Marvel's Random Call

Chapter 284 Level 31: He is my younger brother!

Chapter 284 Level 31: He is my younger brother!
"It's not over yet!"

Ye Yi's voice came from the ground, and at the same time, the earth trembled!


Ebony Throat turned his head, and the squid could actually see the shock on his face, looking at Ye Yi who broke out of the ground: "How is it possible, you!"

"Cracking and crooked!"

At this moment, Ye Yi was afraid. Ebony Throat's attack just now buried Ye Yi in the lava. Although the heat of the lava couldn't hurt Ye Yi, but without air, Ye Yi almost suffocated!
Ye Yi looked at the shocked Ebony Throat, extracted 20 strands of black energy in his body, and formed a gate in the void!

With the formation of the gate, Ebony Maw also shifted his gaze to the direction of the gate: "What did you do?"

"do not know."

Ye Yi shook his head, after all he really didn't know what could appear from the door.This is the first time Ye Yi saw the gate appearing in the sky.
"You must have done it!"

Ebony Throat suddenly felt uneasy, but it was almost late now, the gate in the sky had already opened!
"If I am the swarm, I am the Queen of Blades!"

A woman with bony wings on her back stepped out, and an invisible spiritual storm swept across New York in an instant!


The Queen of Blades' cold face turned to Ye Yi: "What do I need to do?"

"My Lady Queen!"

Ye Yi saluted this woman exuding endless majesty: "Can you expel these locust-like aliens from the earth!"


There was a hint of nostalgia in the Queen of Blades' voice: "No problem, but there may be some small tails left, no problem?"

"no problem!"

Ye Yi nodded. Seeing Ye Yi nod, the Queen of Blades stretched out her hand, and an invisible spiritual storm swept across New York. The Ebony Throat in front of Ye Yi didn't even say a word, and was directly caught by the terrifying mental storm with fear on his face. Torn apart, at the same time, the entire Chitauri in New York was also torn apart by this spiritual storm. In the eyes of others, the raging Chitauri seemed to be erased by something, and suddenly disappeared in the into the sky!

With a sigh, the Queen of Blades in front of Ye Yi also disappeared. Just now, not only the black energy that Ye Yi provided her was consumed, but also the energy in her own body was also consumed. It will cause such a terrible result!


Ye Yi sighed, looking at the device in front of him that was still maintaining the space portal, a black light flashed, and the machine was directly divided into two halves!

"Ye Yi!"

A voice full of hatred came, and Ye Yi turned his head to look, Loki was rushing over with the Black Death Star, but it was too late, the huge space gate in the sky was gradually disappearing!
Picking up the Cosmic Rubik's Cube that fell on the ground, feeling the abundant energy, Ye Yi narrowed his eyes in enjoyment. The consumed black energy in his body is rapidly recovering and growing!

"You killed Ebony Maw just now?"

Loki's eyes were red: "Do you think you saved the earth? No! You will only drag the Nine Realms into war!"

"Looks like you're sad?"

Ye Yi looked at the red-eyed Loki, and put the Cosmic Rubik's Cube into his arms: "But have you forgotten that you brought these people in!"

"It does not matter!"

Loki pointed at Ye Yi, and shouted at the Black Death Star: "Kill him, General Black Death Star!"


Black Death Star held up his huge ax and slashed towards Ye Yi. A black light flashed in Ye Yi's hand, and Black Death Star's ax was split into two halves!


The Black Death Star looked at the ax that was divided into two halves in his hand, roared and rushed towards Ye Yi, Ye Yi was not to be outdone, and rushed towards the Black Death Star that was like a tank!
"Back back!"

When the portal in the sky was about to be completely closed, a domineering voice suddenly came from inside the door. Hearing this voice, the Black Death Star and Loki stopped. The Black Death Star left New York immediately, and Loki gasped. Looking at Ye Yi gruffly, he finally wanted to leave
"I said, can you leave?"

Ye Yi didn't stop the Black Death Star, but Loki, who was the culprit, wanted to leave, so he had to ask Ye Yi if he agreed with the black long sword in his hand
"Why, you still want to stop me?"

Loki seemed confident: "Do you know who was talking just now?"

"Not you."

Ye Yi's cold words made Loki's face darken immediately
"He is Thanos, Thanos known as the Mad Titan!"

Loki's voice was full of fear and longing: "He is powerful, and his name is circulating throughout the universe!"

"What does it have to do with me!"

Ye Yi looked at Luo Ji coldly: "I only know that this battle was brought about by you, and you are the culprit!"


Loki looked crazy: "Don't you just want to be ruled?"


The black long sword in Ye Yi's hand pressed on Loki's body: "Maybe some people are like this, but all human beings yearn for freedom and don't want anyone on their heads!"

"Hahaha! Freedom?"

Loki laughed loudly: "What a hypocritical word!"

"You can shut up, Loki!"

Ye Yi turned the black long sword in his hand into a rope, tied Loki, and then Ye Yi directly lifted him up: "Come with me to the trial!"

The sky suddenly thundered, and upon hearing the thunder, Loki's body suddenly trembled!
"Why, are you afraid of thunder?"

Ye Yi lifted Loki and felt his trembling: "Where is your brother or Thor?"

"That's why I don't like thunder!"

Loki's face returned to calm: "If you want to leave, take me away quickly! I don't want to see him!"

"What do you mean, Saul is here?"

When Ye Yi heard Loki's words, he immediately understood that this is the prince of Asgard, Thor is here!

Before Ye Yi finished speaking, Sol's roar came from a distance. Accompanied by thunder and lightning, Sol came to Ye Yi, and saw Loki who was being carried like a chicken, and he was panting heavily.
Looking at the two people hugging each other tightly, Ye Yi felt very speechless.
"Sol, Loki still needs to accept our trial, you can hug him!"

Ye Yi looked at the time, and was about to separate the two of them!


Sol turned his head and looked at Ye Yi: "You have no right to judge him, he is an Asgardian!"

"That means, you Asgard are going to be responsible for this war?"

Ye Yi squinted and looked at Sol: "You have to know, he is the chief culprit of this war!"

"I know!"

Sol's voice was low: "But he is my brother!"

(End of this chapter)

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