Marvel's Random Call

Chapter 72 Asgard in war!

Chapter 72 Asgard in war!
Slowly flying back to New York, Tony and Ye Yi talked a lot along the way, and when the two returned to Stark Tower, Ye Yi felt that Tony was much better...

It was too late, and Ye Yi didn't bother to go back, so he asked Tony to arrange a room and went in to rest...

The afternoon sun shone through the window and shone on a figure wrapped in a quilt. Tony opened the door and saw a figure like a silkworm baby lying on the edge of the bed...

Standing behind Tony, Pepper covered his mouth and secretly smiled when he saw this scene. Tony had seen Ye Yi's sleeping posture before, so it was no surprise...

Pushed Ye Yi, Ye Yi twisted a few times, and then stopped moving, Tony pushed Ye Yi again, Ye Yi twisted a few times, slapped, and fell to the ground...

Opening his eyes in a daze, Ye Yi loosened the tightly wrapped quilt, rubbed his eyes, and saw Tony who was taking pictures and Pepper who was covering his mouth and laughing...

Ye Yi didn't think there was anything wrong, and after lying down and stretching for a while, he sat up: "Ah...ha, Tony, yes... is there anything..."

Tony shook his head and snapped his fingers: "Look at what time it is now, still sleeping..."

Ye Yi rubbed the hair that was already mixed together: "It's only afternoon, I'm going to sleep until night, I haven't slept so comfortably for a long time..."

Tony also nodded with deep emotion: "Well, I slept well too, but didn't we agree to come and teach me how to fight?"

Ye Yi twisted his waist a few times, feeling uncomfortable, and simply lay down again: "Are you in such a hurry, I think tomorrow is a good choice during the day, Tony, in fact, you should rest for a while..."

Tony shook his head: "I feel in good spirits, I..."

Before Tony finished speaking, Ye Yi's body suddenly appeared behind Tony, with a knife in his hand, knocking Tony unconscious...

Handing Tony over to Pepper who was already stunned, Ye Yi yawned and lay down on the bed again: "Tony's body needs to rest, and he has been hanging by the water of life for such a long time, let him take care of himself." It's good for him to sleep..."

Pepper hugged Tony, and his body strengthened by the Extremis virus easily hugged him, and rolled his eyes at Ye Yi who had closed his eyes: "That's a good excuse, are you sure you didn't knock Tony out because you wanted to rest? "

"All, all..."

Ye Yi's voice gradually became lower, Pepper sighed, and carried Tony back to the room...

After the episode, Ye Yi fell into a deep sleep again...

The next day

Ye Yi, who was in high spirits, was moving his body on the roof of the building. Tony held an ice pack in his hand, clutched his neck, and rushed over to him...

"Ye Yi!!! You bastard!!"

Tony threw away the ice pack in his hand, a barrier appeared in front of Ye Yi, blocking the attack of the ice pack, Tony sat on the sofa angrily...

"Okay, okay, your body is overdrawn too much, you can only be fine if you hang on the water of life..."

Seeing Tony whose face had improved, Ye Yi continued to explain: "Your body needs to rest, that's why I knocked you out to let your body rest..."

"Then you can't tell me in advance?"

Tony wasn't so angry anymore, he poured himself a glass of champagne, looked at the quilt Ye Yi was holding, pretending he didn't see it...

Ye Yi looked at Tony who didn't pour him a drink, reached out to take the bottle, poured himself a glass, and took a sip...

"Well, it's almost like Sprite..."

Ye Yi silently made a comment in his heart. Looking at Tony who was drinking silently, Ye Yi gave him a step up: "I'm waiting for two days and it's almost done. I'll teach you how to fight when the time comes..."

"It's almost..."

Tony turned his head and touched Ye Yi...

Ye Yi was about to say something when a beam of light enveloped Ye Yi...

Tony looked at the Rainbow Bridge that reappeared in front of him, and Ye Yi who disappeared with the Rainbow Bridge, his expression was a little ugly...

A bewildered Ye Yi just appeared in the teleportation room...

The battle armor on his body was broken, and Heimdall, who was supporting the last machine to teleport Ye Yi, fell down suddenly. Ye Yi threw the cup in his hand and supported Heimdall...

"What is this scenario?"

Ye Yi put Heimdall on the teleportation platform, making him rely on...

Heimdall's amber eyes stared at Ye Yi, and his tone was sincere: "The powerful Midgard warrior, the dark elves invaded Asgard, the situation is critical, before Prince Sol goes to fight, let me send you here, I I want to ask you to help Saul..."

Ye Yi nodded, although after the First World War in New York, Sol didn't like him very much, but seeing that Sol also made efforts to protect the earth, Ye Yi had no reason to refuse...

Ye Yi's teleportation room, by the way, put a formation on the door of the teleportation room, Ye Yi seemed to be walking slowly but really fast on the rainbow bridge in Asgard...

In the sky, there is a strange small spaceship with a very powerful combat power. The hull like an ordinary blade has a powerful attack capability...

The Zanpakuto appeared in his hand, and he waved it towards the sky a few times at random, and several blade lights rose in the wind, cutting off all objects on the route...

Lightning leaped from the tip of the left finger, and in the fourth step of breaking the path, Bai Lei shot out quickly, piercing through dozens of masked dark elves...

Several Asgardian soldiers wanted to attack Ye Yi, Ye Yi waved his hand, and a few rays of light controlled the soldiers...

Ye Yi waved his left hand, and the sky lifted Ye Yi's voice to spread throughout Asgard: "I am Ye Yi, from Midgard, and I am invited by Prince Sol of Asgard to join the battle!"

Sol's voice also spread throughout Asgard with the help of Fulijia behind him: "Soldiers, Ye Yi is a powerful warrior I invited, don't attack him..."

Hearing Thor's answer, Ye Yi nodded in satisfaction, and dispelled the tie that controlled the soldiers. Under the awe-inspiring eyes of the soldiers, he walked into the real Asgard...

(End of this chapter)

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