suddenly lost interest, patted Ye Yi on the shoulder again, and walked out...

In the evening, the banquet begins...

Countless handsome men and beauties gathered together, elegant music, a gorgeous hall, and long tables full of delicacies...

The three of Ye Yi followed Dao Feng to the hall, and seeing the graceful vampires in the hall, Ye Yi's fingers kept jumping with thunder...

Dao Feng held Ye Yi down and shook his head at Ye Yi: "Now is not the time..."


Ye Yi extinguished the Leimang in his hand: "If you want me to say, how about killing them directly?"

"No, those bastards below are out of control, and the consequences will be even more serious!"

Blade shook his head. After becoming the leader, he realized that without the control of the leader of the vampires, no one would dare to go out at night... Of course, the counterattack of humans may also make the vampires exterminate...

Dao Feng entered the secret room for a meeting, and the servant led Ye Yi and the others to another room. In this room, there were swords, guns, swords, axes, hooks and forks, and there was an 8*8 ring in the middle...

Dozens of people either exude energy fluctuations, or have muscles all over their bodies. In short, ghosts and snakes gather here...

Ye Yi and Anna took Nayali to sit on a seat by the window, and the others stayed away from the three of them. Obviously, in the morning, other people also knew that Ye Yi and the three were not easy to mess with...

After sitting for more than half an hour, Dao Feng and a group of people walked in, Ye Yi counted, including Dao Feng, there were thirteen people in total...

The leader was an old man with snow-white hair and a few wrinkles on his face. He was wearing a suit and exuded radiance.An aura that belongs to the superior, without anger and prestige...

The old man looked proudly at the group of people in the audience, and said in a high-pitched voice, "Because the councilors were arguing endlessly, one abstained, and the others were in a [-]-[-] majority, so it's still the same. In the end, it's up to you to decide..."

"Then I beat them all to the ground, and the result is up to me?"

The old man looked at Ye Yi who was speaking, and smiled contemptuously: "If, you can do it..."

Ye Yi smiled, the energy in his body surged, huge, invisible pressure squeezed everyone present, except for Anna and Nayari, even the blade was overwhelmed by this pressure...

"Plop, plop..."

After everyone fell down, Ye Yi squatted in front of the old man and plucked his ears: "Excuse me, what did you just say?"

(End of this chapter)

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