Marvel's Random Call

Chapter 321 Nemesis?

Chapter 321 Nemesis?

"this gem"

Regardless of the coma, Ye Yi has become the supreme emperor of ordinary people. Feeling this gemstone that has the same feeling as the four infinite gemstones in his body, Ye Yi is full of doubts: "Is this also an infinite gemstone?"

Thinking in his mind, he subconsciously wanted the Devourer Gem, and just as soon as he touched it, he never thought that a golden light would suddenly shoot out from Baoshangshi, covering Ye Yi!
"This is?"

Ye Yi felt that he was suddenly taken to a certain space. This feeling was very familiar, as if he wanted to ride the Rainbow Bridge!But it's not Rainbow Bridge either!
When this feeling faded away, a purple-skinned woman wearing a crown suddenly appeared in front of Ye Yi. There were seven grooves on the crown, and five gemstones had been inlaid on it!

"Who are you?"

Ye Yi was very familiar with the gemstones on the crown, they were the four infinity gemstones in his body plus the golden gemstone just now!
"I am Nemesis!"

Nemesis's voice was flat: "The true owner of the Infinity Stone!"

"Nemesis? The true owner of the Infinity Stone?"

Ye Yi repeated the words of Nemesis, but he was still puzzled: "Then why are the Infinity Stones not in your hands, but scattered all over the universe?"

"Because I am the Infinity Stone!"

Nemesis then introduced herself: "I am older than the universe, I existed before the universe was born, and I am in control of incomparable power, but the long-term loneliness has made me tired of my infinite life, so I put myself Turned into seven gems and scattered all over the universe, I will wake up only when I find the self-stone that contains the soul!"

Ye Yi was shocked by the words of the Nemesis: "You mean, you split yourself into seven gems, and you will only be resurrected if you find the gem that contains your soul? This golden gem is the so-called self-stone." ?”

"That's right!"

The Goddess of Nemesis glanced at Ye Yi indifferently. Under her gaze, Ye Yi felt like an ant, who could be wiped off at will!
"As a reward for waking me up, I allow you to serve as my envoy to conquer the entire universe for me!"

What Nemesis said in her mouth was to let Ye Yi be his cannon fodder. Whoever wants this kind of reward will want it!
"Sorry, not interested!"

Ye Yi felt that although he had lost four infinity gems, his body was still full of 400 strands of hair-thick black energy, and decided not to listen to her, but it was better not to fight, Ye Yi decided to show courtesy before fighting: "Since I resurrected you, then let me go!"

"Do you know what will happen to those who did not obey my order before?"

The Goddess of Nemesis finally looked at Ye Yi squarely: "You will be exiled to the end of the universe by me, and you will suffer forever!"

"That's really sorry!"

Ye Yi drew 390 roots of black energy, and waited for the battle: "But I'm not going to listen to you, if you insist on forcing me, I'll die!"

"The fish died and the net broke?"

The Goddess of Nemesis suddenly smiled: "Do you think you are qualified to fight me to the death?"

"Maybe I don't~"

All 390 black energies in Ye Yi's body were drawn out, and the emptiness in his body made Ye Yi very uncomfortable, but looking at the different gate in the distance, Ye Yi was full of confidence!

"Is this your barrier?"

The energy fluctuations that even people on the earth can feel, Goddess of Nemesis felt it right away, her eyes fixed on the gradually opened door, her expression became a little solemn: "It seems that I underestimated you, I didn't expect that you have something in your body. His energy is so miraculous, it can break through dimensions!"

"So just let me go, how good?"

Ye Yi looked at the bright golden gate that had never appeared before, and his heart was full of anticipation!

"I can kill you before that thing is opened!"

The goddess of nemesis straightened her face, aimed at Ye Yi with both hands, and folded her palms together!

Ye Yi watched the movement of Nemesis, and just wanted to avoid it, but found that the surrounding space and time had been locked. At this time, Ye Yi was like a turtle in a urn!

As the voice of Nemesis fell, Ye Yi felt that the time and space around him were being squeezed towards him, and his whole body had begun to blur, which was a sign of being exiled!

At this time, the door has been fully opened, a


With an old male voice, time and space stopped moving, Ye Yi finally broke free, and looked in the direction of the gate for the first time!
It was an old man floating in the air with a big clock on his back!

"who are you?"

This sentence was not asked by Ye Yi, but by Nemesis!

"I am Zilean, the Keeper of Time."

Kieran carried a big clock on his back and floated beside Ye Yi: "I have seen your past, present, and future, you can't win."

"Time is of no use to me!"

Nemesis was originally wary of the old guy in front of her, but when she heard Kieran's self-report, she immediately felt relieved: "I have transcended time, and I am the only one in the universe!"

"That's just your world's time."

Kieran shook his head, pointed casually, and the big clock behind him began to reverse continuously. The Nemesis suddenly felt the change of time and space, and split into five gems again in a blink of an eye, floating in the air!
"I have restored her to the state before the coincidence."

With a casual move, Kieran sent the five gems to Ye Yi: "Keep them carefully, I can feel the great power contained in these gems, but it is far less than the black energy in your body, which is the energy of all worlds in high places , must not put the cart before the horse!"

"Thank you, Kieran!"

The black energy in Ye Yi's body reversed, and he swallowed the five gems in his body again. This time, the golden self-stone was strictly guarded by Ye Yi, and it was stored separately from the other four gems!

"Okay, I should go too!"

Kieran just picked it up and it didn't look like anything, but any power related to time consumes an unusually large amount. At this moment, Kieran's body has already started to turn into spots of light!

"Do you want to walk here again?"

Ye Yi looked at Kieran and invited him to sit in this world, but Kieran refused: "My world is plagued by ultimate fear, I need to go back and fight against him, so I can't stay in this world, by the way !"

Kieran reached out and pressed Ye Yi's body, and the big clock behind him also started to rotate, turning left once, then turning right once, and finally fixed on the current time!

"I put a spell on you, the effect is..."

Before Kieran finished speaking, it had completely dissipated, and Ye Yi only heard the first few words, but he didn't know the most critical magic effect behind it.
"Thank you."

Although he didn't know the effect of the spell, Ye Yi believed that Kieran would not harm him: "I hope you can successfully fight against the ultimate fear!"

(End of this chapter)

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