Marvel's Random Call

Chapter 57 Yo, long time no see?

Chapter 57 Yo, long time no see?

"Ding, congratulations to the host, for preventing the Chitauri from invading, and destroying Darkseid's clone, you can open the dc universe copy, get the number of random summons*1, get the number of times to open the Super Seminary copy*1, and get the copy of the god of death to open The number of times * 1, the number of times to get the copy of Journey to the West * 1, get the space gem * 1, get the mall point 30000, the current balance is 82765..."

The prompt from the system broke the silence of the universe, Ye Yi was in a daze twice, his eyes focused on the earth...

"System, is the earth so special? No matter in that world, there are so many disasters and disasters?"

Ye Yi asked the system, and also asked himself: "Can I protect her well?"

Raise your hands, embrace, as if embracing the earth...

"Ding, host, have you ever thought that in the original earth, there were so many people who made wishes, why only you came to this world?"

The mechanical voice of the system is surprisingly serious: "You have a special talent in you. You should be aware that you are a little lazy, but your strength keeps increasing. You think it is the promotion of the plot, but in fact, it is because you The Chosen One."

After a pause, the system continued: "As for whether you can protect it well, it depends on yourself. The future has changed. Now, no one can see the direction of the future clearly. All the right to choose lies with you." you…"

Ye Yi looked at his hands and held them tightly: "I'm afraid... I can't hold it..."

"How can a man say no?? Give you some confidence. If you get hit by a hatchet in the future, how about this system saving you?"

Ye Yi had a strange expression on his face: "What is a hatchet? Why am I being attacked by a hatchet?"

"Why do you ask so many questions? Why don't you go back? Are you going to spend your whole life in the universe????"

The tone of the system was a little annoyed, Ye Yi shrugged, and flew back to Earth...

As soon as he landed, Ye Yi looked at the heroes surrounding him, and was about to pretend to be aggressive, when his eyes suddenly went dark, and the last sentence he heard before losing consciousness was Anna's scream: "Ye Yi!!!!"



New York Central Hospital, VIP Ward
A pretty little nurse was wiping the body of a man lying on the hospital bed, feeling the smell emanating from the man, a special, very good smell, the little nurse was breathing a little fast, and her hands were shaking a little, the little nurse insisted After wiping the man, her body twitched, and that pretty little nurse, blushing, quickly returned to the dressing room...

The man, after the little nurse left, his fingers on his right hand trembled slightly, his eyelids trembled, and he wanted to open it. After a long time, he finally opened a gap...

The blazing white light caused the slightly opened eyes to be stimulated by the light, and they were tightly closed again, and the man's fingers stopped trembling...

After a long time, a blonde beauty pushed open the door, walked in, sat beside the man, put down the fruit she brought, looked at the pale face, and gently stroked...

There was a warm touch on his face, but from his hand, there was the feeling of dripping water, drop by drop, the man tried hard to control his body, in a daze, he seemed to hear something, but No matter how hard I try, I can't hear clearly...

Finally, the warm touch on his face disappeared, and the wetness on his hands was wiped clean. The sound of the door opening sounded. The man wanted to keep him, and exhausted all his strength, so he let his hand move a little...

There was a conversation outside the door, the voice was muffled, the man tried hard to hear what they said, but he could only hear two words clearly: "Ye Yi."

The man was thinking about who Ye Yi was, but his head ached violently, and after a weak scream from his body, he became silent...

The blond beauty pushed open the door, saw the sweating man, and hurriedly contacted the nurse.The nurse who had just changed her clothes came in response...

In a pitch-black space, the man walked on the only path, he didn't know where he needed to go, and he didn't know where this path led, so he just walked, walked...

After walking for an unknown amount of time, the man stopped, and four towering peaks appeared in front of his eyes. Four huge and thick chains hung down from the sky. Where the four chains were connected, there was a black spot looming...

The man walked for a long time, and finally he could see clearly. It turned out that the black spot was a person, his limbs were bound by iron chains, and he was hanging in the air...

The man walked up to the figure, looked at the somewhat familiar face, stretched out his hand involuntarily, and stroked the figure's face...

"Who are you? Who am I?"

The figure raised his head, looked at the somewhat dazed man, and showed a smile on his face: "You are here again, it seems that the situation is not good?"

The man sat down, raised his head, and looked at the figure: "Who am I? You seem to know me? Who are you?"

The figure smiled softly, and looked at the man with deep eyes: "Who am I? Ha, I am you!"

The man raised his head with a puzzled expression: "You are me, then who am I?"

The figure said every word, as if he wanted to engrave this sentence on the man: "I am you, and you are Ye Yi!!!"

The man looked at his hands in a daze: "I am... Ye Yi, Ye Yi? Ye Yi, Ye Yi, Ye Yi... Ah!"

The man held his head, and pictures appeared one after another: "Wake up a man sleeping with saliva, a blonde beauty, a dog who ran to him and acted like a baby, a man in a costume, a mustache with a lamp on his chest, sitting on a seat Above, a gentle smiling old man with bald head, wearing a helmet and a battle armor on his face, floating beside him is a metal old man, a young man with silver hair and earphones, a strong blond man, wearing a white feather, with a ponytail , a woman with a gentle smile on her face, and finally, a man with a tall and straight figure, wearing a black windbreaker and a peaked cap, who is particularly eye-catching is the pair of deep eyes..."

Pictures after pictures kept appearing in the man's mind. He let go of his hand, and the man raised his head: "Hey, long time no see, Ye Yi?"

(End of this chapter)

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