Marvel's Random Call

Chapter 62 Pepper is missing...

Chapter 62 Pepper is missing...

A rattlesnake hit the base layer at the bottom of the villa, where there was no formation protection, so...

Ye Yi protected Pepper behind him, and gathered his spiritual power to form a barrier, blocking the flames emerging from the ground and falling gravel...


There was another explosion, which completely injured the supporting pillars of the villa, and the whole villa collapsed. It seemed that endless rubble buried Ye Yi and Pepper...

Tony watched all this happen, with red eyes, regretting very much, regretting why he put on this set of prototype armor, without weapons, he could only dismantle the helicopter with his bare hands...

Just when Tony finished handling the last one, a soaring blue light shot out from the ruins of the villa, Ye Yi cleared a passage, and flew out from the passage holding Pepper...

Tony dropped the burning helicopter and flew over. As soon as he stood still, he walked out of the armor and hugged Pepper tightly...

Looking at the two people who were tightly hugging each other, Ye Yi touched his nose: "Well, you two, don't get tired of it, I saw a civilian helicopter flying away in the distance, maybe it's a Mandarin..."

Letting go of Pepper in his arms, Tony promised: "Honey, find a safe place first, and Ye Yi and I will deal with this matter first..."

Pepper nodded, she is not the kind of cloying person, Tony hugged Pepper, sent her to Stark Company, and flew back...

Looking at Ye Yi who was squatting on the ground and counting ants boredly, Tony also had a black line on his face: "Ye Yi, let's go, go to work..."

Ye Yi threw away the grass in his hand, stood up and stretched his waist: "Well... okay, but I'm not at ease with Pepper. I'll call Anna and ask Anna to protect her..."

"Well, you fill up Thor's plate first, well, he knows it by himself, well, okay, you come by car? No, no, I'll pick you up, well, you stand where you are, don't move around, I'm going to buy you an, I mispronounced the line...well, don't move..."

From Tony's point of view, Ye Yi's body disappeared for 1 minute and then came back. In this 1 minute, Ye Yi went to three places: 1. Teleported back to his home, picked up Anna, 2. Teleported to Pepper with Anna. side, 3, back...

Patting Tony on the shoulder, Ye Yi was very curious about why Tony was in a daze: "What are you thinking? Keep staring at me, could it be? Eh... so disgusting..."

After slapping Ye Yi's hand off, Tony said angrily, "Even if I like men, I don't like you...I was just thinking, is it unreliable for a girl who just came to gain power to protect others? ..."


Ye Yi pondered for a while, and felt that there should be no major problem, so he patted Tony on the shoulder: "Don't worry, Anna is very powerful, she can definitely protect Pepper..."

Tony: "..."

After pushing Tony, Ye Yi didn't want to talk about this topic: "Let's go, go to Rose Hill..."

After several hours of flying, the two finally arrived at the Tennessee side, and here, it has just snowed...

Looking at the weather in Tennessee, Tony said that he didn't want to come out of the battle armor, but Ye Yi didn't feel anything. After all, his body strength reached a certain level, so he didn't care about the temperature...

Seeing that his chest was not as bright as before, Ye Yi tapped on Tony's visor: "Why, do you need me to charge you?"

Tony nodded, a little white glow appeared on Ye Yi's fingertips, along with the backup power supply, the light of the battle armor gradually lit up...

After recharging the battery, Ye Yi and Tony found a hotel to sleep for the night and had a good rest. After all, finding clues requires energy, right...

The next day, Ye Yi and Tony came to the scene of the explosion, but there were so many people during the day, Ye Yi and Tony didn't see anything, so they decided to come back at night...

After finding a restaurant for dinner, Ye Yi chatted with Tony: "Tony, that Davis is a very good soldier?"

"Well, I have won many medals, I didn't expect..."

"By the way, I see your friend, why does Rhodes also have a set of armor?"

"Well, I gave it to him. After all, he put a lot of pressure on me in the military. If I don't give them some benefits, they will go crazy..."

"Hmm... well, which company modified it?"

"What is it called AIM? It's pioneering technology. Why, are you interested?"

"Hmm...Avant-garde technology..."

Ye Yi rubbed his brows, feeling like he remembered something, Tony looked at Ye Yi who was thinking hard, and silently drank water...

Ye Yi slammed the table, startling Tony next to him: "I remembered, Pioneer Technology, Vice President, Killian..."

Tony took some paper and wiped the water stains on his body: "Is Killian related to the vice president?"

"Well, let's go!"

"So, we've been flying for hours and what's this for?"

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up!"

Ye Yi pulled Tony back to the hotel, asked Tony to put on the battle armor, and the two of them returned to Stark Corporation in New York...

Tony asked Jarvis to call Pepper, but he couldn't get through, his expression changed: "Ye Yi, Pepper didn't answer my call, something may have happened!"

Ye Yi looked at the anxious Tony, and quickly called Anna. The phone was connected. Before Ye Yi could speak, Anna spoke first, with a very anxious tone...

"Ye Yi, Miss Pepper is gone!"

Ye Yi was shocked: "What? Someone can snatch someone from under your nose??"

Anna was very embarrassed: "There was a woman who came to Tony. The one called Jarvis investigated her identity and found that there was no problem. Pepper received her, and then the two of them went out. I wanted to follow , but the two of them entered the women's room and said they had something important to discuss, so I waited outside..."

After a pause, Anna went on to say: "I was waiting outside until just now, when I asked a lady, she said that there was no one else in the toilet, then I went in and looked, and there was no Pepper and that woman, just now I wanted to call you, and you called..."

Ye Yi rubbed the center of his brows, his complexion was not very good: "Okay, I see, Anna, you can look around first, let me know if you have any news, I will also prepare here..."


After hanging up the phone, Ye Yi looked at the anxious Tony, frowned, and greeted Jarvis: "It is certain that this woman kidnapped Pepper."

On the projector, a head of a woman jumped out...

Maya Hanson...

(End of this chapter)

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