Marvel's Random Call

Chapter 345 Wedding and...

Chapter 345 Wedding and.
"This is."

Ronan looked at everything that suddenly recovered, and was stunned: "Wang, did you do this?"

"That's it."

Ye Yi hesitated for a moment, then admitted: "It's just that those who died can't come back."

"It's ok."

Ronan shook his head: "Wang, you have done well enough, don't blame yourself too much."

Ye Yi looked at the recovered Kerry, sitting on the tallest building with his legs dangling in the air: "Now that your supreme wisdom is gone, what are you going to do next?"

"We need your leadership."

Ronan knelt on the ground on one knee: "Without Supreme Intelligence, we need another leader to lead us!"

"I'm not suitable."

Ye Yi shook his head: "You can lead the Cree Empire, I think you can do it."


Ronan knelt on the ground without raising his head: "I'm just your guard."

"I'm just an ordinary earthling."

Ye Yi raised his head and looked at the starry sky: "Although I can't go back."


Ronan raised his head, his eyes were full of flames: "Let me take down the earth for you, so that you can go back."


Ye Yi suddenly turned around: "Although I can't go back, I am very happy to see the earth flourishing. I won't implicate the whole earth because of my own affairs, you know?"


Ronan surrendered and lowered his head again, while Ye Yi also stood up: "Bring me the decisive battle wine that has no side effects, I'm going to the wedding."


Ronan left here backwards, looking for the decisive battle wine for Ye Yi, and Ye Yi also walked into the house, and found a place to rest his eyes.
Asgard, Rainbow Bridge.

Although the time was not more than two days, Ye Yi suddenly felt like a dream. What happened yesterday made Ye Yi think that he had missed Sol's wedding.
"You're back?"

Heimdall welcomed Ye Yi with strange eyes: "Can you tell me what happened after you were hanged and beaten on Kerry Star?"

"You didn't see it?"

Ye Yi looked at Heimdall in a daze, "I was hanged and beaten!"

"I know you were hanged and beaten!"

Heimdall's already dark face became even darker now: "I mean, what happened after you were hanged and beaten, I couldn't see you at that time!"

"I don't know~"

Ye Yi is not going to share the matter of the scar with anyone, including Sif, because he is not sure whether the scar is good or bad. Although he helped him through the difficulties twice in a row, it is impossible for a person to be imprisoned for no reason Arise, and still imprisoned in his soul

Who is Heimdall?People in the Nine Realms could tell at a glance that Ye Yi had something to hide from him, but Heimdall didn't ask too many questions. He believed that Ye Yi would tell him what he thought he should know, and he didn't force it: "Sif immediately I'm coming back too, go back and make preparations!"

"Sif is coming back too?"

Ye Yi was stunned: "Why so fast?"

"Do you know who watched Sif grow up before?"

Heimdall knew at a glance that Ye Yi was stunned, shook his head, and pointed to the palace: "She grew up with the Queen of God, and the Queen of God has a very good relationship with the king of the elf kingdom, so Sif The trip went well."


Ye Yi spread his hands: "I belong to the unlucky type, right~"


Heimdall pushed Ye Yi with a smirk: "Being hanged and beaten in your own empire, you should be the only one in the universe!"


Ye Yi gave the middle finger, then left the Rainbow Bridge, went to the Temple of Harvest, and waited for Sif to come back.

after one day
"Are you back?"

Ye Yi was sleeping, but felt that there was another person beside him. When he opened his eyes, Sif smiled and sat beside him.


Seeing Ye Yi get up, Sif thoughtfully took a towel and handed it to Ye Yi: "I heard from Heimdall that your trip is not easy."


Ye Yi felt a headache when he thought about how many battles he had fought, and covered his face with a towel: "Continuous battles, I almost thought it had been a year."

"Thanks a lot."

Sif thoughtfully took the towel that Ye Yi had wiped his face, and put it aside: "When are we going to leave?"

"I'm not going."

Ye Yi shook his head: "Just help me, I don't know how to face him now."

"Nothing to be ashamed of."

Sif hugged Ye Yi's arm: "At first, nothing happened to Saul and I, and this time, he found true love, and let me see my heart clearly."


Ye Yi looked at the calm Sif with a complicated expression, sighed, and then said with a smile: "I'm a big man, I'm not as good as you, okay, then let's go the day before the wedding!"

"it is good!"

Sif nodded, and then, with a hard push, Ye Yi was pushed onto the bed by Sif in shock, and then...
Asgard, Rainbow Bridge
"Is it today?"

Ye Yi rubbed his eyes with dark circles, and looked at Heimdall blankly: "Is Saul's wedding in such a hurry?"

"The fixed date is tomorrow's wedding."

Heimdall looked at Ye Yi who had two big dark circles under his eyes, and suppressed his smile: "Didn't you say to go the day before the wedding?"


Ye Yi looked at Sif blankly: "Did I say that?"

"Of course!"

Sif looked fine on the surface, but under Heimdall's eyes, her cheeks were still a little reddish, looking at Ye Yi, who was full of dark circles, and was in a daze, thinking about the number of times he wanted Is it too much.

Ye Yi now feels that his body is so light that if he doesn't pay attention, he will fly up.
"Let's go!"

Sif hugged Ye Yi and walked into the Rainbow Bridge opened by Heimdall. When Ye Yi passed by Heimdall, he heard Heimdall's whisper: "Ye Yi, you have to pay attention to your body, after all Sif is a god, you can't take it if you fight him hard!"


Ye Yi looked back in a daze, but saw Heimdall looking seriously into the distance, and after hearing Heimdall's words, Sif, whose face turned into a red apple, pulled into the Rainbow Bridge!

Heimdall recalled the bewildered Ye Yi, and sighed: "Brother, don't die on a woman's belly."

Earth, Stark Tower.

Wearing a steel armor, Stark raised his glass in the meeting room that has been turned into a bar: "Let's cheer for Sol's upcoming break from being single!"


Captain America, Hawkeye, Colonel Rhodes, Banner, Black Widow, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, Charles, and Magneto sitting below all raised their glasses to celebrate Sol!

"For about to step into the grave of love."

Stark cameo as the abbot, raised his glass and winked at Saul: "What do you think?"

"I can finally say that I am not single!"

Sol held the cup and laughed heartily: "Actually, I really want to ask, you and Pepper, how long are you going to delay?"


Captain America raised his wine glass, facing Stark, who was suddenly generalized: "This has been dragging on for several years, are you still going to drag it on?"

"Now we're celebrating Saul!"

Stark immediately changed the subject: "Don't bring the topic to me! There is only one protagonist today, and that is Sol!"


Seeing Stark's embarrassing change of subject, everyone laughed, and the whole bar was filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

"It seems that I missed something?"

The door of the bar opened suddenly, and everyone who was laughing heartily looked at the door that was opened suddenly, and then...
"Ye Yi!!!"*N
Although the voices of several people are not very loud, they can still break the eardrums of ordinary people together, right?
"So why are you so surprised?"

Ye Yi picked his ears: "Let me introduce, my wife, Sif!"


Everyone greeted Sif one after another, but Stark secretly came to Sol, mysteriously: "This is from Asgard, right?"


Sol nodded, his face full of relief: "Sif finally saw it and found his true love!"

"I remember she didn't like you before?"

Stark's face was full of gossip: "Could it be that you have empathized so quickly?"

"Why do you say that?"

Sol's face suddenly changed: "I have never had any connection with her beyond friends, and since she met Ye Yi, she has actually changed."


Stark nodded, then walked towards Ye Yi: "Are you finally back?"

"I haven't been away for long, have I?"

Ye Yi hugged Stark: "Are you reconciled?"

"Just because of Saul's wedding."

Stark shook his head: "That's why the government turned a blind eye and closed one eye."

"I also want to say, if they don't open their eyes, I will transfer a warship, and we will hold the wedding there."

Ye Yi had already guessed about the government's actions. Not to mention anything else, he used Sol's identity to give them a little courage in the United States. They didn't dare to disturb Sol's wedding. event!
"Well, how many days are you going to stay this time?"

Stark turned around and took two glasses of wine, and handed them to Ye Yi and Sif: "After you left, many things happened on Earth."

"Earth is enough with you!"

Ye Yi took the wine glass and drank it down: "There is no difference between me and me now."

"Don't say that, Ye Yi."

Charles pushed the wheelchair and walked over: "It's all because of you that we can get together."


Eric also came over, holding a glass of wine: "If it weren't for you, we wouldn't be able to get together."

"I'm not as good as you say~"

Ye Yi scratched his head: "We're just friends, we need to get to know each other and support each other."


Here Ye Yi was talking to Stark and the others, while Thor looked at Sif on the other side: "Are you okay?"


Sif nodded calmly: "Congratulations, this is a gift from Ye Yi and me."

"Thank you."

Sol suddenly felt awkward: "By the way, do you want to go to the side, Jane and her sisters are there."

"No, I'm afraid it will be embarrassing if I go."

Sif shook her head and looked at Sol: "I wish you happiness."

"Well, thank you."

Saul didn't know what to say, so he could only nod.

"Drink, let's drink together, get up!"

Seeing that the atmosphere suddenly became dull, Stark jumped directly onto the table, snapped his fingers, and the explosive music sounded, and Stark also started to jump up at the same time!
"Come on!"

With this dynamic music, everyone started to let go and jumped up, of course, except Charles.
The next day, under the Alps.
"We declare now that Mr. Saul Odinson, and Miss Jane Foster, are married."

At the wedding of the priest and the abbot, who starred as a guest star, Saul in formal attire stood face to face with Jane in white sand, listening to Stark's declaration of love, just when Stark was about to say that he was married At that moment, the earth suddenly began to tremble!

"What? Be careful!"

Sol is the Norse god of war, Thor, the god of thunder. This small shock is nothing, but Jane is just an ordinary woman. Under this shock, she almost fell, and the most important thing is that they are at this moment. Under the Alps, and on the Alps, there is snow all year round!


Seeing the sudden movement of snow and forming a massive avalanche, Stark called out: "Everyone, protect yourselves!"

"Relax, it's the little things."

Ye Yi stood up, and the Reality Gem appeared in his hands: "I use the kinetic energy of the avalanche in exchange for the power to stop the avalanche!"

Following Ye Yi's words, the avalanche dissipated in an instant and returned to calm, but although the avalanche stopped, the shaking of the ground continued!


God King Odin suddenly appeared in front of everyone, which made everyone unexpected!

Sol looked at the old Odin, pulled Jane to Odin's side, and knelt down on one knee: "Why are you here?"

"I'm here just to see you for the last time."

Odin looked at Thor lovingly with the only remaining eye: "I'm leaving."

"Where are you going?"

Sol raised his head and looked at Odin with concern: "Do you want us to accompany you?"


Odin's body at this time has begun to emit white light, and Sol looked at the white light, and his face changed greatly: "Father, you!"

"Your sister, Hela."

Odin looked in the direction of Norway: "She has gathered enough strength at this time to break through the seal!"


Sol looked at Odin in disbelief: "Impossible, that seal is not!"

At this moment, Thor understood why he had been good to Odin when he came out, and why he wanted God to die all of a sudden.
"The turbulence of the earth is when she is breaking through the seal, and the seal is broken."

Odin handed the spear in his hand to Sol, and half of his body had dissipated: "It's time for me to leave."

"No, father!"

The shaking of the earth stopped, and Odin also disappeared, leaving only Sol, whose eyes were blurred with tears, kneeling on the ground holding the eternal spear Gunnell!

(End of this chapter)

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