Marvel's Random Call

Chapter 36 Hulk! !

Chapter 36 Hulk! !
Bruce Banner, no, what appeared now was the invincible Hulk. Hulk got up from the pit and roared loudly! !

Ye Yi and Abomination's fists collided again, and the strong force knocked over everything around them. Hearing the roar from the other side of the street, Abomination added another force, and knocked Ye Yi who was surprised into the air. out...

Hate turned around and looked at the street on the other side with bright eyes: "Great."

With force under his feet, the hatred ran, and as it ran, the ground couldn't bear the strong force, every step of the hatred, the ground was trampled out of a hole...

Hulk also ran along, both of them swooped and punched out, Hulk was hit by the abomination, and was thrown out the moment he landed.

Hulk was thrown a huge distance. Hulk, who had just finished injecting the potion, was hit hard again, his body shook for a while, and he half-kneeled on the ground.

Hate slowly walked up to Hulk, and was about to speak, but was sent flying...

"You, are you pretending that I don't exist?"

Ye Yi looked at the hatred that was knocked into the air, and the anger in his heart burned violently!

Hulk placed the little one in front of him, and stretched out his hand to gently push Ye Yi away: "Get out of the way, little one, Hulk, I want to tear it apart!"

But Ye Yi's body was not pushed by Hulk, Ye Yi looked at the hand pushing him, and said helplessly to the big man in front of him: "Hulk, or Dr. It’s a great game, I’ll give it back to you when I’m satisfied.”

"Ahh! Damn bug, I'm going to crush you!!!"

The abomination pushed away the stone pressing on him, stood up and roared! !The sound wave blew away the surrounding objects, and Ye Yi covered his ears: "What are you yelling!! Have you brushed your teeth? It stinks!"

Ye Yi's figure disappeared from Hulk's side, appeared behind Abomination, and kicked Abomination away.

The body moved quickly, and before the hatred landed, Ye Yi punched the hatred again, and the hatred secretly accumulated power, and finally, when Ye Yi was about to deal with the hatred, the hatred caught the fleeting opportunity...

He punched Ye Yi in the chest and sent Ye Yi flying away. The hatred finally landed on the ground. Feeling the pain from all over his body, the hatred clenched his fists, knowing that if he didn't solve Ye Yi today, he couldn't be with Hao. Gram battle!

Ye Yi was knocked into the air, and the holy clothes in his right hand touched the ground, leaving traces of dozens of meters on the ground, and sparks shot out.

Ye Yi, who stopped, looked at the abomination, and his body suddenly became blurred.

Hate to strike with his right hand toward the front left, Ye Yi happened to appear from there, looking at the fist that appeared in front of him, Ye Yi crossed his hands and blocked some punches, but was blown into the air.

Laughing wildly with hatred, he punched Ye Yi into the air with one punch after another. The huge force passed through the holy clothes and continuously shook Ye Yi's internal organs...

With the use of vector control, Ye Yi's body stopped in the air, moved his body, and spit out the blood from his mouth. Looking at the hatred that kept roaring on the ground, Ye Yi rushed down.

Gravitational acceleration, Ye Yi's punch is the most destructive punch in this battle.

Abomination didn't dare to take the punch head-on, but it didn't completely dodge it. Ye Yi's fist hit the ground, and the ground with a radius of tens of meters flew up. The surrounding houses and vehicles collapsed and were destroyed. With Ye Yi as the midpoint, a huge tiankeng with a depth of about 5 meters is formed.

Abomination was sent flying by the violent impact, hit the dirt wall, and spat out blood. Although Ye Yi's punch did not hit Abomination, the violent impact also wounded Abomination.

Ye Yi looked around, and couldn't help but rejoice that all the people around him ran away, otherwise, many people would have died in this one.

There was a sound behind Ye Yi, and he turned around. Abomination was struggling to get up. Ye Yi looked at Aobo: "Why are you still standing up? Isn't it good to lie down?"

The abomination who was struggling to stand up, wiped the blood from his mouth, and spit out: "I endured all this pain just to get revenge on the Hulk, but you are stopping me! And Ross, I help him catch the Hulk, he But I helped Hulk attack me, you, Hulk, and Rose, you all will die!"

After roaring, Abomination rushed over again, Ye Yi's figure suddenly disappeared, Abomination stopped charging, looked around cautiously, sensing Ye Yi...

Ye Yi's figure appeared right in front of Abomination, and after a powerful punch, shining with golden light, he hit Abomination's body and sent Abomination flying. Ye Yi started his combo attack again...

When Hate was knocked into the air, he grabbed the ground with his hands. After several days of long scratches on the ground, just as he stopped his body, Ye Yi rushed up again, punching left, punching right...

With Ye Yi's attack, Abomination's resistance became weaker and weaker. After Ye Yi's heavy blow, Abomination finally passed out...

Seeing the hatred that grew bigger in front of him, Ye Yi turned around and walked towards Hulk...

"Ding, congratulations to the host for defeating the abomination, reward the mall with 1000 points, reward random summoning times * 1, and perfect Hulk transformation potion * 1."

A syringe appeared in Ye Yi's hand, and the bright green medicine was very gorgeous in the syringe.

"System, can this potion relieve Hulk's side effects?"

"Ding, host, it's fine, but it takes a fierce battle after the injection for the medicine to take effect as soon as possible."

"Oh? It just so happens that I haven't had enough beating yet."

Ye Yi walked up to Hulk and handed out the syringe: "This syringe can allow you to fuse together, and the two personalities can be perfectly integrated together. Are you willing?"

At this time, the helicopter hovered above Ye Yi and Hulk, and a choked female voice came: "Bruce, no!!!"

Betty Ross, Bruce Banner's girlfriend, heard what his girlfriend said, and Hulk inserted the syringe into the neck vein.

Looking at the Hulk in front of him, Ye Yi also became excited, and his fighting spirit soared: "Ma'am, I didn't mean to hurt Dr. Banner, what I just gave him was a fusion potion, so that Dr. Banner can perfectly fuse with Hulk." , Now, I want to help him, the fusion potion is ready, please stay away."

The body was floating, Ye Yi said to Hulk: "Let's go, big man, let's find a place where no one is around, let's have a fight!!"


Ye Yi's flying speed is very fast, and Hulk is not slow. Hulk's huge power gives Hulk a fast straight-line speed. The two of them, one flying, one jumping, gradually moved away from Broadway...

On a deserted beach, Ye Yi stopped, looked at Hulk who was leaving behind and jumped over, and grinned.

"Second round, start..."

(End of this chapter)

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