Marvel's Random Call

Chapter 82 Recommend for 2 Two-Dimensional Bosses

Chapter 82 Recommend for two Two-dimensional bosses

Time travel to Guaotian:

Momonga: "Unexpectedly, the music played by these hands is surprisingly good."

Luo Feng: "Did you hear that, Albedo, Master Momonga said he likes that person's hand, cut it off and give it to him!"

Momonga: "!! I'm not, I don't!"

Starting with Tongfu:
"Crap system!"

For eight years, Fang Yang scolded the system several times in his heart.

Wulin rumors!

Thinking of those funny comparisons, Fang Yang secretly laughed
What?Wulin Gaiden is just the place to relax!
There will be other worlds in the future, my God~!

(End of this chapter)

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