Marvel's Random Call

Chapter 363 Chapter 109: Breakfast!

Chapter 363 Chapter 109: Breakfast!
Unknowingly, the sky was getting dark, Ye Yi and Sol were not tired at all, they were still fighting in front of the game console, the two of them were superhuman compared to ordinary people, not to mention their stamina, the battle lasted for three days and three days Night is no problem either!

"time to eat!"

It's just that Sif didn't let the two of them fight like this, but asked Friday to order a few takeaways, and then interrupted the fierce battle between the two of them!
"Let me let you go this time!"

Ye Yi put down the handle and looked at Saul proudly: "Have you taken it now?"

"Just one game ahead of me, what are you proud of?"

Sol was full of dissatisfaction: "And you were about to lose just now, you are cheating!"

"It's time to eat!"

Ye Yili looked at Sol confidently: "So I'm distracted!"

"You're just making excuses!"

Sol threw down the handle, sat on the chair, and said angrily, "Wait until the meal is over, and see if I don't hit you!"

"It doesn't matter who's face is full of flowers!"

Ye Yi was too lazy to talk to Sol, and looked at Sif: "Is this the takeaway you ordered?"

"Of course."

A pure black necklace hung on Sif's fair neck, which looked very eye-catching: "I have been resting for a while, it seems that you have almost forgotten to eat and sleep!"

"No way, the battle situation is too anxious!"

Ye Yi shook his head: "Have you called Tony yet?"


Sif nodded: "He said that he would wait for the captain to come out to eat together, and at the same time asked Friday to send a copy to the laboratory!"

"Looks like Charles is doing well!"

Ye Yi nodded: "Otherwise he wouldn't let Friday deliver food!"


Thor interjected, "Is that the one you asked Heimdall to look for last time? Did you find it?"

"found it."

Ye Yi nodded: "But I'm not sure if it's Charles himself!"

"Why not sure?"

Sol looked at Ye Yi strangely: "The person Heimdall is looking for, can you find the wrong one?"

"I'm just being cautious."

Ye Yi was a little melancholy: "Now these group of Skrulls make me dare not kill at all, for fear of killing the wrong person!"


Saul nodded understandingly: "I can understand you, but can we start now? I'm hungry!"

"Eat it!"

Only then did Ye Yi realize that everyone hadn't started yet, and immediately greeted the two of them: "You don't have to wait for me, just start eating!"

"I want, too."

Sol glanced at the innocent Sif resentfully: "Sif must agree to that!"


Ye Yi made a haha: "Eat, eat!"

The meal time passed quickly, Ye Yi and Sol sat on the sofa with their chubby bellies, and didn't want to move, while Sif went to wash the dishes!

"Tell me, what is this Skrull man thinking?"

It's nothing to worry about, Ye Yi also began to think about the purpose of the Skrulls: "They first undercover in various civilizations, and when the time is right, what are they planning to overthrow the original civilization?"

"Such a big place, can they manage it?"

Ye Yi didn't understand what the Skrulls were doing: "Can their population support them to control so many civilizations?"

"do not know."

Thor didn't care about the thoughts and actions of the Skruul people at all: "I just want to know how many people we Asgardians can keep!"


Ye Yi also knew that for Sol, who was in trouble, what he missed most was his people
"Wait, it won't be long!"

Ye Yi looked at Sol and made his own promise: "When these Skrul are defeated, I will help you and save Asgard!"

"Ok, I know."

Sol looked at Ye Yi: "I believe in you!"

For a time, the whole conference room was full of passion
"From now on, let's be vigilant in different time periods!"

Ye Yi looked at the time, and it was time to go to bed: "Are you coming first or am I coming first?"

"You come first!"

Sol's voice was a little low: "I can't sleep!"


Ye Yi was not too polite, he went straight into the kitchen, put Sif in his arms and left, leaving Sol alone in the conference room with the lights on!

One night spring demeanor
At 7 o'clock in the morning, Ye Yi got up with a happy face, looked at the beauty next to him who was still sleeping on the bed, and her face was still flushed, and left the room!
The meeting room and the kitchen are not far apart, so you can see that Ye Yi is about to make a loving breakfast for Sif, but he sees Saul, who is still sitting still like he left yesterday.
"You didn't move all night, did you?"

Ye Yi looked at Sol and nodded, dumbfounded: "What the hell are you, why don't you take a break?"

"Not tired."

Sol stretched his waist, and his bones crackled: "You wake up, then I will go to rest."


Ye Yi stopped Sol: "Have breakfast and go back!"

"no need."

Sol waved his hand and returned to his room, while Ye Yi curled his lips and continued his actions!

After making four breakfasts, Ye Yi went back to his room and woke up the Sleeping Beauty. Of course, when he woke up, the story that happened, I won't go into details, I'll make it up by myself.
By the time the two of them got dressed and got up, it was already past eight o'clock, and it would be 08:30 soon. At this time, Tony and Rogers also got up and were eating breakfast on the table!

"I said, you guys are too self-conscious~"

Ye Yi squinted at the two of them: "Did I say this is for you?"

"I made four copies."

Tony squinted at Ye Yi: "I didn't give it to us, do you have guests coming in the morning?"


Ye Yi was stunned, originally he just wanted to be skinny, but he didn't expect to be beaten by General Tony~
"Okay, let's start eating!"

Rogers smoothed things over: "You wake up too late, breakfast is cold!"


Tony suddenly laughed at this time: "It's not too late! After all, the spring night is worth a thousand gold~"

"Hurry up and eat yours!"

Ye Yi laughed and scolded: "You can't stop your mouth even if you eat!"

"Of course!"

Tony was proud: "I'm Tony! The great Tony Stark!"


Ye Yi and Rogers told Tony to shut up: "If you still want to eat, shut up~"


Tony raised his hand, admitting defeat: "Eat, eat!"

"It's almost there!"

Ye Yi glanced at Tony, then fed Sif one bite at a time, and started throwing dog food wildly!

Looking at this scene, Tony felt a little sad: "I'm a bit like Pepper~"

"I kind of miss Natasha too"

Rogers and Tony looked at each other and sighed together!

(End of this chapter)

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